Not Lepidoptera (Birds)

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Re: Not Lepidoptera!

Post by KeynvorLogosenn »

Thanks Alexander and Susie!

I know nothing about these birds except that I think you can find them in the Norfolk Broads or something. I was no where near there! Just 25 odd miles North of London!!

Does any one know anything about these?

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Re: Not Lepidoptera!

Post by eccles »

Nice catch. Unfortunately, I know nothing about them, but Denise is a wizz with birds.
Failing that, any Egyptians here?
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Re: Not Lepidoptera!

Post by Denise »

eccles wrote: Denise is a wizz with birds.
I wouldn't go that far Mike :lol: but yes, Egyptian Goose.
They are found all over now, but originally escapee's from collections that have found each other and 'did what came naturally' to make more Egyptian Geese. :lol:

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Re: Not Lepidoptera!

Post by KeynvorLogosenn »

So I'm guessing there aren't many of these things around then? I have never come across on before, and the lake there is rather large and it was the only one there, and I have never noticed one there before. I normally take a walk around the lake when I come in on the train. I haven't noticed it since either :(
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Re: Not Lepidoptera!

Post by Denise »

Hi Em,

No, they are not that common.
In fact, when I start my new year bird list, I usually do a long weekend in Norfolk in Jan/Feb and make a point of going to Holkham to 'tick' Egyptian Goose, (amongst other things like Lesser Spotted Woodpecker - 2 this year! Snow Bunting, Shore lark, Twite etc.)
They are fairly reliable at that site.
Well done on finding one. :D

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Re: Not Lepidoptera!

Post by KeynvorLogosenn »

Cheers Denise, it's not everyday you come across anything that's not that common.
If St Albans is closer for you than Norfolk, I will take a wonder round the lake and tell you if they/it are there. Maybe you can see them there, you can get pretty close to it. I was standing right next to it, closer than I thought because I heard it, so I put my hand to see if anything was there, and I ended up touching it's back! They're pretty friendly guys!

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Re: Not Lepidoptera!

Post by Jack Harrison »

......make a point of going to Holkham to 'tick' Egyptian Goose
One intriguing behaviour of Egyptian Geese is that they happily perch in trees and look most odd there. Mandarin Ducks also perch in trees. I believe that Goldeneyes nest in trees, so not all ducks/geese are exclusively ground/water dwellers. But it certainly came as a surprise when I first observed this behaviour (books rarely mention it).

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Re: Not Lepidoptera!

Post by Denise »

jackharr wrote:Denise:
......make a point of going to Holkham to 'tick' Egyptian Goose
One intriguing behaviour of Egyptian Geese is that they happily perch in trees and look most odd there. Mandarin Ducks also perch in trees. I believe that Goldeneyes nest in trees, so not all ducks/geese are exclusively ground/water dwellers. But it certainly came as a surprise when I first observed this behaviour (books rarely mention it).

Hi Jack,

It certainly did come as a shock to me too. My first Egyptian Goose was in fact, quite high up a tree next to the lake at Holkham Estate. I was actually looking for Lesser Spot at the time :lol: Quite a bit bigger. :lol:
Mandarin Duck are always in the trees in the Forest of Dean, so I'm quite used to seeing them there.
Goldeneye do nest in trees around Loch Garten, In season there is usually a web cam on them.

I bet everyone thinks we're nuts, talking ducks, geese and trees :D

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Re: Not Lepidoptera!

Post by eccles »

I often see mallard ducks on rooftops around here, so I can quite believe it.
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Re: Not Lepidoptera!

Post by Charles Nicol »

i thought you might like to see a bird pic from my holiday in the Aude near Carcassonne this August:
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Re: Not Lepidoptera!

Post by Denise »

Cracking Nightjar Charles!

I've never seen one actually on the nest. They are cool birds, they 'clap' their wings when they fly and make a funny purring noise.

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Re: Not Lepidoptera!

Post by Charles Nicol »

thanks Denise... it has remarkably beautiful deep blue eyes

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Re: Not Lepidoptera!

Post by eccles »

Nice catch, a difficult one I've heard.

