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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

I have a question for those in the know.
Abbots Wood,near Hailsham,is only about 3 miles from my home and is very good for most woodland Butterfly species.
But all the experts will tell you there are no Purple Emperors there.Yet this woodland has much in common with woods that do have a population ie , open rides,oak ash,and some sallows.And its location is not too far from known sightings of Emperor.
A friend of mine who was 60 this year swears blind he saw some there when he was a boy, say 50 years ago.
So,have they ever been there,never been there.likely to arrive there sometime soon.
Answers on a postcard please!.

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Neil Hulme
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Re: Trevor

Post by Neil Hulme »

Hi Trevor,

Purple Emperor has been relatively scarce and localised in East Sussex in recent times, but is undoubtedly now spreading east and SE within East Sussex. I'm pretty sure we will get a confirmed sighting at PCH/Rowland Wood in the next couple of years, and I suspect it might get to Abbots in the future, assuming there is enough suitable sallow there. However, I don't know how much good quality sallow is present (large, semi-shaded and shaded trees required), bearing in mind my very infrequent visits.

BWs, Neil

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Butterflysaurus rex
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Re: Trevor

Post by Butterflysaurus rex »

Nice to see you on here Trevor, I'm sure we'll see each other out there somewhere next year.

All the best


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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

One of the highlights of 2014 were,for me,the Purple Emperors at Botany Bay.
My first sighting of one on ground,was from quite a distance,it could have been a Red Admiral seen earlier,but when it flew
up i was close enough for a positive ID.My first image was in bag after i had located it again at top of an Oak tree. Later in the morning this specimen gave the waiting cameras some spectacular views.
Another lovely specimen (see one of my images) had some additional tiny white spots on his open wings,but denied us his purple sheen.
In all,over two days i witnessed a total of 10 Emperors on the ground.A very magical experience indeed!.

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Re: Trevor

Post by Wurzel »

Cracking shots Trevor :D :mrgreen: I didn't have much joy with His Nibbs this year but if I put in the hours Bentley Wood will eventually repay me I'm sure. :D

Have a goodun


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Re: Trevor

Post by David M »

Always a heart-stopping moment to see His Majesty grounded.

Glad to see you were afforded an audience, Trevor.

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Goldie M
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Re: Trevor

Post by Goldie M »

Oh! Trevor now I'm really Jealous :mrgreen: :mrgreen: I searched loads of places this year for his Nibb's , no luck :(

Your photo's are great and have spurred me on, roll on next year Goldie :D

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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

I've had an idea to keep us all on our toes throughout the coming Winter.
Over the years i have seen the odd Red Admiral in every Winter month,including very near Christmas.
So how about friendly competition to see who can get the nearest to a Christmas Day photo of one,I have
certainly seen one basking on my south facing fence on a sunny December Day.
Are we up for it !!.

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Re: Trevor

Post by David M »

I think anyone who sees any species of butterfly in December deserves a round of applause, but I agree Red Admiral is most likely.

I saw one on the Saturday before Christmas on the hanging baskets outside Burton's in Abergavenny in 2008, which remains the only time I've ever had a December sighting. I'll certainly keep your challenge in mind, Trevor, as I'd love to have a repeat performance!

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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

Today I saw two Red Admirals sunning themselves on a brickwall at Halnaker West Sussex,unfortunately no camera!
Both were in good condition.
All the best TREVOR

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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

Some images from July 2013,
On this trip we went to Alice Holt forest for Purple Emperor,which as it turned out,failed to show.But while we waited
in vein we were attracted to a large patch of Brambles which were host to many nectaring White Admirals and Silver
Washed Fritillaries, there were almost too many to count!. i have,in the past found White Admirals almost as skittish as
Wall Browns but these were very approachable . This year this same patch of Brambles was almost devoid of Butterflies.

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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

August 2013,
2013 will for me, go down as the year of the Clouded Yellow,at least here in East Sussex they were an every day sight.
One day I went to Rowland Wood for this species,my camera was spoilt for choice!.My first encounter was with a very
white Helice,then within minutes the brightest yellow specimen i have ever seen.
This year I have only seen about six.

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Re: Trevor

Post by Wurzel »

I've still to see a Helice so my envy meter was already quite high but it went off the scale when I saw the "really yellow" yellow :shock: That is so yellow is almost hurts my eyes 8) :D :mrgreen:

Have a goodun

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Goldie M
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Re: Trevor

Post by Goldie M »

Trevor, I just love the WA photo's, it's another species I failed to get this year also the CY so I'm green with envey :mrgreen: as for seeing Red Admiral's in the North over Christmas ? Big question mark there :D Goldie :D

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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

I took a walk into Town this morning,keeping an eye out for Butterflies on this very warm,almost hot morning.
So i was delighted a when I saw a Painted Lady on the wing near Hailshams common pond.
On this day in 2009 I saw six Clouded Yellows on a chalk bank in Small Dole, West Sussex.

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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

HI Everyone,
Another warm sunny morning in Hailsham.A walk along the disused railway line through the town produced
four Red Admirals and a bonus pristine Speckled Wood.I had to remind myself that we are now in November!.
This season refuses to die.

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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

HI All
Here are a few more shots from late summer 2014.
this 3.JPG

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David M
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Re: Trevor

Post by David M »

That's cruel torture for 6th November, Trevor!! :evil:

Lovely images of a rare and precious butterfly.

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Re: Trevor

Post by Wurzel »

Great shots Trevor :D But posting from late summer :shock: I thought I was bad being 6 weeks behind with my PD :shock: :lol: :wink:

Have a goodun


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Goldie M
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Re: Trevor

Post by Goldie M »

Once again you've hit on the species I've not got, lovely shots Trevor, :mrgreen: Goldie :D

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