Nick Morgan

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Re: Nick Morgan

Post by Vince Massimo »

Paul Harfield wrote: I seem to remember somebody posting a photo/video of a large number of Red Admirals at sap on here a couple of years ago, cant remember who it was though :?
Here it is guys (from September 2012) :D


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Re: Nick Morgan

Post by NickMorgan »

Thanks Vince,
It is interesting to speculate about what the Red Admirals were finding in the video. An impressive sight, though.
Those that I saw could have been taking moisture from the base of the dead branches.

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Re: Nick Morgan

Post by NickMorgan »

As it looks as though spring may arrive tomorrow, I thought I should put together a summary of the 2016 season.

The weather in 2016 was very similar to the previous year. I hope this isn't going to become the norm! The winter of 2015/16 was reasonably mild again, with only one dusting of snow. We had very heavy rain in February causing localised flooding, but the rest of the year was reasonably dry. Sadly, it was also quite cool and cloudy with below average sunshine.

One unusual aspect of the weather in 2016 was the number of easterly winds and this seemed to bring cloud with it. We had very local torrential rain in June which washed away the caterpillars I had been nurturing in my garden. I suspect it may have had a similar impact across much of East Lothian impacting on the butterfly numbers later in the year.

Despite this I still received almost as many butterfly records this year as I did last year. The combined efforts of everyone recording butterflies has built up a very good picture of what is going on in East Lothian.

Red Admiral, Vanessa atalanta
Red Admiral.JPG
The first butterfly seen in East Lothian in 2016 was a Red Admiral on 3 February and interestingly the last record I received of a butterfly flying was also a Red Admiral on 16 November. In between they were regularly seen with numbers peaking in August. The early sightings over the last few years would indicate that Red Admirals have been able to survive the last few mild winters we have had.

Peacock, Aglais io
The first record in 2016 was on 13 March and Peacocks were regularly seen until early June. Although the numbers in the summer months were lower than we normally see, they continued to be seen flying until 4 November.

Small Tortoiseshell, Aglais urticae
Small Tortoiseshell.JPG
Small Tortoiseshells were seen regularly from 14 March until the middle of July as expected, but when we would normally expect to see an increase in numbers in late summer and autumn, numbers were disappointingly low. This corresponds with the national story and I can only imagine that the cool summer weather caused a lot of caterpillars to perish. I notice that the records where more than one Tortoiseshell was recorded were all on the coast. We have been finding a few Small Tortoiseshells hibernating in the usual sites, although fewer than normal, but hopefully enough to boost the population again this year.

Green-veined White, Pieris napi
Green-veined White.JPG
The first record was on 14th April and they were seen through to the 27th September. The spring brood were as numerous as normal, but they weren’t seen in anything like the normal numbers during the summer generation. However, when I check the numbers recorded on the transect the summer numbers were better.

Speckled Wood, Pararge aegeria
Speckled Wood.JPG
Speckled Woods continued to do well in East Lothian in 2016. The first record I received was on 19 April and they were very regularly recorded with no apparent break between the three generations until 31 October. The peak numbers appeared in August, which is different from previous years, when the numbers were highest in September. The Speckled Wood has spread west and south, meaning that it is now found in most suitable habitats in East Lothian.

Comma, Polygonia c-album
Commas were first seen on 19 April in three different locations! There were only 19 records for the whole year, which is considerably down on 2014 and 2015. This is a butterfly that had been building up in numbers since it was first recorded here about 15 years ago, but it certainly didn't seem to do well in 2016.

Orange Tip, Anthocharis cardamines
Orange Tip.JPG
The first Orange Tip was recorded on 19 April and they were seen in good numbers through to 26 June. Being an early species, they were unaffected by the poor summer weather, but let’s hope that there isn’t an impact on the 2017 population.

Small White, Pieris rapae
Small White.JPG
The first Small White was recorded on 19 April. It was interesting that I received more Small White records in 2016 than in previous years, but with smaller numbers in each record. There was a fairly clear division between the first generation – April to mid-June and the second generation from mid-July to 23 September.

Large White, Pieris brassicae
Large White.JPG
The first Large Whites were recorded on a transect in early April. They were recorded until 10 September in better numbers than normal. I can't imagine why they did so well in 2016. I remember them laying eggs very late in 2015 and I didn't think the caterpillars stood a chance of surviving the early frosts. It seems they can!

