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Re: June 2012

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 9:12 pm
by Neil Freeman
Hi Andy, your moth sounds like a Chimney Sweeper Moth.


Neil F.

Re: June 2012

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 7:14 am
by AndyR
Yes! Spot on it was a chimney sweeper. Must work harder on moths. Thanks

Re: June 2012

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 9:51 am
by Debbie
Yesterday, I had one of those mornings which I could dedicate just to myself, the sun was shining and off I popped to Prees Heath, and was rewarded with some Silver Studded Blues. I appologise for the quality of the picture for the female, but was so pleased so see one that I have included it. Small Heaths were also about.

The sun kept shining all day and in the afternoon I went to my great neices sports day at school and relaxed whilst watching the littleones (munchkin is 6)

And today is my 2nd wedding anv :D after getting married for the first time well into middle age...... I nearly uploaded a picture of myself then chickend out.

Debbie :) :) :)

Re: June 2012

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 12:08 pm
by Philzoid
Lovely Silver Stud shots there Debbie. I particularly like the two for one :) :!:


Re: June 2012

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 1:53 pm
by Willrow
Have to say there are some lovely images being posted, and some interesting snippets of info too...what a great resource UK Butterflies is... :wink: Heath Fritillary out on Exmoor...very tempting.

Bill :D

Re: June 2012

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 2:17 pm
by Hoggers
I went to Orlestone Forest this morning in the hope of finding a White Admiral. They were out by 7th June at this site last year and so I've been visiting regularly since the start of this month. Today I quickly came across several Meadow Browns, two Speckled Woods,three Brimstones and a Large Skipper. I then saw my first Ringlets of 2012 ( 5 in all ):
After about two hours I was delighted to see not one, but two White Admirals chasing each other in the bright sunshine. I stood with them swirling around right above my head, the sun streaming through their white wing flashes. After they had separated the remaining butterfly flew in gentle circles with flicks of its wings and the most beautiful glides. Unfortunatlely for me and my camera it would not settle low enough for me to take a good photograph but I came away with these and some very happy memories

Re: June 2012

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 3:01 pm
by NickB
Nice to see some things emerging; I've managed to get-out for a few minutes and found some Meadow Brown (males and females) close-by...
Typically the males were very photo-shy...

Re: June 2012

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 6:45 pm
by EricY
Still nothing of any real interest at our end of Norfolk. Holme marsh today produced just one poor spec wood. Did get what I thought was an interesting photo of volucella bombylans (I think) mating pr & one is a white tailed mimic & one a red tailed mimic. Would an expert please confirm & is it common for both types to mate?. Earlier at Titchwell I did get a flypast of the Bittern, males have not been booming this year perhaps weather has put them off as well. Eric
poor quality spec wood
poor quality spec wood
Volucella bombylans (I think) red & white tailed mimics
Volucella bombylans (I think) red & white tailed mimics
Bittern in flight
Bittern in flight

Re: June 2012

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 7:15 pm
by Debbie
Today it rained again :( :( :( But hoping for a break in the weather off we went to the Wyre Forrest, but rain rain and rain, but we we did manage a short walk and saw half a dozen speckled woods :) :) :) flitting about the heather, but none of them would come close enough to photograph.

Thanks for your very kind comments phil. And to all those who have posted today what superb pictures :) :) :)

Re: June 2012

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 7:20 pm
by LauraS56
Today in cloudy 20c conditions I saw Ringlet and the first Grayling at Gait Barrows (Lancashire), with Large and Dingy Skipper (the Dingy still looking fresh), Meadow Brown, Dark Green Frit (no High Brown), a few SPB's and Northern Brown Argus. More DGF, plenty of SPB, on Whitbarrow.

Re: June 2012

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 8:11 pm
by Matsukaze
Small Blue habitat at Odd Down Park & Ride, Bath.
19062012_ 069.jpg

Re: June 2012

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 9:08 pm
by Podster
Whilst trying to track down Golden-ringed Dragonfly on Torver Common in the Lakes I came across an unexpected bonus, 5+ Dark Green Fritillaries 8) showing rather well on the footpath down to the stream.
large skipper 007 (640x493).jpg
On the grassy slopes nearby my first Large Skipper of the year put in a show :P .
large skipper 019 (640x617).jpg
Alas no dragons though.

Re: June 2012

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 9:48 pm
by Ian Pratt
Yesterday was the first time this year when I have been out with the dog morning and evening and photographed a butterfly both times. Red admiral in the morning and large skipper in the evening. Also, saw meadow browns and a small skipper. Today was dull , rainy and foggy- is it November already? :?:

Re: June 2012

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 11:35 am
by Mildheart
An evening walk around Bookham Common in cool, cloudy conditions on Monday evening produced very little. One White Admiral, being chased off by a Red, but no Silver-washed Fritillaries. Otherwise just three Meadow Browns, one Speckled Wood, one Large Skipper and a Comma.

Apart from the main track, the paths are extremely muddy. The path from the Hundred Pound bridge car park up the hill to the main track is virtually impassable.

Re: June 2012

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 12:57 pm
by NickB
My surprise at seeing 2 Small White today was compounded when one started to search nearby Hedge Mustard for places to lay...
Also found some more Mullein Moth caterpillars....

Re: June 2012

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 1:21 pm
by Jack Harrison
Yesterday, Small Whites using Sea Kale on beach to south of Hunstanton, Norfolk.

Tomorrow I plan Foxley Wood SE of Fakenham (White Admiral) and Kelling Heath near Holt (SS.Blue). If time permits, Holt Country park -SW Fritillary perhaps?

Any reports from any of these places?


Re: June 2012

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 4:19 pm
by EricY
This morning Titchwell rspb produced just a fresh Red Admiral near Parinder hide. Holme marsh had one Spec wood & one large Skipper. The pines at Holme noa/nwt had 3 white sp & 8 Specled Woods. Best count all season up here in Norfolk for me. Eric

Re: June 2012

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 4:41 pm
by Jack Harrison
I have since read on its website that Foxley Wood is not open on a Thursday. So it might be Friday instead.

Yes, a depressingly awful season here in Norfolk.

But I have five healthy Orange Tip chrysalises. My four-year old grand-niece is going to look after them (with guidance) and release the adults next April/May,


Re: June 2012

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 8:35 pm
by Wurzel
3 Meadow Browns, Small Tort, Small Heath, Small and Large Skipper and a Ringlet at the fils near Wooden Bridge pub near Upavon- all seen in 6 minute stop off on the way home.

Large Skipper 5, Ringlet 4, Meadow Brown 12 and single Marbled White at Old Sarum this evening. Also there lots of Cream Spot Tigers lost count.

Have a goodun


Re: June 2012

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 2:05 pm
by NickB
Nice to catch a female Small Tortoiseshell laying in a local patch of nettles...
She returned repeatedly to the same patch, laying one egg each time...
I'll be keeping my eye-out for the off-spring....