Farmers and Hedgerows

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Farmers and Hedgerows

Post by jellyang »

This morning I went for my normal dog walk down a disused country lane in my village.
To my horror I discovered that the farmer and or council has completely hacked the hedgerow down. This has not just had a trim & tidy but has been razored to half an inch from the ground. There really was no need for such drastic action. The lane is only used by cyclists & dog walkers and was not that overgrown.
I almost cried thinking of all the butterflies, ladybirds and different spieces of insects that habitated this area. Thats without the birds, snakes rodents etc.
One of the local farmers seem to have an obsession with shooting rabbits so I suspect he may be the culprit.
I have spoken to the parish council who have suggested I speak to the local highways dept of the council.
I know sometimes brambles & wild growth can benefit from a trim but this was totally unnecessary.

I am on the case with the council tomorrow. I only hope that it hasn't damaged too many of next years prospects for the local insect and wildlife.

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Post by Padfield »

This is tragic news but I fear not that uncommon since the rules of the game were changed (some time ago) so farmers were only paid for land actually under the plough, rather than allowing for a margin. I can't remember the details of the legislation but it is worth checking up what the present arrangements are.

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