July 2010 competition

This is a forum for, primarily, monthly (or so!) photographic competitions that complement the annual competition.
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Jack Harrison
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Re: July 2010 competition

Post by Jack Harrison »

We will never get away from controversy over competitions.

However, I am delighted that a new format is to be used for the judging of the annual competition. All three judges have widespread respect for their abilities as photographers and perhaps more importantly, as artists. This is a huge step in the right direction. Two additional judges not associated with ukb in any way whatsoever would complete the ideal panel.

I am aware from private conversations that some extremely good photographers who contribute to ukb on other forums dislike the present voting system so much that they no longer enter competitions. Perhaps they might be prepared to submit their masterpieces for the annual competition under the new format.

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Goldie M
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Re: July 2010 competition

Post by Goldie M »

I'm also guilty of not voting, sorry! I didn't realize it was so crucial. I must amit i thought it more of a fun thing. I will certainly vote from now on. I'm just pleased to have my pictures placed in the top rated picture gallery with so many that have won the comps. Congrats by the way to those that won, I thought your pic's were stunning.
I get my kicks trying to better each pic I do, I'm even suprising myself these days. Goldie M :D
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Re: July 2010 competition

Post by FISHiEE »

Just got back from a couple of weeks in Switzerland to find these results. Thanks all for the votes and once again a great set of images to vote on!

Had a funny feeling that Silver Studded Blue was going to be one of Matt's and new it was going to fair pretty well so no surprises really it was the winner.

I try to make a point of giving every image a score under the new system however it can be quite a lengthy process scoring every image so can understand why not everyone votes, or votes on all images. I think the current system is pretty fair really.

I tend to look at the average mark given as well and consider that the best indicator of what the scorers think of my image but can see the potential flaw highlighted by Pete.

I won a competetion earlier in the year as a result of me not voting (due to being on holiday through the voting period) and if I had had the chance to vote would have scored the runner up higher than was required to beat me, so I guess what goes around comes around!
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