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Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 9:07 pm
by Reverdin
I would like to canvas opinions regarding the following aurinia photos, and whether they would be seen as glaciegenita or debilis or both! I would appreciate thoughts on it's status, and whether species/ subspecies favoured by our peers?
1) aurinia Haute Savoie
1) aurinia Haute Savoie
2) aurinia Haute Savoie
2) aurinia Haute Savoie
3) aurinia Simplonpass
3) aurinia Simplonpass
4) aurinia Nr Zermatt
4) aurinia Nr Zermatt
5) aurinia Albula Pass
5) aurinia Albula Pass

Re: glaciegenita

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 9:38 pm
by Padfield
I'd love to help, Paul, but I have no idea what the current orthodoxy is on this. All your pictures fit into the category I call, for convenience, 'debilis', but I am aware this is probably not even a valid name. Glaciegenita is a valid name - but whether it is species or subspecies or even cladal at all are things I don't know at the moment. I hope someone replies citing an authoritative paper so I can get my own taxonomy straight!


Re: glaciegenita

Posted: Tue May 26, 2015 2:26 pm
by Pieter Vantieghem
As far as I know 'debilis' is the taxon flying in the Pyrenees and 'glaciegenita' is flying in the Alps, however, me to would like to see more literature solving this problem.

Re: glaciegenita

Posted: Sat May 30, 2015 9:48 pm
by Reverdin
thank you Pieter for that further input... I guess as mine are all Alpine, I maybe ought to label them ssp gaciegenita, but seems it would be a good PhD project for someone!!