Goldie M

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Re: Goldie M

Post by essexbuzzard »

Be sure to find a sunny spot for your lavender and Bowles Mauve wallflowers, Goldie. Otherwise, the butterflies won’t go on them!
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Matsukaze »

The bumblebees work the foxglove flowers from the bottom to the top, then fly down to start at the bottom of the next plant.
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Thanks for your posts essex and Matsukaze, I'm still preparing the gardening so any info is good :D

I wonder if any one can tell me what this is on my pond, the day before yesterday there was nothing, then when I went out into the garden yesterday I saw these floating on top of the water , I thought at first it was Frog spawn, then I saw the Newts had returned and were tucking into them, I've tried to get shots of the Newts but they don't come up to the top of the pond just staying under the water, they're not touching the green ball but seem to eating a round it.

If it is is Frog Spawn will it be a threat to the Newts :?: I'll be glad of any info on this :D Goldie :D
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Wurzel »

"I've got a pond already Wurzel " with the amount of rain we've had I'm surprised it's not a lake Goldie :shock: :lol: Some lovely looking shots from your old garden :D I reckon that those balls are algal balls floating up from their oxygen bubbles Goldie :D

Have a goodun

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Re: Goldie M

Post by David M »

Goldie M wrote: Sun Mar 19, 2023 12:21 pm...I wonder if any one can tell me what this is on my pond, the day before yesterday there was nothing, then when I went out into the garden yesterday I saw these floating on top of the water...
Looks like the early stages of pond scum, Goldie: ... 78981.html

You could get a net and fish it out and add it to your compost. It's full of nitrogen and potassium.
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Hi! David, I think I solved the Mystery of the pond, :) It was Frog Spawn which has been completely eaton by the Newts :)

I didn't check it for a couple of days because of the bad weather , today was lovely and when I went to the pond, not a trace of any thing on the top of it, it was lovely and clean, perhaps we should all get a newt or two :D

Maybe the bad weather for me came at the right time, another episode of Hospitals for me to attend lately, even so my seeds are all in now and looking good and the lawn's been mowed etc, Easter looks promising , fingers crossed Butterflies will be numerous . Goldie :D
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Hi! Wurzel, didn't have time to reply to your post, my Daughter and her Dog arrived :D we've been busy in the Garden :D I don't know if it was Frog Spawn for sure Wurzel but when I saw the Newts they were certainly tucking in to what ever it was :D

You've to be very careful and creep up to the pond, if they spot you they disappear :D My Daughter did her best to see them but went a way without seeing them, I think they've got use to me coming and going with fresh rain water for them :D Hope this weather starts to get warmer soon. Goldie :D
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

I've not seen any Butterflies yet but the trees are in Blossom so hopefully if it just gets a bit warmer things will get going, this is the first time I've known them to be so late.

I crept up to my pond and finally saw a Newt they're in good condition, they were looking for food on top of the water, I think I got a shot also of one tiny head :D Goldie :D Butterflies next hope fully :D
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Wurzel »

No worries Goldie :D Is that a Palmate or a Smooth Newt in your photos?

Have a goodun

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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Hi! Wurzel, I haven't a clue what it is :D The woman who owned the house before me just said is was rare and not to feed them they looked after themselves but to clean the pond of leaves now and again and keep the water topped up which I've been doing, I quite enjoy having them and the pond, I must admit though they're very hard to spot , I've noticed though they usually pop up in the afternoon so I've been care full, one of them came out of the water to the side of the pond before slipping back again Yesterday, they don't like the wind I know that :D

There's a tree which isn't a Willow but grows the same way with droopy leaves, its just coming into leaf again, it keeps the pond shady in summer out of the Sun ,I expect that's why they like it there. Goldie :D
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Re: Goldie M

Post by David M »

Great that you've got to the bottom of it, Goldie, and even better that it's because you've got newts! Can't be many folk who can lay claim to housing resident newts in their pond. :mrgreen:
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Hi! David, thanks for your post, I asked at the garden centre if putting a Water Lily in the pond would be okay, they said "yes", I'm a bit reluctant to do it as up to now they seem to be doing okay. Think I'd better get some advice on the topic :)

