Goldie M

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Re: Goldie M

Post by Wurzel »

Great stuff Goldie - I was a little hesitant with the ID after getting caught out by the Adonis that wasn't an Adonis :wink: :lol: Love to see this type of Cloudy 8) :mrgreen:

Have a goodun

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Goldie M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Thanks David, I couldn't miss with this Comma it settled right in front me, I know they're pretty common but I love their shape, no other Butterfly we have here can match it. :D

Hi! Wurzel, I thought you'd kept quiet about that one :lol: I must say it still looks like an Adonis to me :lol: A really fresh one :D
I've put it down as a CB though :lol:

I'm waiting to see what the weather forecast is today before I set off on my quest for the White Admiral, a Meadow Brown just flew into the house and onto the window, I'd to rescue it before the dog saw it :lol: Goldie :D
IMG_6748 (1).jpeg
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Re: Goldie M

Post by David M »

Good luck with the White Admirals, Goldie.
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Thanks for that David, I did find some :D

The weather forecast was good for today so I set off for East Blean Woods, I was hoping the Camper Van with the dogs in had gone,I didn't fancy turning back again. Anyway it seemed I'd the woods to myself , surprisingly only one car was parked there.

Of course I'd just got to see the Heath's again, :D They were an hive of activity :D I stayed with them because I'd seen the WA fly where they were ,also the SWF , I didn't have to wait long before one arrived, trouble was they would mostly stay where the Trees and bushes were, has did the SWF, I'd nearly given up on that one, there was plenty of them they just wouldn't land :roll:

Finally one did, but wouldn't you know I'd my back to it taking other shots and when I looked round there it was I tried to be quick and capture it for a shot , it was difficult, but at Least I got some thing and can go back hope fully when I've sorted the moving out :D
I moved further into the woods and that's when I saw a Peacock Butterfly also a Humming Bird Hawk Moth, I tried my best with that shot :lol: I also tried to pin down a shot of a Ringlet but they never kept still ,so one shot I did get is Blurred, there's so many of them ,bound to see more of them later.

On my way back to the car I saw a Small Tort, it was scrambling about and looked a bit lost in the woods some how. What a day
I'd a great time :D Goldie :D
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Pauline »

So pleased you found your White Admirals M. Looks like the warmth has made them super active! :D (only 6 days to go now!!! :D )
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Yes I found the Admiral, :D there was loads of them but they didn't land very much, with the weather being so warm they seemed to be every where, so was the SWF , has soon as they landed they took off again, I was lucky to get a distant shot of the Fritillary,
I even thought at one point to put my camera onto the sports section and try to get a shot that way :lol:
Good excuse to go back there :D

I did get a couple of shots with the closed wings but they were so active, still, has I've said before they suit me :lol:Goldie :D
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Re: Goldie M

Post by essexbuzzard »

White Admirals are not always easy to photograph, Goldie. I’d say you’ve done pretty well there.

I went to my local White Admiral Woods this week. Plenty there, but didn’t manage a single shot. :lol:

So well done!
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Many thanks essex :D Have you ever had a day when things were given to you :D I Had today :D

I decided to go to Blean Woods in Blean, I thought the day was warm but cloudy at times , I also knew this would slow the Ringlets down, or so I hoped, :D
I wasn't wrong and I actually got some still shots, I also , to my surprise found a Small Skipper, and once more swooping down was a White Admiral, it was bit harder to take this time , it landed a good distance a way but I managed a few :D
I also saw a handful of Heaths there, not has many as at EBW, having walked a fair distance and managed what I came for I decided , why not go back to EBW and see If I can spot another SWF, so that's what I did :D

The first thing I spotted, in the gloom I might add, was a Mating pair of Heath's , then I noticed another couple of Heath's ,one Heath was very Small, whilst the one near it was quite Large, after looking round at even more Heaths etc, I happened to look down and that's when I got a shock, there right in front of me was the loveliest Purple Hair Streak I'd ever seen, it didn't move and we ,( I was talking to this man who was also shocked at the sight of it :D ) and said his wife wouldn't believe it was real when he showed her the Photos :D Needless to say, I didn't see one SWF, but that Hair Streak made up for that :D Goldie :D
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Pauline »

Fabulous M!!! Really so pleased for you. Today the wind stopped my PHs opening their wings (tho' they did try) but you have captured some very nice images indeed of one of my favourite species....... and a mating pair of Heath Frits too! :mrgreen: I reckon you can now concentrate on your move and then put your feet up for the rest of the season :wink: :lol:
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Wurzel »

Fantastic stiff Goldie :D 8) I remember East Blean being good for White Admiral the last time I went so great to see it's still the case :D Cracking shots of Purple Hairstreak as well :D :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Have a goodun

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Re: Goldie M

Post by David M »

What a great couple of visits you've had, Goldie.

