just saw this years 1st butterfly BUT ........

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just saw this years 1st butterfly BUT ........

Post by Thithili »

It didnt stay :( i didnt even get a chance to see what it was as it flutted beautifully passed my eyes .
it could have been a peacock (because of the size )

i dont have any plants in my garden for when they come out this early and i could do with a few pointers in the right direction . ( pretty please )
i have about 5 different buddleia's in my garden lots of lavender , quite a few long grasses which i have seen them go in when it starts to rain
but nothing that flowers early ..
i have two apple tree's that will flower soon which seem to attract cabbage whites to it .
i dont really think i have any food plants and could do with some suggestions .

my garden gets full sun to medium dome one side .
a friend did give me some corn flower seeds to sow she said butterflies are attracted to them ??

thanks :)

Like the butterfly i too will awaken in my own time
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Re: just saw this years 1st butterfly BUT ........

Post by Susie »

It is difficult to find flowers that butterflies find tempting at this time of year which are guaranteed to flower but Jack's suggestion of Wallflower Bowles Mauve is a good starting point.

Shortly aubretia, garlic mustard, honesty and sweet rocket will be good choices.

Hope that helps a little. :)
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