Serhiy Popoff

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David M
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Re: Serhiy Popoff

Post by David M »

Very nice, Serhiy. Is palaemon common in your area?
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serhiy popoff
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Re: Serhiy Popoff

Post by serhiy popoff »

David M wrote: Sun Nov 20, 2022 9:18 pm Very nice, Serhiy. Is palaemon common in your area?
Thank you

Yes the species is common. Pleas look at the distribution map ... authuser=0
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serhiy popoff
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Re: Serhiy Popoff

Post by serhiy popoff »

Pauline wrote: Sun May 08, 2022 4:25 pm Hello Serhiy, how are you? Have the terrible happenings in Ukraine had an impact on you? My heart goes out to all those people. How are you still managing to monitor the butterflies? Well done for all your efforts.
Dear Pauline,

please give me where to submit for a small grants up to 500 Euros for next topics

I'd like to submit a small grant up to 500 Euros for one trip for continuing butterfly monitoring of local wetland and highland endangered species in the East Carpathians Ukrainian part in summer 2023.

Target species are
Boloria aquilonaris
Coenonympha tullia
Boloria eunomia
Lycaena helle
Erebia manto

If you have no any possibility to support please redirect this message to proper organisation or private person

Thank you

Serhiy Popov
butterfly recorder at
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Re: Serhiy Popoff

Post by SarahM »

Hello All,

As it is the season of goodwill, is there any way we can help Serhiy raise the money he needs for his one monitoring trip? I would be willing to make a donation towards helping him fund his trip next summer. Maybe other members of the group would consider it as well?

I am guessing he would need to set up a Go Fund Me page or something similar. I have made donations in the past but would have no idea how to set it up. I do not use Facebook or Twitter either.

Best wishes,
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David M
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Re: Serhiy Popoff

Post by David M »

Serhiy, the EBG Branch of Butterfly Conservation awards annual bursaries for research and monitoring projects.

Please take a look here:

If you click on the link it will give you further information, but for your convenience I have copied and pasted it below:

European Butterflies Group Annual Research Bursary

Butterfly Conservation’s European Butterflies Group would like to promote the study of European
butterflies and therefore propose to offer annual European Butterflies Group research bursaries
(normally of €600) to assist with travel and other expenses.

Applicants would need to submit a short project proposal and an estimate of overall cost in a
maximum of 1000 words and send it by email to together with
the email addresses of two referees.

The bursaries will be open to citizens of any country in the Council of Europe. Although there is no
upper age limit for applicants, the scheme has been drawn up with younger candidates in mind. We
are hoping to help beneficiaries start or enhance their career in conservation.

Payments would normally be made against a standard BC travel claim form with receipts. In some
circumstances part payment would be made in advance. Successful applicants would need to agree
in advance to produce a report of their findings.

This is particularly suited to surveys of rare and threatened species i.e. those with a Red List
classification of NT, EN or VU and a restricted range. There is a list of these on the website under species, download the file:

Collaborative projects with partners in Europe would be welcome. Only projects within Europe as
defined by the Council of Europe (rather than EU) would be eligible. The European Butterflies Group
committee would review the applications and select one or successful applicants. We would expect
a short report including copies of records of all butterflies recorded. We would also expect
acknowledgement of the bursary in any publications: including specific mention of both European
Butterflies Group and Butterfly Conservation. The report would also be circulated to relevant
partners within Butterfly Conservation Europe.

An example might be ‘I want to go and help the local recorder survey some wetland habitats in X for
False Ringlet Coenonympha oedippus one of Europe’s most threatened butterflies. I will drive to X
and camp for a week in July. The sites were surveyed in 1995 but most have not been surveyed
since. I will record the location all of these butterflies seen using a GPS and will submit a short
report. Petrol, ferries and camp site fees will be about €800. I am looking for a job in conservation
and have studied ecology at University. I also do voluntary work for my local wildlife organisation. I
am 23.’
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Re: Serhiy Popoff

Post by SarahM »

Hi David,

Thank you for taking the time to write such a detailed, helpful response to Serhiy's request. I am sure he will be very grateful.

Butterflies are so important to me that I felt I wanted to help him in some way. I just didn't know how.

Best wishes,
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serhiy popoff
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Location: Uzhgorod, Ukraine

how to donate directly?

Post by serhiy popoff »

Dear friends and followers,

thank you very much for your readiness to help of my small size project in the butterfly recording season 2023.

