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How far do meadow browns roam

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 11:28 am
by Simon C
I've been seeing a very distinctive meadow brown for the last couple of weeks in my local patch - it has largish white regions on both upper and lower sides of its hind wings - see the photos below for the appearance with wings closed. I've only got a grainy picture of it with its wings open, so I'll spare you it.

What I find surprising is that whenever I've seen it it has been within 10 meters of the spot I first saw it - and this is over a period of two weeks. Normally, I can't tell one meadow brown from another, and where there is one there are usually lots, so it is not possible to recognise individuals. Maybe because of this I don't associate them with a territory, but this one has got me wondering. Does anyone know anything about how far they roam?

Simon C

Image Image

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 7:54 pm
by Dormouse
Hi Simon,

Here's a quote from my book by Jeremy Thomas:

"By and large, the Meadow Brown is a sedentary insect, which strays from its breeding sites only when these are disturbed or are of poor quality."

Hope that helps.


Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 12:57 am
by eccles
Interesting. I've never much thought about that aspect either as meadow browns are rather timid and never really appear to be territorial. They just go and hide in long grass when threatened.

I wonder if that snap merits an entry in the UKB abberations gallery?

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 6:06 am
by Pete Eeles
Yes it does!

Simon - could you please send me high-res images to go along with your Silver-washed Frit photo?

Thanks again!


- Pete