Aston rowant, Yoesden bank & Holmefield wood - 9th Augus

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nick patel
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Aston rowant, Yoesden bank & Holmefield wood - 9th Augus

Post by nick patel »

On the 9th of August i was down in Marlow, so i visited the three places in the title.
At Aston rowant, butterflies and Wildflowers were everywhere, more then i'd ever seen before, and i got lots of great pics.

There were lots of SSS's on the wing, and one very un-shy individual, giving me the shots below. (even though on the 1st pic you cannot see the underwing clearly - it was a Silver-spotted skipper)


There were lots of Chalkhill blues, c2 Marbled white, c2 Brown argus, Small skippers, Large skippers, and another skipper, not sure if it is Essex or Small, here is a record shot of it, (it was a bit brighter then a Small skipper) any ideas?, and a picture of Chalkhill blue.


Also at Aston rowant, lots of Chiltern gentian were flowering (lover them), a Muntjac deer was about, and 10's of Green woodpeckers were patrolling the area.

Next was Yoesden bank: Didn't see any Adonis blues, probably too early, or it could've been a bad year for them? But lots of Chalkhill blues on the wing, a few Silver spotted skippers (didn't know they were there), some Brown argus, Common & Holly blues.



There was Brimstones at Aston rowant & Yoesden bank. There was also Chiltern gentians at Yoesden bank.

Holmefield wood, near Marlow, didn't show much of what i was looking for, but it was productive none the less. There were very faded Silver-washed fritillaries, Small and Large skippers, 1 Fresh Painted lady. There was also 3+ Hornet wasps - massive! and slightly intimidating. Southern, Migrant, Common and Brown hawkers were everywhere. 2 Hobbies sored overhead and there was a Spotted flycatcher.

At Aston rowant, i believe to have found a pretty rare plant amongst Common rock rose flowers, it was a White Rock rose/ Helianthemum apenninum (see pic), i think they are only found in Ireland and a few places in Gloucester shire, and nearby. Any comments?


Well these were my sightings.
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Post by m_galathea »

Good report Nick. I think White Rock Rose is only recorded from Somerset and Berry Head in Devon. Your picture does look like this species but it is more likely to be a 'white form' of the Common Rock Rose. If you've got a picture of the leaves I could have a go at telling you which it is...
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