Fontmell Down.

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Fontmell Down.

Post by Zonda »

Tomorrow, they give another sunny morning hereabouts. I'm off to Fontmell Down to try and achieve my GH ambitions (This is a lifer for me). I'll be delighted to meet anyone of the same mind, in the CP at 10.00 am. I have visited the site before, and its bleeding steep, so i shall be taking it ultra slow. :D
Cheers,,, Zonda.
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Re: Fontmell Down.

Post by Piers »

Hi Zonda,

Fontmell is poor for GH, almost pointless since the scrub was removed.

Instead, park in the Spreadeagle Hill car park (I assume you would be parking here anyway) and head down the bridleway in the bottom right hand corner of the car park.

Head down the bridleway, passing a small chalk pit on the right as you go (nice little small blue colony in here). A little further down, again on the right hand side is a stile tucked up in the hedge, and an NT sign welcoming you on to Compton Down.

Cross over the stile, through the hedge, on to Compton Down. Follow the footpath around the lower slope of Compton Down (heading West), and around the side of the hill from the south facing slope onto the west facing slope, with Melbury Beacon now in full view.

This west facing slope is superb for butterflies, and amongst the hawthorn scrub on the lower half of the slope is your best chance for GH, as well as a host of other species (in season).

Fontmell Down is over grazed and over rated. Compton Down is where it's at..! 8)
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Re: Fontmell Down.

Post by Zonda »

Hmm! Sounds like i might die achieving this. Thanks Felix, but you have to remember we're not all young and fit. Okay,,,,, i cancel my invite, and i am having a re-think. Or maybe GH's aren't that important in my life after all.:lol: Or maybe i'll continue my search in Dorset,,, somewhere. I have the feeling i've been in this position last season, and failed. So what's new,,,, Zonda a failure..... Maybe i should stick to garden birds. :(
Cheers,,, Zonda.
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Re: Fontmell Down.

Post by Wurzel »

Alright Zonda - if you're after Green Hairstreak then why don't you try nipping just over the border to Martin Down - the main area along Borkerley Ditch is pretty flat!

Good luck wherever you head - they're little gems GH's

Have a goodun

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Re: Fontmell Down.

Post by Piers »

You could try one of the Dorset heathland sites Zonda, GH abound on the scrubby heathland (around the gorse or course) and somewhere like Wareham Forest would be less petrol and much more accessible for those of a (ahem) less athletic disposition. :)
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Re: Zondas trip to Fontmell Down.

Post by jenks »

I hope you`ll forgive a South Walian telling a West Countryman where he might see Green Hairstreak in his neck of the woods but I agree with Wurzel that Martin Down is good. I saw GH there, along the Borkeley ditch, in 2007, 08 and 09. Also, in 2007 at Martin Down, I had GH on the depressed patch of ground by the Iron Age fort-two sightings for the price of one. In 2010 I had 2 GH at Powerstock Common, at the side of the old railway line. That was a bonus, I went there looking for Wood White (only saw 1). Both sites are less steep than Fontmell Down. I`d build up my strength and save that for July/August, Silver Sp Skippers, and the rare blues if I were you ! Might see you there as in 2010.
Wherever, good hunting.
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Re: Fontmell Down.

Post by Zonda »

Thanks for all the advice chaps. I walked the disused railway at Powerstock Common last week. Loads of flighty OTs there, but no GHs. I only know of one possible heathland site, and i checked that Friday. These Dorset GH colonies are small and few, i could walk around Wareham forest all day, and not see one. Today would seem to be ideal weather, so i'm dragging the blubber out of county. Anyone heard how the GH situation at Buckland Wood in Somerset is faring? :?
Cheers,,, Zonda.
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