Please try to visit site with how to redirect your donation help

You will received site's link by request.

If you will have trouble with reading this page please send me request message at

My best,

Last edited by serhiy popoff on Sat Feb 25, 2023 10:53 am, edited 2 times in total.
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serhiy popoff
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Location: Uzhgorod, Ukraine

dia Orihovica-3 S5 2022_05_18-16_36

Post by serhiy popoff »

Butterfly Monitoring Scheme
in the East Carpathians
West Ukraine

Monitoring season 2022
Draft report
12 December 2022

Monitoring week №7

Here are some videos and photos from remote and near by transects at Butterfly Monitoring Camps done.

Adult of Violet Fritillary (UK) (Boloria dia L.) is resting ongrass on transect Orihovica-3 Section No5 at 18 May 2022.

Boloria dia L.(SC) Violet Fritillary (UK) Hainveilichen-Perlmutterfalter (D) paarse parelmoervlinder NL Kis gyöngyöházlepke (H) Perlamutrovka malaya (RUS) Perlamutrovka mala (UA)


dia Orihovica-3 S5 2022_05_18-16_36.jpg

C-Europe, South-West Ukraine, Monitoring, Populations, Insecta, Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea, Hesperioidea

Digital Cameras Nikon P510, Nikon D5300 with Nikkor AFP 70-300 VR and APPLE IPhone used to
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serhiy popoff
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Location: Uzhgorod, Ukraine

amanda Makovica-2 S18 2002_06_06

Post by serhiy popoff »

Butterfly Monitoring Scheme
in the East Carpathians
West Ukraine

Monitoring season 2002
Draft report
20 December 2022

Monitoring week №10

Here are some videos and photos from remote and near by transects at Butterfly Monitoring Camps done.

Photos 1-2 Male of Amanda's Blue (Polyommatus amanda Schn.) feeding on flowers of bird's-foot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus) and Spring Pea (Lathyrus vernus),
6. June. 2002, sections N12-15, site Makovica-2, 708,1 m, coordinates are 48°39'435'' 22°37'237'' NE by Garmin eTrex GPS, Transcarpathia.

Polyommatus amanda Schn.(SC) Amanda's Blue (UK) Prächtiger Bläuling (D) wikkeblauwtje (NL) ?? (H) Golubianka Amanda (RUS) Sinyavetc Amanda (UA)

amanda Makovica-2 S18 2002_06_06-2
amanda Makovica-2 S12 2002_06_06-03

C-Europe, South-West Ukraine, Monitoring, Populations, Insecta, Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea, Hesperioidea
Polyommatus amandus has most recently been assessed for The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species in 2009. Polyommatus amandus is listed as Least Concern.
Amanda's Blue listed in IUCN directly at

Reference to the original page ... 02_06_06-2

Distribution map original page ... anda_ma_98

Photos reference is ... 5765544595

Analog Camera Canon A1 with Tamron 70-210 Zoom lenses used to
UK BUtterflies personal diary

Research Gate ... st_Ukraine

Linked In ... 806720512/

Twitter ... 17/photo/2 ... 17/photo/1

Facebook ... 5765544595

UK Butterflies Personal diary


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David M
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Re: amanda Makovica-2 S18 2002_06_06

Post by David M »

serhiy popoff wrote: Thu Jan 19, 2023 9:19 am...Polyommatus amandus has most recently been assessed for The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species in 2009. Polyommatus amandus is listed as Least Concern...
Good to know there isn't concern over this species, Serhiy. Amandus is one of my favourite Blues, and whilst it crops up regularly in France when I'm there, I never see large numbers of them.
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serhiy popoff
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My adorable read admiral & large heath brush images

Post by serhiy popoff »

My adorable read admiral & large heath brush images

• 1st Ecologist
1w • 1 week ago

"How many others' life-long interest was sparked by Brooke Bond picture cards? They came free with PG Tips tea - the butterfly cards arriving in 1963."

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Re: Serhiy Popoff

Post by jonhd »

That's a +1 for me, regarding the Brooke Bond cards/album. IIRC I worked very hard on persuading my mum to buy way more tea than we needed, and that's when I first developed a caffeine habit. (For an impoverished 'nipper', back in the 60's, it was that album and the Observer's Book of Butterflies, that formed my entire butterfly library.)

Thanks for the memories, Serhiy.

