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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

Cheers Wurzel, more from the Plain this evening.

More from Tilshead this evening, This time roosting Marbled Whites.
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Re: Trevor

Post by ernie f »

Trevor - love the pic of the skipper making friends with the Marbled White.
Ernie F
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Re: Trevor

Post by Goldie M »

Cracking shots Trevor, their a lovely Butterfly hope I get see them this year :D Goldie :D
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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

Many thanks, Ernie & Goldie.

I returned to Tilshead this morning, unfortunately I didn't arrive until 8am,
by this time it was difficult to find a settled butterfly.

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Re: Trevor

Post by Wurzel »

Great stuff Trevor - especially the two species shot :D :mrgreen: Have the Hedge Browns emerged over that way yet? I was at Five Rivers and there were one or two on every Bramble bush 8)

Have a goodun

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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

Just for you Wurzel!. A Hedge Brown from Wednesday.
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Goldie M
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Re: Trevor

Post by Goldie M »

Another lovely shot of the Marbled White Trevor and I love the contrast with the purple flower :D Goldie :D
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Re: Trevor

Post by David M »

That's a particularly attractive Green Veined White, Trevor. Nice, yellow hindwings.
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Re: Trevor

Post by bugboy »

Just catching up Trevor, some great shots over Tilshead way, looks like an impressive site with so many species to choose from! :mrgreen:
Some addictions are good for the soul!
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Re: Trevor

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers Trevor cracking Hedgie :D I saw my first on Sunday,last year I also saw my first before I went looking for Emperors so fingers crossed this was a good omen :wink: :D

Have agoodun

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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

Many thanks, Goldie, David & Paul.

When I arrived at Chiddingfold forest this morning, I was very optimistic that a good day lay ahead.
The weather was near perfect, ie. part cloud and sun, no wind, a slight dampness to the air, and mild.
Walking through the forest from the car, I noticed a Purple Hairstreak resting on Bracken, and then another.
Next a beautiful, fresh, male Silver Washed Fritillary posed while nectaring, he was much more orange than usual.
Soon the whole area was bobbing with butterflies.

As the morning wore on exciting things began to happen !.
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Re: Trevor

Post by Wurzel »

Well you've reeled me in with that Purple Hairstreak :mrgreen: Trevor so I await the next report with baited breath 8)

Have a goodun

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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

Cheers, Wurzel. I feel your pain, I'm out Emporing while you're at work.
I hope this makes you feel better, the best one today was probably found
around the time of your lunch break. :lol: .

I spent some time today with P.J.Underwood, We decided to walk up to the
' High point ' area, as Emperors seem to be favouring that area, and the ride
leading to it, this season. We soon spotted one down, enjoying Horse dung,
And later one at the high point, but this one refused to settle, I did, however,
manage a couple of shots when it landed on Bramble. This Emperor was rather
scratched and worn.
As we returned to the triangle area, we saw two Chiddingfold regulars, Dawn
and Jim, standing over the PE that we saw earlier on Horse dung, it had returned.
This PE was the most settled of the day, and allowed many shots, including some
purple flashes as it moved around on it's meal.
Several other PE's were seen in the air, but the one on Horse dung returned
a few more times, until finally disturbed by a jogger with Dog.

I felt it was time to call it a day just after lunchtime, and headed for the car.
As I approached the Oaken wood junction, my footsteps sent up a nearby
grounded PE., so I dropped my baggage and waited hoping for it's return.
About five mins. later he re-appeared, and I could see that this one was a
magnificent specimen. Unfortunately he couldn't locate anything to suit his
taste and kept flying and landing in short hops. Perseverance paid off, and
I obtained some very satisfactory shots, and what is more, had him all to myself!.

A thoroughly enjoyable, and exhausting day.
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Re: Trevor

Post by Wurzel »

Cracking shots Trevor :D :mrgreen: :mrgreen: Why is it always a jogger and a dog? Why can't they find something useful to do during the day? :roll:

Have a goodun

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Re: Trevor

Post by David M »

Always satisfying when you get good vibes in the morning about how things are going to turn out and then they go on to exceed expectations!

Not difficult with all those Purple Hairstreaks resting on bracken.
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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

I popped over to Abbots Wood early this morning to look for Purple Hairstreaks.
Three were quickly located, two females and a male. The male caused great frustration,
as it was displaying full purple when spotted, but while glancing down at my camera settings,
he escaped. The females were much more obliging.
I then went over to Ditchling Common to the PH hotspot there, but there were no more photo ops.
While there two Purple Emperors were seen in the air. But the real treat of the day awaited
back in the car park, when I spotted two, fresh, Small Tortoiseshells nectaring on Creeping Thistle.
This find instantly doubled my count of this species for East Sussex this year.

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Re: Trevor

Post by Goldie M »

WoW! Trevor those are great shots :mrgreen: :mrgreen: especially the Hair Streaks Goldie :D
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Re: Trevor

Post by Wurzel »

Wow simply stunning Trevor :shock: 8) :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Have a goodun

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Re: Trevor

Post by David M »

That first image of the female Purple Hairstreak is sublime, trevor. It speaks volumes when it knocks spots of a series of Purple Emperor photos.

Well done!
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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

Thanks everyone. My Purple Hairstreak spot in a local Woods keeps delivering, another one today.

Yesterday I returned to Chiddingfold forest, and it would seem that the grounding period
for male Purple Emperors is almost over. Despite a thorough baiting and almost ideal weather
there were no male groundings ( at least in the part of the complex I explored.)
But I was thrilled to watch an Empress touch down a couple of times in a Sweet Chestnut tree.

To pass the time I managed shots of Small Skippers, a puddling Holly Blue and a fresh male Brimstone.
The place was alive with bobbing Ringlets, which were flying under the grey skies when I arrived.

This morning a male Purple Hairstreak flew down to a low Oak branch to bask.

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