Robins are always nice subjects so here's one from this morning, tempted close with nuts and seeds. :)
Snapped with Sony A700 70-210 F4 'beercan' at 210mm, 1/125 f6.3 iso400, centre weighted metering, hand held, natural light.
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Re: Not Lepidoptera!

Post by Jack Harrison »

During my recent holiday in Malta I saw very few birds (I guess they had all been shot) except for House Sparrows that were in huge numbers everywhere. The only really interesting species seen were two Black Storks and later on the small island of Comino, a pair of what I presume to be Chukar Partridges. But I can find no internet reference to Chukars being present on the Maltese Islands. They were similar to our own Red-legged Partridges but significantly larger. Here is a very long range record photo. Can anyone confirm my i/d and their known occurence on Comino?

Partridge Comino.jpg
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Re: Not Lepidoptera!

Post by Denise »

Looks like Chukar to me Jack. I have no knowledge of Maltese birds (I have always avoided Malta in protest to their shooting wildlife policy :evil: ) but I will ask around if you like.
I have seen them on Kos, so it would seem that they like island life.

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Re: Not Lepidoptera!

Post by KeynvorLogosenn »

Hi-ya Eccles

I am in not a great position to comment on your photo at the moment :( - Sorry

But I agree that they make nice subjects, I have always liked recieving cards etc with Robins on them at Christmas, their poses are always excellent :mrgreen:
I think I may just make that a thing for the winter, photograph a robin :D - and then draw it.

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Re: Not Lepidoptera!

Post by Jack Harrison »

Denise wrote:
I have always avoided Malta in protest to their shooting wildlife policy
It's not official policy to permit shooting. Malta is an EU member and the type of shooting that a minority of Maltese still "enjoy" is against EU law.

I made a point while I was there of reading the local papers. The "Malta Independent" had several pro-conservation articles. For example, it expressed outrage about an old tree that, in spite of having a Preservation Order, was to be cut down to make way for what the paper described as "the building of yet more apartments". Another article was expressing fury at the shooting of a Great White Egret.

So the conservation lobby is alive and well in Malta. The culture won't change overnight despite official policy and the law.

Malta isn't and never will be a wildlife paradise (though the island of Comino is an official reserve). The people are friendly and well meaning but need persuading that the old ways just aren't appropriate in the 21st century. It will take time, but the Government there (whether they like it or not) will have to toe the EU line and enforce the law. I can't see that boycotting the island will actually help speed up the process of modernisation.

Incidentally, I fell down some steps (while chasing a Geranium Bronze of course). Nothing broken but a very near thing. I was heavily bruised and I had to call a doctor to ensure I was fit to travel home and I can tell you that there is nothing old fashioned about Maltese medical facilities. Five days later I'm still sore but am on my feet and steadily on the mend. Warning to the elderly lepidopterists who have to wear bi-focals. This was the basic cause of my problems. Looking down through the reading part of the specs and everything beyond about half-a-metre is badly out of focus and there is no real binocular vision. I simply misjudged the steps because I couldn't see them properly. So in future, I will wear my single lens (distance) specs when out walking. The problems of elderly eyes are not understood by many people. My corrected vision is perfect at 6/6 but without specs, even the distance is blurred and reading is impossible.

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Re: Not Lepidoptera!

Post by Denise »

jackharr wrote: I can't see that boycotting the island will actually help speed up the process of modernisation.

Maybe not Jack, but I refuse to witness the cruelty, or help fund those that may take part.
Other parts of the EU have prospered because of the wildlife experience enjoyed by tourists, and I truly hope that Malta will amend it's ways and become one of those places.


PS. Do I tick you off Jack? We always seem to end up at logger heads :(
I don't mean to offend you in any way.
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Re: Not Lepidoptera!

Post by Jack Harrison »

PS. Do I tick you off Jack? We always seem to end up at logger heads
I don't mean to offend you in any way.
I never thought of it that way at all. It certainly hasn't caused any offence.
But if you REALLY want to be nice, say "Ah, poor thing. Hope your sore leg gets better soon" :)

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Re: Not Lepidoptera!

Post by Denise »

I really do hope that sore leg gets better soon.
I have a lovely scar on mine where I fell down in the spring. (The first time I met Eccles actually)
Damn glasses!!! :evil:

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