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Re: Nick Morgan

Post by NickMorgan »

Painted Lady, Vanessa cardui
Painted Lady.JPG
2016 was a “Painted Lady year”. These remarkable butterflies arrived here in early May and were recorded in good numbers right through to 4th November. Thereafter they hopefully made it back to Africa, from where their great grandparents would have set out back in March.

Small Copper, Lycaena phlaeas
Small Copper.JPG
The first record of a Small Copper was on 6 May and they were recorded very regularly until 13 September. Nationally, the Small Copper didn’t seem to do well last year, but in East Lothian they seemed to buck the trend a bit. The second generation of the year wasn't as numerous as the spring generation. We never see great numbers of them, but in 2016 I received more records than in previous years.

Green Hairstreak, Callophrys rubi
Green Hairstreak.JPG
The first Green Hairstreak record was on 19 May and they were seen through to 6 June in three different areas of woodland north of the Lammermuir Hills. They haven't previously been recorded at two of these sites. Interestingly there were no records from the more remote and difficult to reach areas of the Lammermuirs, possibly because no one made the effort to search those areas!

Wall Brown, Lasiommata megera
Wall Brown.JPG
The first Wall Brown was recorded on 12 May and they were seen in reasonably good numbers through to 15th September. We are now getting regular records from Bilsdean, right along the coast to North Berwick. Each year we get one or two inland records, but we don’t seem to have any inland sites where they are regularly seen year after year.

Holly Blue, Celastrina argiolus
Yet again we had a single record of a Holly Blue in East Lothian. This time it was in North Berwick on 15 May. I am sure there must be a little colony of them in one of the coastal towns around there.

Small Heath, Coenonympha pamphilus
Small Heath.JPG
The first Small Heath seen in East Lothian in 2016 was on 15 May and they were recorded until 29 August. Numbers were a little down on previous years, but not by too much.

Common Blue, Polyommatus icarus
Common Blue.JPG
Common Blues were first seen on 8 June and regularly recorded through to 3 September. The numbers were very similar to previous years.

Ringlet, Aphantpopus hyperantus
Ringlets seemed to have a pretty good year, with numbers only a little lower than in previous years. The first record I received was on 19 June and they were seen until 17 August.

Small Skipper, Thymelicus sylvestris
Small Skipper.JPG
The first record in 2016 of a Small Skipper was on 19 June and they were seen through to the end of August. They are very well established now along the coast from Longniddry to North Berwick and at a couple of inland sites.

Meadow Brown, Maniola jurtina
Meadow Brown.JPG
The first Meadow Brown record was on 2 July and they were seen in good numbers through to the 30 August. They didn’t seem to be affected by the miserable summer.

Dark Green Fritillary, Argynnis aglaja
The first record was on 3 July and they were seen in reasonable numbers but only until early August when I received the last record of the year.

Northern Brown Argus, Aricia artaxeres
Northern Brown Argus.JPG
I only received two records of Northern Brown Argus this year on 14 July and 30 July, both from the same site in the Lammermuir Hills. There are only another three locations that I am aware of them occurring in East Lothian, and I think the poor weather prevented other sites from being checked.

Small Pearl Bordered Fritillary, Clossiana selene
Small Pearl Bordered Fritillary.JPG
We had a record of a Small Pearl Bordered Fritillary from the usual site in the Lammermuir Hills on 14 July. There were also two records of a Small Pearl Bordered Fritillary from John Muir Country Park on the 16 and 18 August. These are quite late in the season, but were recorded by different people in more or less the same area.

Grayling, Hypparchia semele
The first record was on 18 July, which is about three weeks behind the norm. They were still seen in reasonable numbers, though. I am only aware of three small sites where Graylings are found in East Lothian, so they are quite vulnerable to habitat loss.

Camberwell Beauty, Nymphalis antiopa
I heard of a very exciting record that a Camberwell Beauty had been seen feeding on a Buddleia on 26 August in a garden in Dunbar. It was seen in the same place the following day. This is the first record of this very rare migrant that I am aware of in East Lothian since 1983. I have no reason to doubt this record even though there were no further records of it having been seen elsewhere.

