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Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 10:47 am
by Chris_A
When I visited Lankham Bottom on Saturday I noticed that a good percentage of the butterflies had parasites on them.

Like these.


I'm wondering what these parasites are, and why there may be a higher percentage of this in one area to the next ?

Re: Parasites

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 2:19 pm
by Pete Eeles
Take a look at the "parasites" section here: ... rflies.htm


- Pete

Re: Parasites

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 3:23 pm
by Padfield
They are particularly common on some groups. Blues often get them but Erebia species are the most common hosts in my region. The one E. flavofasciata I managed to get a photo of this year was a carrier:


They do no harm, apparently.

This is probably the place to post a picture I took today, of a spotted fritillary caterpillar:


In this case, the caterpillar is dead and empty - when I knocked the plant it shook like a limp, empty Christmas stocking. The wasp larvae had lived inside it until it was ready to pupate, then killed it and emerged to pupate themselves, as described by Adrian on that same page.


Re: Parasites

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 2:34 pm
by Chris_A
Thanks for the information, Pete. That link was a great explanation. Also interesting to read about the foriegn parasites that have the ability to only make one ear deaf when there are bats about.

I guess the area must just be ,more prone to them than elsewhere.

Guy - Thanks for your extra info. Had noticed the blues had them. Looks like identical type of pest.

Not spotted any infected caterpillars, let alone photographed them yet. Good shot of the carcass.