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Re: dilettante

Post by MikeOxon »

David M wrote:I've never even heard of an albino pheasant before (much less seen one)
I think,technically, that this pheasant is not an albino because the eyes (and wattles) seem to be normally pigmented.

This is an example of leucism, which is a genetic defect that causes pigment cells not to develop correctly. I have had a leucistic Starling visiting my garden over several years and breeding successfully in 2011 and 2012. Photos on my website at http://home.btconnect.com/mike.flemming/birds2.htm


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Re: dilettante

Post by dilettante »

Thanks Mike. I had a similar comment from an ornithologist friend. Caption now updated

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Re: dilettante

Post by David M »

dilettante wrote:Last year on March 24th, I saw seven species: comma, peacock, small tortoiseshell, green-veined white, green hairstreak, red admiral, brimstone.

This year, the forecast for the same date: "Snow may extend to much of the region on Saturday. Continuing very cold and windy Sunday and Monday, and with further snow flurries in places" Max 1C. :(

Still last year's nice Spring was followed by a horrid Summer, so maybe things will be reversed this year. I live in hope!
Yes, I've been mindful of this too lately.

Saturday 24th March 2012 saw 20c temperatures and clear, sunny skies in Swansea. Kids were paddling in the river at Cwm Clydach and butterflies were very conspicuous.

The corresponding Saturday of 2013 is likely to see maxima of 4c here (and bear in mind this part of the UK is on the right side of the current 'Maginot' line!!)

The BBC published a very striking graphic today comparing the weather conditions this year to last year:
March comparison 2012-13.gif
Although shocking, you may be right regarding how things could ultimately pan out. The last time I remember heavy snowfall in March was 2006, and we went on to have a pretty decent summer if I'm not mistaken; in fact, no summer since has been anything like as good.

Here's hoping.

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Post by dilettante »

6th April 2013

Some sunshine at last, and temperatures just about into double digits! Decided to go to Gamlingay Woods in the hope of finding some sheltered spots getting warmer than the forecast 9 degrees. We saw two Brimstones from the car on the way there, but none at the wood itself. We did find a couple of Commas basking in a sheltered sunny corner though, using up their scant energy supplies squabbling as usual.

Comma, Gamlingay Woods, Cambs 6-Apr-2013. Sony A700, Sony 100/2.8, 1/80s @ f/8.0

Comma, Gamlingay Woods, Cambs 6-Apr-2013. Sony A700, Sony 100/2.8, 1/320s @ f/8.0

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Re: dilettante

Post by Wurzel »

Cracking stuff Dilettante the first one showing the brush feet is brill :D - it was so warm today I almost took my jacket off! :shock: I too am hoping that the very long winter will mean a great summer, here's hoping.

Have a goodun


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Re: dilettante

Post by dilettante »

Wednesday 1st May

A lunchtime trip to Cherry Hinton nature reserve and chalk pit - lovely sunshine, but a little cool still. Anyway I achieved 2 out of 3 of my hoped for firsts of the year: Orange Tips and Holly Blues, but no Speckled Wood. Also Peacocks, Whites Small, Green-veined and (I think) Large, and Brimstones, including a female laying rather optimistically on a tiny sprig (blurry phone camera picture below). There were at least 5 eggs on this 'bush'.

Brimstone ova. (Phone camera)

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Re: dilettante

Post by dilettante »

dilettante wrote:Wednesday 1st May

but no Speckled Wood.
Better luck today at the same place: a single SW patrolling. Also Comma, Peacock, Brimstones, Orange Tips, Holly Blues, Small Whites. And I had a nice time watching a blackcap at close quarters singing his heart out.

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dilettante - Alpes de Haute Provence

Post by dilettante »

I've just spent a very pleasant week in the Alpes de Haute Provence with some of my family. I'll do a day-by-day diary in my next few postings. I'll be most grateful for any corrections on id's
There's GPS info in most of the pictures. Mostly they're around here where we were staying.

Monday 3rd June 2013

Here was our view on arrival on Sunday night after a long drive down:


Monday morning was sunny but not particularly warm, and we took a short walk up a track to a nice spot about half an hour away. Dukes of Burgundy were fairly widespread along the banks.


Orange Tips and Wood Whites patrolled the tracks, mostly not stopping. I think this is a Northern Wall Brown, slightly deficient in the antenna department:


At our destination, there were many more dukes, a Green Hairstreak, Grizzled and Dingy Skippers, but I didn't get any photos of any note. Nice views of the valley below (Vallé de l'Ubaye) too:


Returning to our base for lunch, some of our party who had gone on ahead said "Did you see the Purple Emperors?", claiming to have seen two on the way back. More on that later!
Back in the garden, we were visited by this fritillary - is it a Meadow Fritillary?


