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Re: June 2012

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 5:46 pm
by Jack Harrison
Roydon Common (woods TF697227) NW Norfolk 28th June - at last some butterflies. Circa 10 Large Skippers.

Back home nearby, one Holly Blue in garden adjacent to woods (Ling Common).

Tomorrow, trying Foxley Wood and Kelling Heath


Re: June 2012

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 7:35 pm
by Ian Pratt
Out this morning with the dog on Brading Down IOW and saw my first marbled white of the year plus several small heaths and meadow browns.
Also, one red admiral, one speckled wood and one large skipper. All in all one of my best days for butterflies this summer!!!! :shock:

Re: June 2012 - Jack nothing @ Kelling today

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 7:48 pm
by EricY
Had planned a trip doen the coast today for the Sacred Ibis on Popes marsh (showing well from road but no parking!) & Kelling heath, very windy there & despite diligent searching found no butterflies at all, just the usual Stonechats & Linnets. decided to go inland a bit for the afternoon to Pensthorpe. just one common blue & one battered Red Admiral. Plenty of damselflies in meadows & Wensun river. Managed a Banded Demoisel mating wheel. Eric
Mating whell Banded demoisel
Mating whell Banded demoisel

Re: June 2012

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 8:52 pm
by a_j_steele
Today at Thursley Common had 6 Silver-studded blue all male, 1 Common Blue and 1 Specked and Green Hairstreak and comma on the Hard shoulder of the M3 on the way home which turned a 50 minute journey into a 4 hour journey

Re: June 2012

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 1:29 am
by Jack Harrison
Large Skipper - male sex brand.

I understand that the sex brand on the forewing emits pheromones to attract the female

Scientific article here:

The brand (to the naked eye seemingly just a line) of a Large Skipper is much more intricate than might be imagined. Here is a close up>
2012-06-28-389-LargeSkipper.jpg (144.04 KiB) Viewed 1028 times

Re: June 2012

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 1:18 pm
by Hoggers
I saw five very fresh Red Admirals at Hamstreet Woods this morning. At Orlestone Forest I saw three Ringlets and four White Admirals in blustery conditions

Re: June 2012

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 2:48 pm
by Mildheart
About 10 Silver-studded Blues at Dawney's Hill yesterday evening, including one female, in just about the worst possible photography conditions (hot, sunny and very windy). Several of the males were already surprisingly tatty.

Re: June 2012

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 4:18 pm
by adrian riley
News from Norfolk
Hi, Gang. No sign yet of any White-letter Hairsteak at Cuckoo Lodge but a male Silver-studded Blue blew accross Kelling Heath on 27th June.
Good hunting, Adrian. See for latest national news.

Re: June 2012

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 5:13 pm
by Neil Hulme
He's out! Ken Willmott saw a single Purple Emperor at Bookham Common early this afternoon. The Silly Season has begun.

Re: June 2012

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 6:29 pm
by MikeOxon
I think protocol demands that you refer to him as 'His Imperial Majesty' not 'He' :shock:


Re: June 2012

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 6:51 pm
by Jack Harrison
29th June North Norfolk – warm and intermittent sun.

Foxley Wood – total blank. Nothing at all.
Beeston Common (Sheringham) – one Meadow Brown and one Speckled Wood.
(Although nearby woods, two Red Admirals reported).

Highlight of day. A 149 near Dersingham – one Red Kite.


Re: June 2012

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 8:11 pm
by Debbie
Today despite the high winds off went for a walk up at Prees Heath and was rewarded by some sunny spells and the wind blowing more gently. I saw a few small heaths and the silver studded blues below.

Debbie :)

Re: June 2012

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 8:41 pm
by Philzoid
The silver studs show really well on that pair Debbie :) . Thanks also for a timely reminder that I need to pay a visit to Chobham Common soon.


Re: June 2012

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 9:33 pm
by Neil Freeman
Hi Debbie,

Nice SSB shots.

Are there many out at Prees Heath yet? I am planning on taking a drive up there soon if I can see a window in the weather.

Neil F.

Re: June 2012

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 6:43 am
by David M
No Purple Emperors yet then?

Re: June 2012

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 8:04 am
by dilettante
David M wrote:No Purple Emperors yet then?
There have been reports from Surrey and Sussex in the last couple of days.

Re: June 2012

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 8:51 am
by Debbie
Thanks for your kind comments Neil & Phil. :) It was stunning to see the difference in the colours of the male and female and to see the silver studs glistening. It was about tea time that I got to prees heath and with it being very windy I was surprised to see any. I only saw 1 girl, but i saw about 2 dozen blues most of them holding on tight to plants with closed wings. Each visit I make sees the numbers increase.

Neil, E Midlands butterfly conservation group have a trip to prees heath for 11 am and Whixall moss for 2 pm today and a butterfly walk is arranged by Shropshire for the following weekend on the sunday afternoon. Please check out their web sites for confirmation if anybody is interested.

The weather here is sunny spells at the moment in Shropshire and temp around 18 degrees today.


Re: June 2012

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 10:32 am
by Neil Freeman
Thanks for the info Debbie.

I will not be able to make it this weekend.
Both myself and my son Chris (Gothic_dreams) have a day off work this Wednesday and current plan is to to drive up and visit both Prees Heath and Whixall Moss whilst we are up there.

Weather is looking sun and showers for most of next week so fingers crossed.


Neil F.

Re: June 2012

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 3:49 pm
by Debbie
Hi Neil,

Good move not going up today - hubby went and he only got the showers :( This may explain why he did not find any of the EMBC at Whixall Moss, so he called in at Prees Heath on the way back and as soon as he arrived the heavens opened again. So he gave up and come home, it has been dry here all day :?

Hope you and Chris have much better weather. I found a good sprinking of SSB in the grassy area just in front of the trees.

I look forward to seeing yours and Chris pictures.

All the best Debbie.

p.s - I spoke to soon ... Rain Rain and more Rain

Re: June 2012

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 4:10 pm
by Jack Harrison
Unknown butterfly (Purple Hairstreak derivative) Foxley Wood (notice board)

If you want to know what MIGHT happen if our forests are sold off, read this about history of Foxley (from notice board)

And maybe this petition link will be of interest: ... e#petition

A real butterfly today in my garden. She spent some 20 minutes enjoying the Ruddy Cranesbill Geranium sanguineum, a splendid wild flower that grows well in gardens on some (but not all) soils.