Today I'd an appointment to get my hair done so I set off early for Tankerton, I thought with the weather being so nice I' might see some thing in the Castle Gardens, I did, a Small White which didn't settle :) At least I thought I've actually seen a Butterfly :)
After the hair appointment I went to my Daughter's for lunch, I was taken by Surprise when a Peacock Butterfly landed just has I was getting out of the car, it landed next door onto their Drive , I whipped the camera out of the car praying it wouldn't fly off :D I did manage to get a couple of shots before it did :) talk about lean over the edge :D The day before I went to Blean Woods and there was no sign of any Butterflies so I was pleased to get my first shot today even if it doesn't show all the Butterfly :D Goldie :)
Peacock Butterfly 4th April 2023 (2).jpeg
Peacock Butterfly 4th April 2023.jpeg
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Re: Goldie M

Post by David M »

Well done, Goldie! Things are finally getting moving.
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Thanks David, I managed to get another shot of a Peacock this morning on my Cherry Tree, ( I think it's a Cherry Tree) :D The tree I left behind didn't look like this tree, but it was a lovely surprise when this tree Blossomed :D
I also missed out on three White Butterflies, they did the usual and flew through, at least it's great to see them :D

My two Newt's by the way have turned out to be four , two are small compared to the other two maybe they've had young :D Spring is definitely here :D

Goldie :D
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Wurzel »

Lovely sets of Peacocks Goldie :D I finally got my first shots of this species today :D It was a bit of a shock to the system to be honest as I'd gotten used to watching Festoons and Cleopatras :shock: 8)

Have a goodun

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Re: Goldie M

Post by David M »

Goldie M wrote: Fri Apr 07, 2023 5:28 pmThanks David, I managed to get another shot of a Peacock this morning on my Cherry Tree...
Few things finer than a Peacock on tree blossom, Goldie. :D

Time maybe to prepare for Grizzled Skipper soon?
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Many thanks for your posts Wurzel and David, I've seen quite a few Whites, but they're going over the fence at present :) not to worry, there's always time to get shots of them.

The weather is awful at present but next week looks good, roll on.

The Peacock paid me another visit over Easter, sunning itself on the cobbles, I was wondering if it was the same one, once again though It just gave me a side shot. :D

On Good Friday I went to Tankerton , I thought I could park and take another walk in the gardens there, I couldn't park any where , the place was chock a block , hope fully next week will be quiet and I can get shots of the Holly Blue and may be the Comma, I've yet to try Reculver , may be next week :D Goldie :D
Peacock 9th April 2023.jpeg
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Wurzel »

I like those stained glass shots in particular Goldie :D 8) Hopefully things will quieten down people wise now but pick up butterfly wise 8)

Have a goodun

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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Hi! Wurzel, things picked up for me today, ( thank goodness) :D After the pouring rain this morning when I got up, I thought, OH No! not again :D

I thought the weather was supposed to be nice in the afternoon, so I packed my camera, my rain coat and hat into the car and set off for Tankerton Park where I'd seen the Butterflies last year, ( my Garden was put on hold) :D

I thought if I didn't get there early I wouldn't be able to park, when I got to Tankerton it was still dull and windy, so I did what I thought was good and went into the Castle cafe for a Bacon sandwich and coffee :D ( can't beat it :D ) when I came out the Sun was bright and the Butterflies were flying,( well the Whites were) :D

I got my first shots of them and was surprised when this Brimstone arrived, it was a bit tatty on the edges but who cares!!!!, it's the first of the year. :D I stayed a while before going home hoping to see a Comma etc , nothing arrived and I'd been there a while so decided that was it for the day, may be tomorrow I'll see some more. :D Goldie :D
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Wurzel »

Great to see you getting some more White action Goldie :D Unfortunately round my way things remain grey and cool so it could be a while before I can get back out :?

Have a goodun

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