And this Orange Tip, slightly past its prime:


The afternoon was cooler, cloudier and breezier. Another short walk in the opposite direction gave us a view back over where we were staying:


Butterflies were mostly hunkered down in the grass, occasionally flying or sunning themselves when the opportunity arose.

Adonis Blue

Grizzled Skipper

Green-underside Blue?

To be continued...

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Re: dilettante

Post by Goldie M »

If your first shots are any thing to go by your next lot should be great Goldie :D

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Re: dilettante

Post by David M »

Fantastic images, Dilettante. You are making me desperate to get to Austria next month!

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Re: dilettante

Post by Padfield »

Lovely pictures, Dilettante! All the IDs so far are correct. The grizzled skipper is Pyrgus malvoides - the southern grizzled skipper - if you recognise the distinction.


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The Butterflies of Villars-Gryon : https://www.guypadfield.com/villarsgryonbook.html
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Post by dilettante »

Thanks Guy (and others) - I was hoping the master would confirm my IDs [:)]. Can you tell by looking that it's a Southern Grizzled Skipper, or just from knowing the location? My book (Collins Field Guide) implies they look identical apart from male genitalia...

Now the next batch:

Tuesday 4th June 2013

A short trip in the morning back to where the reported Purple Emperors had been seen turned up nothing on that front, but a few other photo opportunities, including this better picture of a Northern Wall Brown


and a plain ol' Small Heath in the garden on my return


We then headed off on a circular walk mostly through woods. Dukes were everywhere where the sun got in. This Scare Swallowtail was not very cooperative, but was enjoying gliding in the sun and stopping for a quick drink:


This Green Hairstreak seemed interested in laying, but I didn't see it actually do so


Later on, I stopped in a small glade to try to photograph a Wood White. As ever, they seemed to rarely settle, but I managed this passable shot


As I turned to leave though, I saw something on a nearby branch that made my heart miss a beat. I have recurring dreams of seeing this species and my camera failing to let me take the shot, but I hopefully put that one to rest here. It's not in the best shape, but this was my first ever Camberwell Beauty:


After posing beautifully for a while, it flitted and glided around for a bit, even settling on my finger briefly, before sailing off. Shortly afterwards it returned for another show. What a trouper!


I walked home with a spring in my step after that. The weather turned cooler and threatened rain, but I found this fritillary (Meadow? Heath?) resting in some long grass on an unusual perch:


When I showed the Camberwell pics to the others at home, there was some dispute but most agreed that this was the previously spotted 'Purple Emperor', which were seen some way away meaning there must be more in the area.

A G&T and good meal later, the evening light on the mountain opposite was rather dramatic again:


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Re: dilettante

Post by Padfield »

More brilliant pictures! You've really got the colour and texture of the Camberwell beauty.

Southern grizzled skipper is a postcode butterfly - I don't think you can separate it from grizzled from the wing markings.

I wouldn't like to call that Melitaea. If forced, I'd probably put my money on female heath fritillary. This is a group where I always like to see both surfaces of the wings.


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Re: dilettante

Post by dilettante »

Continuing my week in the Ubaye valley, Alpes de Haute Provence:

Wednesday and Thursday were more about walking mostly in woods and at higher altitude, so not much in the way of butterflies. I did get this roosting Green-underside Blue on my way home on Wednesday though:


Friday 7thJune 2013

My last full day, so I took the morning to spend with the butterflies in the same area I'd been on Monday. It was great to have the luxury of pottering and taking my time.

First up, a brief encounter with a Pearl-bordered Fritillary (?)


Then a Wood White which finally settled long enough to be photographed:


Small Blues were common, but I didn't get any better pictures than this:


This was the spot I was headed for:

(A slightly clumsy HDR)

where there were Green Hairstreak, Grizzled and Dingy Skippers and lots of Dukes. The best part was four or five Swallowtails and Scarce Swallowtails, gliding about in the thermals, and duelling and occasionally trielling and quadrelling!) with each other. They'd sit for a little while, long enough for me to get my best shot of the week, I think:


Scarce Swallowtail


Dingy Skipper

Time to go, but not without one nice finale. Not one but two Camberwell Beauties on the track home:


For Friday afternoon we drove up to Col de Larche on the Italian border. No butterflies apart from one Small Tortoiseshell (and another Camberwell seen from the car nearer home), but the gentians were amazing:


and the marmots were quite accommodating!:


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Post by dilettante »

Sunday 30th June 2013

A trip to Monks Wood in search of Black Hairstreaks. Conditions were perfect, and recent sightings made me pretty confident of seeing them. Given their short flight period and how terrible the weather was this time last year, I'm amazed they managed to produce this year's generation, but there were quite a few to be seen. Mostly they were around the tops of bushes or flying past and disappearing, but I saw a few at closer quarters. I didn't manage as good photos as others I've seen on this site, but I was happy enough with this one:


Also seen, my first Meadow Browns and Large Skippers of the year, a ton of Speckled Woods, a tatty Comma and Peackock, and one Common Blue.

