Mansmead Wood - Somerset

Discussion forum for places to see butterflies.
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Innes Henry
Posts: 4
Joined: Sat May 02, 2009 1:22 pm

Mansmead Wood - Somerset

Post by Innes Henry »

Has anyone been to Mansmead Wood? (Square ST)

If so where do you park / walk / see butterflies? (!)

Had a rather abortive trip today - a little disappointing given the long list of species that pertain to the site - I was clearly in the wrong bit of the wood

Help would be gratefully received
Posts: 428
Joined: Sat Dec 31, 2016 5:03 pm

Re: Mansemead Wood - Somerset

Post by Medard »

Mansmead Wood, South Somerset (BA7 7PZ) Go on Google earth and look for Dimmer Lane it will take yoy to the Castle cary recycling cente, a long time since I visited it.
51° 4'50.22"N 2°33'13.85"W copy and paste into Google scearch,hit go.
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