Best Wishes, Jon
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Re: Serhiy Popoff

Post by millerd »

jonhd wrote: Tue Jan 31, 2023 11:39 am
...back in the 60's, it was that album and the Observer's Book of Butterflies, that formed my entire butterfly library...

Thanks for the memories, Serhiy.

Best Wishes, Jon
Exactly the same for me, those two, Jon! Fascinating to look back on... The Brooke Bond card described the Comma as a "...rare butterfly..." and the one for the Wall said it was "...very common..."

Cheers, Serhiy, for bringing it all back and getting me to dust off those old publications. :)

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David M
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Re: Serhiy Popoff

Post by David M »

Aah....happy days! These collectables were an intrinsic part of my childhood. I don't recall these particular butterfly cards, but a deep smell of tea leaves instantly takes me back to the 1970s and the excitement of seeing what was inside the box. :)
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serhiy popoff
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Orange Underwing (Archiearis parthenias) 2023

Post by serhiy popoff »

Butterflies and moths

Butterfly Monitoring Camp Bukovcevo
Long - Term Spring moth counts
13th aniversary of the first moth flights count
A moth Orange Underwing (Archiearis parthenias) first flight and also it indicates that Spring time started at Bukovcevo as well.
Statistics of the first flight since 2011


Original photo by Serhiy Popov (c) 2023
Archiearis parthenias Bukovcevo-6 S1 2023_03_02
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Re: Serhiy Popoff

Post by Allan.W. »

Hello Serhiy ,
You beat me to it with Orange Underwing Serhiy ...........been looking for them myself locally (Orlestone forest ,Kent ) for a few days now .......but no luck ...............need a few warmer days !
Regards Allan.W. ps ; nice picture by the way !
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David M
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Re: Serhiy Popoff

Post by David M »

That's one of the earlier sightings in the years you've been recording this moth, Serhiy. I presume conditions in your part of Europe are rather more benign than those we are experiencing here in the UK right now?
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Re: Serhiy Popoff

Post by Allan.W. »

Hello Serhiy ,
An update on our local Orange Underwings ,I had 3 brief flight views in my local wood (Orlestone forest ,Kent ,England ) this morning in fairly warm but breezy conditions .I find that when they first emerge they tend to stay up pretty high and out of camera reach.
Just to confuse things a bit ,this woodland also has Light Orange underwing.
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serhiy popoff
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Location: Uzhgorod, Ukraine

go for Orange Tip

Post by serhiy popoff »

May 2023

I want to go as a local recorder for survey of a butterfly grassland indicator in Bukivtsovo Butterfly Monitoring Camp (georeferences are N48.82503 E22.67849, 465 m) for Orange Tip (Anthocaris cardamines) one of Europe’s butterfly grassland indicator butterfly. I will drive to the camp for a week in May 2023. The sites were surveyed in 2022 but it needs to be surveyed again in the frame of long term research. I will record number of adults and submit a short report. Petrol, food and camp site fees will be about €755.
transect - ... rer=gpsies
transect - ... rer=gpsies
male -
female -
Thank you!
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serhiy popoff
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Location: Uzhgorod, Ukraine

Re: Serhiy Popoff

Post by serhiy popoff »

Butterfly Monitoring Scheme
in the East Carpathians
West Ukraine

Monitoring season 2012
Draft report
06 March 2023

Monitoring week №12

Here are some videos and photos from remote and near by transects at Butterfly Monitoring Camps done.

Strymon w-album Knoch, male feeding on flower of Angelica sylvestris, June, 23 2012, section N3, site Bukovcevo-1, N48.82814 E22.68701, Transcarpathia region.

White-letter Hairstreak (UK) Ulmen-Zipfelfalter (D) iepepage (NL) W-betüs lepke (H) Hvostatka W-beloe (RUS) Hvostatka W-bile (UA)


C-Europe, South-West Ukraine, Monitoring, Populations, Insecta, Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea, Hesperioidea

w-album Bukovcevo-1 S3 2012_06_23-10 sm

Reference to the original page


photo w-album Bukovcevo-1 S3 2012_06_23-10 sm ... 6_23-10-sm

distribution map w-albu94 ... 0/w-albu94 ... 6_23-10_sm ... 455330818/ ... 9968486403

Digital Camera Canon EOS 300D Rebel with Canons EF 70-300 IS Zoom lenses used to
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