Marsh Fritillary and Chequered Skipper - Ardnamurchan and North of Oban

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Marsh Fritillary and Chequered Skipper - Ardnamurchan and North of Oban

Post by Jonny721 »

Hi all,

Apologies for asking the standard early summer Scotland question, but I have added a couple of extra queries to try make it less repetitive!

Me and a couple of friends are taking a trip to Scotland from the 12th-16th June, starting off on Ardnamurchan on the 12th-14th. Since I am yet to see Chequered Skipper we are planning on stopping off at Glasdrum Wood on the way up (and hopefully get Pearl-borded/Small Pearl-bordered Frits depending which is flying at the time). From what I have read the best area to search is the open sections underneath the power lines near the car park, can people confirm this or are there other areas you would recommend searching?

In case we don't connect at Glasdrum I am planning a couple of backup sites on Ardnamurchan itself. From what I have read Ariundle Oakwood and the Alphabet Trail in Salen are both reasonably reliable sites, are there any others people would recommend?

Before crossing on to Ardnamurchan itself I would also like to have a search for Marsh Fritillary. My research suggests that Shian Wood offers a resonable chance for this species, but was hoping someone on here may be able to provide some specific advice on the likelihood of success at this site and the best areas to search? Are there any other sites between here and the ferry at Corran that people would recommend for this species, Cuil Bay perhaps?

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Mark Tutton
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Re: Marsh Fritillary and Chequered Skipper - Ardnamurchan and North of Oban

Post by Mark Tutton »

Hi Jonathan,
From my limited experience you won’t go too far wrong under the power lines at Glasdrum - I saw good numbers there a couple of years ago walking a couple of hundred meters each way - good numbers of PBF too. Can’t help with your other queries unfortunately sorry.
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Re: Marsh Fritillary and Chequered Skipper - Ardnamurchan and North of Oban

Post by CallumMac »

Very little I would add to the information you already have! I'm typing this message from Ardnamurchan, where I saw a Chequered Skipper less than 6 hours ago. Ariundle Oakwoods is supposed to be the best spot, and sure enough we found one roosting in dull conditions after only five minutes of searching, less than 20 metres from the main car park!

Shian Wood is stunning and well worth a visit, though I've not visited in Marsh Frit season to be able to comment on that. However the meadowy sections which would seem to be suitable are not huge and are obvious from the path around the reserve, so I can't imagine you'll struggle to find the right spot if they're present and flying. Cuil Bay is, as you suggested, also supposed to hold Marsh Frit - again I can't speak from personal experience on that.
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Jack Harrison
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Re: Marsh Fritillary and Chequered Skipper - Ardnamurchan and North of Oban

Post by Jack Harrison »

I've seen CS at Ardery in and around car park at NM746619. Also PB Fritillary once. Small PB is much more widespread.

The "motorway" along Ardamuchan is fun :P

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