The other butterfly that we may have expected to see was a Large Skipper, Ochlodes sylvanus. We had three records of them in East Lothian in 2014, but none since. There is a good colony of Large Skippers just over the border at Cockburnspath and I have no doubt that they are still in East Lothian. It is just that the weather has been very poor over the last two summers so people haven't been down to that corner of East Lothian to look for them. I will certainly make an effort to search for them in 2017.

So, all in all, 2016 wasn't a bad year for butterflies given the weather. Most species did as well as ever, but there were worryingly few Small Tortoiseshells, Peacocks and Commas later in the year. I thought that this could be because the weather was poor at a critical time just after the caterpillars had hatched. However, Red Admirals and Painted Ladies did well and they would have been caterpillars around the same time.
We have found a few hibernating Small Tortoiseshells and Peacocks, so hopefully their numbers will bounce back this year. Already, this year, I have received a record of some Peacocks, Small Tortoiseshells, a Red Admiral and a Comma flying this year!

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Re: Nick Morgan

Post by Wurzel »

Interesting report Nick, I found myself agreeing with most of the general aspects all the way down here :shock: :? Then main thing I've noticed like yourself is this prolonged cold spell though February and March - three years ago I was regularly seeing butterflies from Feb through but last year and this year it's been a case of having to pick your days :?
Hopefully it'l, get back into the natural swing soon...

Have a goodun


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Re: Nick Morgan

Post by NickMorgan »

Hi Wurzel,
I wonder if it is more normal to have a cold February and March? I remember where we used to live the apple trees were often caught by a frost when they were in flower. I suspect we have had a few unseasonably mild winters in the early 2010s.

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Re: Nick Morgan

Post by David M »

Lovely report, Nick, although given the time of year it gave me a start when I saw Large and Green Veined White images passing me by as the page loaded! :)

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Re: Nick Morgan

Post by NickMorgan »

David M wrote:Lovely report, Nick, although given the time of year it gave me a start when I saw Large and Green Veined White images passing me by as the page loaded! :)
If only!! It shouldn't be too long now, though. I did actually receive a report of a distant white butterfly seen over the weekend, but sadly the person who told me couldn't catch up with it to identify it!

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Re: Nick Morgan

Post by NickMorgan »

I thought I should resurrect my personal diary. It has been over two years since I posted anything and it has been a particularly busy two years. I thought I should start off by summarising how butterflies did in East Lothian in 2018. I collate the records from the Countryside Rangers and a number of volunteers and it is interesting to see how each species has fared over the years.

2018 was a fantastic year for butterflies. The long, warm summer was a great help, although the poor previous summer probably impacted on some species. It was a bit of a slow start to the year, with cold weather continuing throughout March, including the "Beast from the East" and then a cold start to April. The warm weather arrived in mid-April, resulting a sudden explosion of butterflies! Spring populations were about average, but the later summer populations were considerably larger than we have seen for a number of years.

We had the same number of people contributing records in 2018 as we had in 2017, so it is interesting to compare the number of butterflies seen. In 2017 I received 2,119 ad hoc records, totalling 7,527 butterflies. The 2017 transects recorded 2,008 butterflies. In 2018 I received 2,608 ad hoc records, totalling 12,646 butterflies and the transects added another 4,229. A considerable increase in the number of butterflies seen, which we can be pretty confident was a result of the great weather we had in 2018.

Small Tortoiseshell, Aglais urticae
The first butterfly to be seen in 2018 was a Small Tortoiseshell, which was seen on 22nd February at Torness. I didn't receive any more Small Tortoiseshell records until April. After that they were seen regularly, but not in any great numbers. The number seen in 2018 wasn't far below the average over the last few years, but they are certainly declining in numbers. When so many other species did so well in 2018, we would have expected them to do better. Interestingly, despite the good weather some Small Tortoiseshells were found to be hibernating as early as the 4th August.
Small Tortoiseshell.JPG
Peacock, Aglais io
The first Peacock to be seen was on 8th March. There were very high numbers seen towards the end of April once the weather warmed up. These were the butterflies that had overwintered from 2017. After the usual lull in numbers the 2018 generation was seen in enormous numbers from the end of July with Peacocks being seen right through into November.
Green-veined White, Pieris napi
The first Green-veined White was seen on 17th April. I had thought that there didn't appear to be very many about in 2018, but other people saw plenty. There was an enormous spike in population in late July and they were recorded in higher numbers than in any of the previous five years. I suspect that a lot of Green-veined Whites go unrecorded because of their similarity to Small Whites, often being noted as fly-by whites.

