allotment gardening

Discussion forum for butterfly foodplants, and butterfly gardening in general.
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allotment gardening

Post by bogtrotter »

hello all i am new to this site.i have an allotment-two really-of 600 sq varies in habitat as much as i dare within the bounds of my tenancy aggrement.which must be cultivated at all i grow a variety of flowers and vegetables that i hope will attract various species of butterfly.i do have a boundry hedge of gorse and hawthorn that is in total 20 yds +.
during the last 5 years i have concentrated on providing, as many as is possible,flowering plants that i hope will attract butterflies and other insects bees plants for a certain species can be hard to provide due to soil conditions ph levels etc.i'm sure most gardeners like to see butterflies and bees in the garden,they do work hand in hand.i have noticed during the last two years the dramatic decline in the "small white" and to a certain extent the "large white" as well.furthermore,the overall picture on my allotment has been a slow decline in the number of species and their numbers that have visited it.i would like to know if any one has noticed this downward decline also.regards bogtrotter.........
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Charles Nicol
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Re: allotment gardening

Post by Charles Nicol »

hi bogtrotter...i do not have an allotment but have helped at my friends' from time to time. The whites are traditionally associated with cabbages & similar vegetables. Do you grow those ?

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