High Brown Alun Valley?

Discussion forum for places to see butterflies.
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Posts: 155
Joined: Wed Sep 06, 2006 2:41 pm

High Brown Alun Valley?

Post by Danny »

Since I'm on the Wirral and don't really want to drive miles up to Arnside I'm told there are HBs in the Alun Valley, does anybody have any idea where I can go to see High Brown Frit. Kind of urgently really! I'm going back to Sussex on Saturday!

Any help greatly appreciated.

Posts: 49
Joined: Fri Feb 16, 2007 9:59 pm
Location: SW Wales

Re: High Brown Alun Valley?

Post by Will »

Ther are two meadows in the river valley where a ford crosses the unclassified road near Wallas Farm, south of Bridgend, South Wales. The meadows are either side of the road by the ford. Most of the area where they occur seems to be private.

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