Small White, Pieris rapae
Small Whites had an amazing year. The first one recorded in East Lothian was on 18th April and the spring population was as we would normally expect. However, in late July there was a mass emergence. I remember driving from Haddington to Macmerry and seeing hundreds of Small Whites drifting across the road. I received several other similar reports that day. We ended up with records of almost 3,500 Small Whites in 2018, nearly five times the number of the previous best year.
Small White.JPG
Red Admiral, Vanessa atalanta
The 18th April was also the day the first Red Admiral was recorded in East Lothian. They had done fantastically well in 2017 and hopes were high that they would manage to survive the winter and be seen early in the year. However, very few were recorded until July, which is when we often get an influx of migrants. Those migrants clearly enjoyed the sunny summer and went on to produce a good summer generation. Nothing like the previous year, but still a lot more than we would normally see.
Red Admiral.jpg
Large White, Pieris brassicae
As with the previous two white species, the Large White had a fairly average spring generation, but then an enormous summer generation. The first record I received was on the 19th April and towards the end of July there was a huge spike in numbers. We ended up with about three times the number of records that we would normally receive.
Large White.JPG
Comma, Polygonia c-album
The Comma has gradually been building up in numbers since it was first recorded in East Lothian in 2001. However, the poor summers of 2016 and 2017 did them no favours and their numbers were very low for a couple of years. It was encouraging to see numbers pick up again in 2018 and with a bit of luck they will continue to do well. The first Comma was seen on 19th April, they peaked in numbers in the middle of August and were seen through until 15th November.
Orange Tip, Anthocharis cardamines
The Orange Tip is usually seen in reasonably consistent numbers. However, in 2018 we had more than double the usual number of records. The first record was on 20th April and they were seen until the middle of June. However, there was one very late record on 22nd July. It is interesting to speculate why that individual emerged at that time. Presumably it was a late emerger, rather than a second generation.
Orange Tip.JPG
Speckled Wood, Pararge aegeria
2018 marked the tenth year of the Speckled Wood being recorded in East Lothian. During that time it has expanded its range to almost the entire county. 2018 was its best year yet and interestingly it was the spring population that did particularly well. The first record was on 24th April and they were seen right through until 25th October.
Speckled Woods 2009-2018 (2).jpg
Speckled Wood.JPG
Green Hairstreak, Callophrys rubi
Green Hairstreaks live in a few scattered colonies around East Lothian. It is difficult to know how well they did overall in East Lothian in 2018, as many of the colonies are in remote locations in the Lammermuir Hills which were not checked. The regularly recorded site at Saltoun Wood had suffered a fire sometime in the preceding months, which impacted considerably on that colony. The exciting news, though, was that Green Hairstreaks were rediscovered at Hopes. This is the first time they have been recorded there since the 1980s.
Green Hairstreak.JPG
Small Copper, Lycaena phlaeas
The Small Copper isn't a butterfly that is normally seen in large numbers, most often being seen individually, as males aggressively defend their territory or chase after females. In 2018 there were regular records of more than ten being seen. It was certainly the best year I can remember for Small Coppers. The first record was on 8th May and they were seen through to 2nd November. The most exciting news is that that we had a very obvious third generation in 2018, which we haven't previously seen here.
Small Copper.JPG
Small Cop.jpg
Wall Brown, Lasiommata megera
The first record of a Wall Brown in 2018 was on 11th May. The Wall Brown has continued to increase in numbers year on year since it was first recorded here in 2010. As with many other species, the spring population did pretty well, but it was the second generation that did particularly well. In previous years we have found the odd pioneering individual exploring further afield, but this year there did appear to be an expansion of the range of this butterfly with it being found in numbers at various sites where it hasn't previously been recorded.
Distribution of Wall Browns in 2018 compared to previous years.
Distribution of Wall Browns in 2018 compared to previous years.
Wall Brown.JPG

