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New Moth Forum: MothTalk

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 4:06 pm
by MikeWall
Hi all,

I've been running the Hantsmoths website for the past few years and have been thinking about setting up an online community to complement it for a while now. I've now taken the plunge and set up the Hantsmoths MothTalk forum, which is aimed at moth-ers not just in Hampshire but from across the country to request identification help, provide advice, or talk about anything. I want it to be a site run for the members, so I am always open to listening to ideas for what members want from such a forum.

It's in its early stages - being only a week old and there's not much to talk about at the moment! - but please feel free to look in and even better register and post .

Please visit:

Thanks to Pete for allowing me to punt this on his site - I know some butterflyists have seen the light and come over to the dark side :wink: Pete's help was invaluable in getting the thing off the ground and hopefully it will prove as useful and friendly as this one obviously is.

Mike Wall
County Micro-lepidoptera Recorder, Hampshire (VCs 10,11,12)

Re: New Moth Forum: MothTalk

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 9:39 pm
by Trev Sawyer
Thanks Mike,
Good luck with the site - I've added it to my bookmarks. I actually saw my first moth of the year one lunchtime last week!.. I almost trod on a small moth with vestigial square-ended grey wings and a sharply-pointed body which was crawling across a snowy path in the centre of Cambridge. Presumably this was a female Early Moth? Whatever she was, it was surely madness for her to be out and about in those temperatures. A male would have to have been very keen to be flying "below zero" :shock:
