More from Spain

Discussion forum for any overseas items (given that this is a "UK" butterflies forum!).
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Posts: 261
Joined: Fri Oct 01, 2010 4:36 pm

More from Spain

Post by EricY »

A few more I found on our recent Iberia cruise. Would have posted them earlier but my web speed is very bad currently. the Geranium bronze & Footman moth were @ Cartagena & Bath White & painted Lady @ Cadiz. Eric
Bath White
Bath White
Crimson Speckled Footman moth
Crimson Speckled Footman moth
Geranium Bronze
Geranium Bronze
Painted Lady (a bit worn)
Painted Lady (a bit worn)
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Chris Jackson
Posts: 1929
Joined: Mon May 06, 2013 6:35 am
Location: Marseilles, France

Re: More from Spain

Post by Chris Jackson »

Hi Eric,
Your photos bring back memories of the summer; it seems oh so long ago already!
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