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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers Goldie :D I did think of you when I got those shots - but I didn't mean to rub it in :( . They're still flying now - so if you're down this way there is still a chance of picking them up :D
Cheers Peter :D I'm lucky in that I can still get down but if I go for a kneeling shot I swear my Knees make an ultrasonic noise that alerts the butterflies to my presence. :shock: :roll: :lol: I don't know how to get the images on the diary any bigger - I minimally process them in Picasa and the save them to a portable hard drive so I don't know if that's why they're the size they are?

Have a goodun

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Re: Wurzel

Post by kevling »


Great set of photographs of the Pearls. They look immaculate. My one and only visit to Bentley Wood a couple of years ago was nearer the end of their flight season, so no where near as pristine. As for the Grizzlie on your finger, now that's just plain showing off :lol:

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers Kev :D I was mighty chuffed with the Pearls (there's more to come once I've gotten the photos sorted :roll: ) as they're putting in a good showing this year :D As for the Grizzlie on the finger - that's one of the benefits of butterflying in cooler weather - I was Grizzlie's hot water bottle :shock: :lol:That sounds like a prog rock album title 8)

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Bentley Wood 04-05-2019 Part 2

On reaching the ‘triangle’ we actually met other people. It came as a bit of a shock to realise that in this day and age of overcrowding and overpopulation Philzoid and I had spent the last hour or so without seeing any other humans! We spent some time here with another 2 Pearls and finally some Brimstones as by now the temperature had risen sufficiently for them to be activated.
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Not wanting to intrude on the other butterfliers space we made our way down to the far corner of the clearing. As we strode through the gap in the trees which felt like passing through a gateway the butterflies seemed to burst forth from the air. There were at least 5 Pearls flying about including a female that was looking to lay as she fluttered about around our feet and was constantly being bothered by smaller males. A male Orange-tip did the usual cruel trick of landing just long enough for me to make the approach and then took off just as I was focusing on him and a Holly Blue flew across the orange melee like Tinkerbell amid the Lost Boys.
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That morning I’d consulted the Oracle (my older daughter K) and she had informed me that I would be adding a pair of Pearls in cop to my collection. I didn’t think this likely so I was stunned when a hither too unseen female flew past me. A smaller Pearl appeared from nowhere as well and followed her. They reached a small sapling, about 7ft high and still twiggy, and seemed to crash into each other. As we neared the sapling we could see that both Pearls were present and the male was trying to bend his abdomen round. Success; he’d latched on so we tried for a few shots. It was frustrating as they’d landed at the top of this the most exposed sapling of this bit of the wood so they were being thrown around as even the slightest breeze swayed the tree. The leaves which were flapping all over and occasionally obstructing them from view were also a pain. It became apparent that they didn’t like this precarious position either and they weakly fluttered (it looked like the female doing all of the work) in a shallow descent landing low down on a dead Bracken stem. Much, much better! At one point they both opened their wings and looked like the lepidopteran ‘Push-me-pull-you’. Absolutely fantastic!
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Once we tore ourselves away we wandered slightly dazed I suppose around the rest of this little bit finding a few Pearls, Brimstone, Orange-tip and a Green-veined White which actually stopped for a photo. But I was drawn back to the Pearls and after yet more shots we left them in peace, still ‘at it’, and made for the next site. – Sidbury Hill.
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A Three-fer - Stained glass, close up and in cop!
A Three-fer - Stained glass, close up and in cop!
On the drive over I was wondering whether it was going to be worthwhile; I’d not seen Dukes there for a year, I was running out of time and I didn’t think anything could beat the sight of a pair of Pearls in cop. When we pulled up the wind had picked up and so we started towards the usually productive spots. The Sparse Bank didn’t have any Adonis, in the Tussocky grass there was an absence of Small Blues Copper Corner was Copper-less and the Cypresses were bereft of the Green ones. There was nothing, nada not even an errant Brimstone. Then we reached the little path that ran up to my old Duke hotspot and there was a tiny grey blur it looked almost like a Brown Argus as it had a greyish/silver appearance. I followed it with my eyes and it landed – it was a Grizzlie but the markings on the wing were fused to make a white bar, an intermedia. And there was the butterfly that had made this particular part of the trip worthwhile, the make or break butterfly, ace!
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After this we found a Dingy and moved onto the little Valley with a fly-by by a Red Admiral, two Small Coppers, a male Orange-tip and a Green-veined White. I had run out of time so I said my goodbyes and set off, almost at a run, back to the car.
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As I drove home a pair of Pearls and an aberrant Grizzlie jostled for pride of place in my memory. What a day! What a great start to the weekend!
Have a goodun

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Re: Wurzel

Post by trevor »

You must be awarded a couple of mrgreens :mrgreen: :mrgreen: for the mating Pearls, Wurzel.
There are a couple of classic mating shots too.