Small Heath, Coenonympha pamphilus
The Small Heath seems to have two overlapping generations a year, although it is not really possible to separate the two generations. There also seems to be quite marked differences between different sites, and in my experience those in John Muir Country Park appear to finish quite a few weeks before those found in Aberlady and Yellowcraig. Most years there are also a few quite fresh-looking individuals later in the season making us question if there could be a partial third generation. 2018 wasn't particularly different from previous years, with the first record being on the 18th May and the last hanger-on being seen on 23rd September.
Small Heath.JPG
Common Blue, Polyommatus icarus
As with most other species, the Common Blue did very well in 2018. Numbers weren't dramatically higher than normal and it is interesting to speculate why some species did so much better than others. Possibly it may be to do with how their food plants coped with the hot, dry summer. The first Common Blue was seen on the 29th May and the last one was seen on the 7th September.
Common Blue.JPG
Painted Lady, Vanessa cardui
Painted Ladies were quite late to arrive in East Lothian in 2018. There were a couple of records in early June, but it wasn't until later in July that they were seen in any numbers. 2018 turned out to be one of the best years we have had recently for Painted Ladies.
Painted Lady.jpg

Meadow Brown, Maniola jurtina
Meadow Browns were the only butterflies that didn’t do particularly well in 2018. I think that they suffered from the poor weather the previous summer. Although numbers were higher than last year, they were lower than we would normally see. The first record in 2018 was on the 12th June and they were seen through until the 29th August.

Ringlet, Aphantpopus hyperantus
Ringlets did reasonably well in 2018, but not as well as many other species. I think they may also have been a victim of the previous poor summer. The first Ringlet was recorded on the 18th June and their short flight period lasted until the 5th August. It will be interesting to see if the great weather of 2018 will allow numbers to bounce back in 2019.
Dark Green Fritillary, Argynnis aglaja
We don't tend to see a lot of Dark Green Fritillaries and they are generally limited to coastal sites and one or two valleys in the Lammermuir Hills. Numbers in 2018 were about average, but they had a terrible year the previous year, so it was good to see them bouncing back.
Dark Green Fritillary.JPG
Northern Brown Argus, Aricia artaxeres
I am only aware of four places in East Lothian where Northern Brown Argus occur. Three of those sites are very small and vulnerable. Because of this I don't receive many records of Northern Brown Argus, so it is difficult to assess how they are doing. However, at one site near Dunbar, despite several visits only one Northern Brown Argus was recorded. Maybe this is a butterfly that we need to look at a bit more closely in the future.
Northern Brown Argus.JPG

Small Skipper, Thymelicus sylvestris
The Small Skipper has been increasing in number year on year, since it was first discovered in East Lothian in 2011. Unsurprisingly, 2018 was its best year yet. They were initially found along the coast in the Aberlady and Gullane area, but in more recent years have been found in the Lammermuir Hills, lowland woodlands and various areas of rough grassland across the county. The first record in East Lothian was on 21st June and they were seen through to 27th August.

Grayling, Hypparchia semele
I am only aware of three sites where Grayling are found in East Lothian. One of these is very remote and I didn't receive any records from there this year. The other two sites are close to Prestonpans and one of these colonies is about to be lost to a housing development. There is an exciting project currently underway to create a new habitat to try to relocate one of these colonies. The first Grayling was recorded on 27th June and they were seen through to 21st August.
I didn't receive any records for Large Skippers in 2018, but I suspect they will be out there somewhere, unlike Holly Blues, which I fear have died out in East Lothian, having not been recorded here in the last two years. I didn't receive any records of Small Pearl Bordered Fritillaries from East Lothian, either, but I am sure they would have been out and about somewhere in the Lammermuir Hills. Given the prolonged period of great weather I was surprised that we didn't receive any records of Clouded Yellows or any other unusual migrants.

Many species were late to appear because of the cold weather, which lasted into April. It was interesting to note that the hot weather didn't result in prolonged emergence and may have shortened the time that each generation was around because they all emerged quite close together. In contrast, poor weather can extend the flight period, because butterflies have to spend time sitting out the rain, rather than flying around, potentially damaging their wings.

I would like to extend a big than you to everyone who sent in records last year. We have a great mix of recorders in East Lothian, some of whom record butterflies while they are out walking or going about their work, and others who go out specifically to look for butterflies. It all adds up to a great lot of records and there was hardly a day between April and October when I didn't receive a record.
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Re: Nick Morgan

Post by Wurzel »

Interesting report Nick and echoes of some of the trends I saw and that were reported from my end of the country :D

Have a goodun

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Re: Nick Morgan

Post by Neil Freeman »

Fantastic return to your diary Nick with some interesting information and great photos :D
NickMorgan wrote:...Interestingly, despite the good weather some Small Tortoiseshells were found to be hibernating as early as the 4th August...
Here in the midlands it appears that Small Tortoiseshells and Peacocks went into hibernation early because of the hot summer. Both species were scarce in the summer broods but have appeared in good numbers this spring.