Fresh White Admirals, Silver Washed & Heath Fritillaries, but most of all that mint fresh Purple Hairstreak. :mrgreen:

So pleased for you.
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Hi! Pauline, I was really lucky with that Hair Streak, I've seen them in the car park before usually about 4pm to 5pm when they seem to start coming down but never in the middle of the woods and to just turn around and see it, well!! :D

What I am surprised about though is the car park used to be full of the Heath but so far I've just seen the one in there.
On my three visits there I've seen a television dumped there ,( it's still there by the way) two lads on those three wheel mopeds giving it great guns through the woods, and sending jets of smoke up all around the car park, as well as the woods, it's a wonder any thing is left alive, I did see some one in a car talking to them so maybe they took in what they said because they took off after that. You'd think now the car park has cameras they'd pick up on these things. Also on the side of the road leading into the woods some one was having a barbecue, I ask you, signs every where telling you not to!!!!!

That's my moaning bit out of the way :D

Thanks Wurzel, has you can tell I'm really enjoying myself :D Got to look for the Marble White now before Thursday, it's get the keys day :D Can't resist shoving another shot of the Hair Streak in the post :lol:

Thanks David, I think I hit every thing at the right time, the Hair Streak was a real surprise though and very special because I'd not seen one open winged with those lovely Purple markings before, what next I keep thinking :D Goldie :D
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Re: Goldie M

Post by trevor »

You've certainly had your money's worth recently Goldie.
All those White Admirals, Heath Frits, and that fabulous female Purple Hairstreak :mrgreen: .
I found my first ever open wing Purple Hairstreak in Blean Woods a few years back.

Great stuff and shots,
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Re: Goldie M

Post by millerd »

Brilliant to find that Hairstreak, Goldie! :) Every year I hope to discover a fresh one like that but I'm still waiting... :mrgreen:


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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Thanks Dave, I was thrilled to find it :D I think it found me :lol: One minute I was taking shots of the Heath couple and when I turned there it was right in front of me :D

Thanks Trevor, and thanks for telling me it was Female :D I certainly have had a great time recently, today I'm resting , Sunday's here are full of car's and people parking them, it's best to go looking ,if your retired, to let the Sunday's pass :D Goldie :D
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

With moving house this Thursday I've been too busy to do much Butterflying but today after doing things we decided to go for a Pub lunch at Reculver, it gave me the chance to have a quick look around .

The first thing I spotted was a Humming Bird Hawk Moth which, when I took another look was not on it's own, there were three or four in the same area :D I tried some quick shots which turned out a bit better than the one I took in EBW :D

Further along the road I came across a Skipper, I'm not sure if it's an Essex Skipper or a Small Skipper,( not too well up on those two) I've looked at the Essex Skipper photo I took ages ago and I'm still not sure :D the latter was taken at Reculver.

If any one knows , Please let me know :D

Has I was on my way back down the path this small Butterfly landed then took off again I did get a shot of it, my first Gate Keeper I think :D Thank goodness they've just started my shot was in the edges with this one :lol:

There was loads of Small and Large Whites but this very pale Green Veined took my eye , now it's back to work :lol: Goldie :D
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Re: Goldie M

Post by millerd »

That's definitely a Gatekeeper, Goldie, and I reckon your skipper is a male Small Skipper. You can see a bit of orange on the underside of its antenna in the second shot.

The Hummer shots are great - they really show how they got their name! The second one looks just like a humming bird. :)


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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Thanks a lot Dave, I always get mixed up with those two Skippers :D Glad you like the Humming Bird Moth shots, it's fascinating to watch them and when there was more than one, Well!!! :D Goldie :D
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Wurzel »

Great to see the Hedgies/Gatekeepers out Goldie 8) That is a Small Skipper as Dave says - if you look at the first shot the dark mark (sex brand) on the fore wing is crooked 8)

Have a goodun

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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Hi! Wurzel, thanks for your post, I'm going to be busy the next few days , I get the keys for the house tomorrow so I'll have to put my Butterflying on hold for a while :D So I was welled pleased just to see the Gate Keeper, hope I get one or two in the Garden :D
Goldie :D
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