Goldie M

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Goldie M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Hi! Wurzel, inspire of the cold weather this morning ( I'd to wear my Duffle Coat to church ) :D the Butterflies were out again :D

I saw a Painted Lady land on my Buddleia then go across to my Neighbours Buddleia so I followed it, I asked him if it was okay to take some shots, ( I wanted to be closer than a cross the road this time) and having got the okay waited for it to land nearer, in the mean time a Red Admiral appeared so I couldn't resist a shot of that :lol:
The weather's gone colder and the Sun's disappeared now, hope fully the Sun will be back tomorrow, if this keeps happening I'll be busy all week taking shots :lol: Goldie :D
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Wurzel »

Great stuff Goldie :D :mrgreen: It was baltic round our way today - it's like someone just switched the heating off - yesterday I was in t-shirt and jumper today I had four layers and sorely missed my gloves :shock: :( Still a Comma helped me to beat the cold :D

Have a goodun

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Goldie M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Hi! Wurzel, it just shows how hardy the Butterflies are, no Sun so far today but it's early yet. :D Goldie :D
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Only one Butterfly seen today, shot taken through bedroom window, but it's ab biabata so thought I'd post it :D Goldie :D
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Wurzel »

You did better than me today Goldie :mrgreen: :D No butterflies and a distinct nip in the air looks like no Indian Summer this year :?

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Re: Goldie M

Post by millerd »

It's just great the way you've kept both the purple and the yellow buddleias going, Goldie, and the butterflies certainly seem to appreciate it! Lovely Painted Lady especially. :)


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Re: Goldie M

Post by David M »

That yellow buddleia is really doing the business for you right now, Goldie. :)

Splendid that you should have a Painted Lady visiting so late in the year.
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Sorry Wurzel, Dave and David I've not answered you sooner but I've been having trouble with my Broadband, One minute it's working and the next it's gone,I've no Idea why but Virgin BB has been at fault some where down the line!!!!!

Nothing doing here now and weather wise it's awful really heavy rain, it looks like winter has arrived not Autumn at present :D
The Buddleia's have finally gone over and all but one has been cut down, that will get cut next week all being well with the weather. Goldie :D
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Wurzel »

No worries Goldie :D We were without Broadband for a night last week - it was shocking how lost I felt without it :shock: :? Hope they get the problem sorted soon :D

Have a goodun

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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Hi! Wurzel, looks like the Broad Band problem is solved for now, ( till the next time :D ) Guess what! I saw yet another Red Admiral just now on my Neighbours Buddleia across the way I took a couple of shots through my bed room window, of course when I got outside it was gone :roll:
They really are amazing, the Sun was warm but the wind very cold and after the stormy weather we've had it was great to see yet another RA, needless to say it's made my day :D Goldie :D
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

After a very hard frost last night ( the Bird Baths were all frozen) I didn't expect to see any Butterflies today but has the Sun came out and every thing warmed up the RA's were back on my Neighbours tree, not just one this time but two and I managed some shots :D Goldie :D
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Wurzel »

Great shots of the Red Admirals Goldie :D :mrgreen: There was a touch of Frost on the roof tiles here this morning so I was thinking that could be it but having read your post I won't be putting the camera into hibernation just yet :wink: :D

Have a goodun

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Re: Goldie M

Post by David M »

You must have a northern 'hotspot', Goldie. I'm seeing hardly any butterflies at all here in south Wales but the gardens in your street much further north are still attracting them.
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Hi! Wurzel and David, we've had some good weather here, lots of Sunshine every day but cold winds, I'd my Buddleia on the front Garden cut all the flowers had gone, my Neighbour likes to keep his Buddleia tall, it's in a very sheltered place by his garage and at this time of year has still got lots of flowers with being so big.

On my side of the Avenue facing his garden, it's good for getting shots of the late RA's, my Neighbour however to the left of me is a real grump :roll: I've had to have a gardener come to help me with my Garden this year and he told my gardener to cut my Buddleia :evil: I don't need to tell you what I said to him do I !!!! this was back in early September needless to say it's the one I've just had cut :D

I did say to him if any of it was going into his Garden he could cut it, which is really what I was doing to his Tree which was invading my side, I couldn't understand him because he told my Husband it was okay to do this when (My Husband was alive) but he told my Gardener off, I give up!!!!

To tell you the truth I'd had enough happen to me this year and didn't want an argument, after warning him I just walked off 8)

Any way enough of being down, I saw another RA today on my Neighbours Bush and it cheered me up no end so I've once again posted it :D Goldie :D
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Wurzel »

That neighbour sounds like a right one Goldie - you are perfectly within your rights to trim back any tree or bush to the limit of your property - so I hope you told him to bog off! :x I had the opposite problem when I rented and actually had a garden - my neighbour had a brilliant apple tree but after collecting windfalls from it which had fallen into my garden for one season he trimmed it back so the following year they all landed in his garden :( Glad the Red Admirals were about to cheer you up :D :mrgreen:

Have a goodun

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Re: Goldie M

Post by David M »

Good to know you're still seeing butterflies at this late stage in October, Goldie. There's hardly been any sunshine round my way and that doesn't look likely to change so I fear my last sighting of the year will be the Red Admiral I saw flying past me last Thursday. :(
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Hi! Wurzel, you'll be pleased to know when I walked passed my Neighbour today, ( I was walking passed his house and saw his wife, I've no quarrel with her she's really nice) I glanced her way and she was in her car and waved at me, he was getting out of his car and smiled at me, rather sheepishly, so I smiled back, I can't keep grudges :D especially if they look sheepish :D I didn't speak though I was in a hurry to catch my train, also I don't like falling out with people, I say what I think and if it's taken the wrong way
( too bad ) life's too short for grudges :D

Hi! David, sorry I'm late once more in replying, I expect at this late date and with the weather being so bad, the Butterflies have really disappeared now, still it was the end of October before they finally disappeared although I still keep checking the Buddleia's across the road just in case :D Goldie :D
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Re: Goldie M

Post by David M »

Goldie M wrote:....the Butterflies have really disappeared now, still it was the end of October before they finally disappeared although I still keep checking the Buddleia's across the road just in case.
Amazing they're still in flower, Goldie. Even the ivy blooms have all but dried up here in south Wales, meaning there's precious little left for any late season butterflies to feed from. :(
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Goldie M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Hi! David, my Neighbour hasn't cut his Buddleia down yet, it's looking a bit worse for wear now but I don't think he wants it cutting.
It's still flowering.
I don't know if he's waiting for Spring, or has decided to let it grow, if he let's it grow it'll be good for next year :lol:

It's like Winter here at present we've just had Hail stones and loads of rain , luckily for us we don't live near any river's, no snow yet but I don't think it'll be long before it arrives. :roll: Goldie :D
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Neil Freeman »

Hi Goldie,

I always understood that Buddleias are best pruned back in early spring...unless you mean that he has never cut it down.

Cold and wet here too with some local fields flooded but luckily we are on higher ground. When it was not raining last week the clearer nights led to a few frosts. There was some snow a couple of days back on the Staffordshire moorlands, that's roughly half way between us, so might get some before long.


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