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Re: Nick Morgan

Post by David M »

I'm so glad you returned to posting on your diary, Nick, because that was a wonderful, informative read.

The area where you keep records is one of the most interesting in the country, with the gradual northwards dispersion of several species due (it is supposed) to climate change.

2018 seemed to have predominantly good news, although reports of the absence of Holly Blue is a little concerning.

PS - that image of the Peacock is as good as it gets!
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Re: Nick Morgan

Post by NickMorgan »

Wurzel wrote:Interesting report Nick and echoes of some of the trends I saw and that were reported from my end of the country :D

Have a goodun

Thank you Wurzel. It would be interesting to hear how butterflies have done up and down the country.
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Re: Nick Morgan

Post by NickMorgan »

Neil Freeman wrote:Here in the midlands it appears that Small Tortoiseshells and Peacocks went into hibernation early because of the hot summer. Both species were scarce in the summer broods but have appeared in good numbers this spring.


That is interesting Neil. I hadn't really given it that much thought, but this spring I have seen more Small Tortoiseshells than I have for a few years. So, they probably did a lot better last year than I realise. I wonder what drives them to hibernate so early? I could understand it if the weather was really poor, but it seems like a wasted opportunity to feed up for the winter!
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Re: Nick Morgan

Post by NickMorgan »

David M wrote:I'm so glad you returned to posting on your diary, Nick, because that was a wonderful, informative read.

The area where you keep records is one of the most interesting in the country, with the gradual northwards dispersion of several species due (it is supposed) to climate change.

2018 seemed to have predominantly good news, although reports of the absence of Holly Blue is a little concerning.

PS - that image of the Peacock is as good as it gets!
Thank you David. Don't worry a Holly Blue has been seen this year, so that elusive colony may still be there! We have had one or two records most years along an area of coast about six miles long. We suspect that there may be a colony of Holly Blues in a large private garden that has gone unnoticed. We are slowly homing in on it!
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Re: Nick Morgan

Post by David M »

NickMorgan wrote:...Don't worry a Holly Blue has been seen this year, so that elusive colony may still be there! We have had one or two records most years along an area of coast about six miles long. We suspect that there may be a colony of Holly Blues in a large private garden that has gone unnoticed. We are slowly homing in on it!
Good to know, Nick. :)

It's not the most conspicuous of species but I'd be surprised if it had withered away given how well it's been doing in other parts of the UK lately.
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Re: Nick Morgan

Post by NickMorgan »

Since 2012 we have spent four summer holidays in a villa near Alora, 45 kilometres north west of Malaga. Each time we have been there it has been early July and very hot! The roads were lined with dried up wild flowers and grasses and everything was brown, other than the orange groves and a few private gardens. We would often say that it would be interesting to see the area in the spring, when everything would be green.

So, this year my wife and I found ourselves able to go away by ourselves now that the children have moved out and we decided to return to Alora in April. This time we stayed in an apartment in the village, so it wasn't quite so easy to pop out and look for butterflies.

Unfortunately, we didn't choose the best week to go away. Firstly, the village was the middle of incredible Easter celebrations, meaning most businesses were closed and it was almost impossible to move at times. Also, while the UK was basking un unseasonably hot weather, southern Spain was suffering from unseasonable cloud and showers!

When we arrived the village was in complete gridlock, so it was a good excuse for me to take a quick trip to my old butterfly spot near the villa we used to rent. This was an area where I saw numerous Southern Gatekeepers and Dusky Heaths in the summer months, but I was too early for them this year. Interestingly, Spanish Gatekeepers, Pyronia bathseba, took the place of the Southern Gatekeepers and I wondered why I had not seen them on my four previous visits to this spot.
Spanish Gatekeeper.JPG
Although it was relatively cool and there were only occasional sunny spells there were still a reasonable number of butterflies flying, including Small Whites, Pieris rapae, Southern Blues, Polyommatus celina, Meadow Browns, Maniola jurtina
Meadow Brown.JPG
and Clouded Yellows, Colias croceus.
Clouded Yellow.JPG
As in previous visits I saw a few Geranium Bronzes, Cacyreus marshalli, which seemed a little out of place in this natural environment.
Geranium Bronze.JPG
There was also a faded Long-tailed Blue, a Small Copper, a Southern Brown Argus and a Large White. Not bad for an hour on a cloudy day.