At the moment it's June gap, what June gap around here,
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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers Trevor :D I was dead chuffed as they were a glaring omission in my 'In cop' collection - only Small Pearls left and then the Fritillaries are complete! :D 8)
WRT the June gap - I almost never experience it - I just get a brief respite when I can (almost) catch up with my PD :wink: :lol:

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Re: Wurzel

Post by philm63 »

What an excellent mix of lovely images Wurzel. I saw only two species all day yesterday, totalling 3 butterflies
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Re: Wurzel

Post by Philzoid »

Great report of a fantastic day’s butterflying Wurzel. :D The highlight had to be the Pearls in cop, first I’d seen since 2011. Bentley Wood is a site that delivers, somewhere I’ll continue to go to as long as I can.

After you’re left Sidbury Hill I made my way up to the ring but by this time the sun began to lose its battle with the clouds and it turned cool and windy :shock: . As I hurriedly made my way back to the car aware of the rain clouds gathering, I got one last treat, a male Orange-tip which roosted on a dandelion clock, ..... something they have tendency to do from time to time.

Looking forward to reading about our other Bentley excursion :)

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Re: Wurzel

Post by millerd »

Some great shots of those mating Pearls, Wurzel - you must have done a bit of whispering of your own to get them to open up together like that. :wink: :mrgreen:

The aberrant Grizzlie is a bit special, too! :)


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Goldie M »

Fantastic shots of the Pearls Wurzel :mrgreen: :mrgreen: and well done with the ab Grizzled Skipper :D You didn't "rub it in" with your shots of the Grizzled Skipper , It's always pot luck with Butterflies and I know I'll get them at some point :D Goldie :D
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Re: Wurzel

Post by Janet Turnbull »

A wonderful report on the Pearls, Wurzel - a few Mr Greens there! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: And the Grizzlies seem to be so elusive, beautiful shots. More Greens! :mrgreen:
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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers Phil :D It was one of those butterfly filled memory forming days :D
Cheers Phlizoid :D Only Small Pearl to go now for my 'In cop' collection and then the Fritillaries are done - it's a bit like finishing a team in the World Cup sticker book 8) :lol: I've got a back up for Small Pearls now as well so next time we catch up remind me to fess up :D When I can get round to writing up the next excursion it will feel a bit like waiter service; handed on a plate :wink: That's the way I like my butterflies 8)

As OfSTED are NOT in tomorrow :D I need to now go and get some sleep as I am starting to hallucinate from sleep depravation...

Have a goodun

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Re: Wurzel

Post by kevling »

Wurzel, Great set of photos of the Pearls in cop. Good luck with the SPBF and hopefully they won't be like the Bryan Robson sticker I never got for my World Cup album. I'm sure they never printed that one :lol:

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Neil Freeman »

Cracking series of PBF images Wurzel :D :mrgreen:, even more jealous as I have missed this species again this year :mrgreen: :mrgreen: Oh well!..can't be everywhere.
Wurzel wrote:...WRT the June gap - I almost never experience it...Wurzel
I think the June Gap mostly refers to the wider countyside species and the lull in numbers between spring ones and the summer ones getting going. The gap has always been able to be filled if you are fortunate enough to live close enough to more localised species or are willing to travel some distance. I don't have any of these 'premier' species close by hence I nearly always experience a bit of a gap...or go away for a few days in early June :wink:


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers Dave :D I should of known that I was going to see the paring as I'd checked with my daughter K, The Oracle and been given an unequivocal "Yes" so it was on the cards :wink: Still absolutely cracking to see. The big surprise was that Grizzlie - where that came from I have no idea I wonder if phenotype will persist in the population?
Cheers Goldie :D The 'Pot Luck' element of butterflying is one of its biggest atractions :D
Cheers Janet :D I had almost as much fun writing up the report as on the day - it brought back all the memories :D
Cheers Kev :D Was Bryan Robson from the Mexico 86 album? Every time there is one player that is almost impossible to collect :evil: Fingers crossed I don't have to start calling Small Pearls - Robsons :lol:
Cheers Neil :D Going away in June (Swallowtails, Large blues, Heath Frits, NBAs etc) sounds like a better way to deal with the June Gap than what do, which is to stay in and try and fail to catch up on my PD :roll: :oops: :lol:

Have a goodun

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Martin Down 05-05-2019

We all headed out for a lunchtime picnic originally intending to bathe in the beautiful blue glow of a sea of Bluebells at Garston Wood. However before I realised it we were actually bombing along the Cranborne Road which would eventually lead to Garston Wood but meant that Martin Down was nearer. So we pulled in there instead and set off for the sheltered sun trap beyond the Butts. The intermittent sun made a strong appearance just as I was finishing my final morsel of lunch and an unidentified White added another turn to the visual and sonic spectacle of May blossom, pinpricks of yellow, red and white amongst the green bedspread of turf and the cacophony of Cuckoo, Lesser Whitethroat, Whitethroat, Corn Bunting, Skylarks and Yellowhammers. I took this as my cue to have a bit of a wander round.

Starting in the small field and aiming to work my way along a section of the Dyke the first butterfly was only a few steps away, a familiar orange colour it was my third Small Heath of the year. As I knelt down to get a close shot I noticed that the ‘eye’ was doubled. Almost as soon as I recognised this the butterfly started playing silly buggers with me so getting decent shots proved difficult. Muttering about this obstreperous behaviour I carried on, down into the Dyke and along and consoled myself with a Grizzlie, followed by a Small Copper, then a Brimstone and finally a Dingy Skipper. All were down on the deck, down in the Dyke in a line about 4-5 paces apart from each other.
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As I climbed out of the Dyke and crossed the path I followed a Peacock down into one of the small fields and it paused briefly on the slope. It seemed to like basking here but I was distracted by a vivid orange blur which announced a fantastic Small Copper. In the next field over it seemed like the Skippers were the order of the day as there were 3 Dingies and a Grizzlie. A female Holly Blue added a bit of brightness to the textures and tones of the Skippers although I was still enamoured by the lovely level of variation in the markings of the Dingies. One was chocolate brown and peppered grey, another a sandy brown and one a rich, rusty brown.
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I was only a couple of footsteps away from the hollow we’d lunched in and were using as ‘basecamp’ when I was stopped in my tracks. There was a lime white butterfly down on the deck ‘basking’ wings open wide. Only it wasn’t a white it was a female Brimstone. As I looked more carefully the male with closed wings moved and so ‘appeared’ in view. Over the next few moments I clicked away as the male pestered and hassled, cajoled and pleaded to no avail. He would walk around her, over her and then take to the air and fly at her before settling down. After a bit of a breather he’d then repeat the whole performance; more walking over her, more dive bombing and what also looked like some plain old plaintive begging. All the while the female lay on the ground, resolute, abdomen arched up. Eventually he finally got it and understood that “No means no” and he quit to try out his lines/moves on another chick. The female remained for 20 more seconds or so, possibly checking that the male was really gone before she too flew off to carry on with her business.
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After checking in with everyone I set off along the Dyke to the half way point. The sun was becoming more and more intermittent o my walk would be punctuated with brief flurries of butterfly activity as the sun came out. By the time I’d reached the half way point I’d notched up a Grizzlie, Dingy, Orange-tip and a Peacock and once there I checked to no avail for Small Blues and Greenstreaks. As the sun was finally swallowed by the cloud and so I settled for two Grizzlies, one of which was so small I thought at first it was some sort of mint moth as if flew across from grass head to grass head.
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With the sun gone for the foreseeable future I made my way back to the Butts and basecamp, the calls of “Wurzel” carried on the wind hurrying me homewards.

Have a goodun

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Re: Wurzel

Post by trevor »

Great shots of a female Brimstone rejecting male advances.
Saw this for myself while searching for Wood Whites.
A great opportunity to ' grab ' a few upper side shots.
Unfortunately mine, like yours, were not in pristine condition.

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Re: Wurzel

Post by millerd »

This is the only time of year when you are likely to see Brimstones like that (which annoyingly means they'll never be very fresh) and for some reason Martin Down is the place to see them. The species was everywhere when I visited about a week later and I saw several examples of spurned courtship. Great shots, Wurzel! :)


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers Trevor :D The day had been a bit ordinary up until then - it's great when something sets it apart from the usual 'run of the mill' trip :D
Cheers Dave :D You're right about Martin Down being the place to see this - after this first encounter I saw it another couple of times on subsequent visits :shock: Does this mean that Hampshire Brimstones "bain't floozies":wink: :lol:

Have a goodun

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Goldie M »

Love the Dingy Shots Wurzel, I've never been lucky with my shots of this species, they never seem to stay still for very long :D
Goldie :D
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