And could someone identify this dragon for me?:


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Re: dilettante

Post by PhiliB »

I'm glad you found the Hairstreaks Paddy.
The dragonfly looks like a female Broad-bodied Chaser to me.
All the best

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Re: dilettante

Post by Robert S J Smith »

Good to meet you today dilettante!

Glad you got your shots of the Black Hairstreaks. they're truly stunning!


p.s. we scored with our orchids and got a bonus marbled white at devil's dyke.

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Re: dilettante

Post by Wurzel »

Lush photos :mrgreen: It seems that Black Hairstreak are featuring heavily at the moment which is great, as last year they were conspicuous by their absence :D

Have a goodun


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Re: dilettante

Post by dilettante »

Saturday 6th July 2013
I spent the weekend at my parents' house in Hampshire for a family gathering, but that didn't stop me sneaking off on Saturday afternoon to Broxhead Common to see Silver Studded Blues. The hot sunny weather meant they were active and the light wasn't good for photography, but it was great to see them in good numbers.

Silver Studded Blue, Broxhead Common, Hants

Back at my parents', a Marbled White flew over the garden - my first of the year, and the first time I've seen one there.

Sunday 7th July 2013

The following morning I headed to Alice Holt forest, hoping for Silver-washed Fritillary, White Admiral and maybe Purple Emperor. Apart from Meadow Brown and Ringlet, there were generally not a lot of butterflies around compared to how this site usually looks at this time of year, but everything is a little late it seems. A few SWF males were patrolling the rides, rarely stopping but I managed this distant shot:

Silver-washed Fritillary, Straits Inclosure, Alice Holt, Hants

We also saw one freshly emerged female take flight and settle under a leaf high in an oak tree to dry.

The only White Admirals were flying high in among the trees, quickly disappearing out of sight; and no sign of H.I.M.

Having taken a long time to get from Cambridgeshire to Hampshire on Saturday, we headed back on Sunday during the tennis match, reasoning traffic would be lighter. We were right, and got home in record time, in time to watch the last set. After that excitement, with the sun still high I headed to Therfield Heath near Royston (Herts) in search of Marbled Whites.

I found one or two on arrival, but they were pretty flighty and only settling occasionally in long grass. A commotion of rooks alerted me to a Red Kite overhead, along with a Peregrine (I think?):

Red Kite and Pergrine Falcon, Therfield Heath, Herts

Later as I was watching MWs, I was hearing a lot of rustling in a nearby hedge. At first I thought it might be a dog, or maybe squirrels, but then saw four or five small brown heads pop out. I wasn't quick enough with the camera, but it was a family of stoats:

Stoats, Therfield Heath, Herts

I watched / listened to them for a while, only getting fleeting glimpses. Then a dog caught scent of them, bounded up, caught one in its mouth to much squeaking, and tossed it in the air. I shouted to the owner to get the dog, and he took it away on a lead. I didn't see if the victim got away, but I continued to hear the rustling for a while, so at least some of the stoats continued on their way.

Twice during the evening I saw a fast-flying orange butterfly which I'm pretty sure was a fritillary; I've never seen them there before, and wouldn't be sure whether it was a Dark Green or Silver-washed. If anyone has any knowledge or opinions, I'd love to hear them.

As the sun got a little lower, the Marbled White started to settle and be a bit more cooperative for photographing:

Marbled White, Therfield Heath, Herts

Marbled White, Therfield Heath, Herts

On my way back to the car I nearly tripped over a nice Small Tortoiseshell and a Painted Lady. Also seen during the visit: Meadow Brown, Small Heath, and a small lyceanid which I still can't quite work out what it would have been.

Apart from the furious incident of the dog (sorry!), a lovely evening.

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Re: dilettante

Post by PhiliB »

dilettante wrote:Twice during the evening I saw a fast-flying orange butterfly which I'm pretty sure was a fritillary; I've never seen them there before, and wouldn't be sure whether it was a Dark Green or Silver-washed. If anyone has any knowledge or opinions, I'd love to hear them.
A few Dark Green Fritillary were seen on Therfield Heath last year and were certainly resident there back in the 1970's when I lived in Royston.
They look as though they're possibly making a comeback, as they are, nearby, at some of our Cambs sites.

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