In the summer this area is full of flowering Thyme, Lavender and Rosemary, but in April there were a lot of annual flowering plants but the more woody herbs were not yet in flower.

The following day I decided to check out my other favourite spot down by the Rio de Guadalhorce. In the summer there is a great patch of mint in flower, which attracts a lot of butterflies. Of course it wasn't yet in flower, but there were plenty of other wild flowers there.
I was frustrated that it clouded over before I arrived and there was quite a strong wind blowing. After about 15 minutes there was a bit of a break in the clouds and a Painted Lady was the first butterfly to brave the conditions. It didn't hang about, but at least it proved that it was warm enough for butterflies.

Not long afterwards I spotted a lovely Long-tailed Blue, Lampides boeticus, in some grass and it slowly opened its wings to absorb a few of the sun’s rays.
Long-tailed Blue.JPG
As I watched it a Small Copper, Lycaena phlaeas, landed on a stem close by.
Small Copper.JPG
I walked further down stream and found a Southern Brown Argus, Aricia cramera.
Southern Brown Argus.JPG
While I was watching it, I disturbed a Bath White, Pontia daplidice, which landed on the ground and once warmed up a bit flew to a flower for a feed.
Bath White.JPG
Although it was frustrating that there was so much cloud, at least the cooler weather meant that the butterflies were easier to photograph.
I had specifically gone to this area, as I have always found African Grass Blues here in the summer, but despite extensive searching I didn’t see any on this visit. However, the sun came out and after a while the place was alive with butterflies. Mostly Small Coppers, which looked beautiful glinting in the sun.
Small Copper2.JPG
There were also a number of Southern Brown Argus flying with them and by far the most numerous, Clouded Yellows were everywhere I looked. There were the occasional Wall Brown and Meadow Brown, some more Bath Whites, a few small whites and one Southern Blue, Polyommatus celina.
And then, as if they had had too much sun they all appeared to disappear!

The following day I decided to walk up a track above the cemetery. This ran between olive groves and what appeared to be fallow fields.
There were plenty of wild flowers and a number of butterflies flitting from flower to flower. They were all white or yellow, being Small Whites, Large Whites, Clouded Yellows
Small White.JPG
Large White.JPG
... and what I assumed were more Bath Whites. However, when I examined my photographs back at the apartment I saw that they were all Western Dappled Whites, Euchloe crameri.
Western Dappled White.JPG
I found it interesting that there were no Bath Whites amongst them. Presumably, just a little change in habitat meant that this area was more favourable to Dappled Whites and the flowers down by the river suited Bath Whites.

I had been keeping an eye on the forecast, which had been pretty accurate. Monday looked like it was going to be sunny in the morning and so I planned to go to a area of limestone mountains about 30 miles north. I will report on what I saw there next. Sadly, however, that was to be the only other day with sufficient sun for me to look for butterflies. Typically, the weather improved considerably from the day we left!

The day before we left I drove past the area near the river where I had seen so many butterflies to discover that it had been completely grazed to the ground by a large herd of goats. Although this was rather frustrating, I was pleased that I had been able to visit the area before this had happened. I did wonder where all of the butterflies would go, though!
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Re: Nick Morgan

Post by Wurzel »

Cracking shot of the WD40 :wink: I didn't think that the underside of whites could came any better than our Orange-tip but it looks like I was wrong :D :mrgreen: I'm trying not to think about the Spanish Gatekeeper :mrgreen: :mrgreen: : :wink: mrgreen:

Have a goodun

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Re: Nick Morgan

Post by David M »

Lovely images, Nick. That last one of crameri is particularly nice (not a butterfly prone to sitting still normally!)

I shall look forward to further instalments.
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Re: Nick Morgan

Post by NickMorgan »

Thank you Wurzel and David,
The advantage of the cloudy weather was that the butterflies regularly stopped. The Dappled White behaved much like an Orange Tip and would only fly when the sun was out.
Are you not going abroad soon Wurzel?
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