Chris Jackson in Marseilles

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Re: Chris Jackson in Marseilles

Post by Wurzel »

That's a quick turnaround Chris from adult to eggs in a few weeks - are the imagos still flying?

"There must be areas (in France) where 2 subspecies cohabitate - now that must be fun in the field :roll:"...I think I'd get the shots and then sort out the IDs during the winter months, roaring fire going, beer closer to hand than Tolman :wink: 8) I had no idea that France had that many subspecies of Marshie - it looks like the 'splitters' aren't just present in the Birding world :shock: :D .

Have a goodun

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Re: Chris Jackson in Marseilles

Post by David M »

Chris Jackson wrote:I'm sure you'll be getting your share of butterfly sightings in the weeks to come, David, French hecate will wait.
Indeed, down here in the south many species will have stopped flying but will just be starting in the Pyrenees when you are there.
Hope you're right, Chris. Things certainly look far more promising than last year, where conditions were about as bad as you could expect.

I still reckon 100+ species is possible in a week at that time of year. I shall be trying my best to achieve that!
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Chris Jackson
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Re: Chris Jackson in Marseilles

Post by Chris Jackson »

essexbuzzard wrote:Hi Chris. .... Loved your Spotted Fritillary chrysalis pictures. What an amazing creature this fritillary is, in all its stages!
Thanks Essex,
I'm still waiting for the butterfly to emerge so that I can recover the empty pupa!!
For me, now, and down here, early stages provide just as many photo opportunities as the imagos, and they don't move as fast 8)
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Re: Chris Jackson in Marseilles

Post by Chris Jackson »

Wurzel wrote:That's a quick turnaround Chris from adult to eggs in a few weeks - are the imagos still flying? ..... Wurzel
Yes Wurzel, the imagos are flying and in numbers on many of my sites. Here is the proof :
cinxia36 mating Vitrolles olive grove 30Apr19 (7).JPG
cinxia36 mating Vitrolles olive grove 30Apr19 (4).JPG
Wurzel wrote: ..... I think I'd get the shots and then sort out the IDs during the winter months, roaring fire going, beer closer to hand than Tolman :wink: 8) .....
That's a good life philosophy, Wurzel, I see you're well organised :wink:
Last edited by Chris Jackson on Wed May 01, 2019 4:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Chris Jackson
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Re: Chris Jackson in Marseilles

Post by Chris Jackson »

David M wrote: .... I still reckon 100+ species is possible in a week at that time of year. I shall be trying my best to achieve that!
I'm not surprised that your trips are so popular, David, keep up the good work.
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Chris Jackson
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Re: Chris Jackson in Marseilles

Post by Chris Jackson »

Hi Folks - south of France.

Here are some images from last week end.

Our local host plant for the Orange Tip is Rock Cress or Arrow-leaved wall cress (Arabis saggitata).
Here is an OT egg on the Cress:
cardamines37 egg on Arabis sagittata St Marcel_13 27Apr19 (a).JPG
This is the Cress :
Arabis sagittata cardamines37 egg on Arabis sagittata St Marcel_13 27Apr19.JPG
And here is the context, near Marseilles :
context cardamines37 egg on Arabis sagittata St Marcel_13 27Apr19.JPG
Further upland we can find Black-veined White cats in their last instar. They are mostly found on Hawthorn, as here. BVW cat on Hawthorn:
crataegi21_83 caterpillars 28 mm long max on Hawthorn Vallon du Cros 27Apr19 (6).JPG
But occasionally on Wild Pear, as here. Interestingly on Wild Pear they are less developped than on Hawthorn. Hawthorn must be more nutritional - or its because it comes into leaf a couple of weeks earlier than Wild Pear .. hmmm !. BVW cat on Wild Pear:
crataegi20_83 caterpillars 21 mm long max on Wild pear Vallon du Cros 27Apr19 (4).JPG
Context for the Black-veined White cats at 650 m altitude :
context crataegi caterpillars Vallon du Cros 27Apr19.JPG
Usually I find my Scarce Swallowtail eggs on fruit tree leaves, this one however I watched being laid on Hawthorn next to the BVW cats:
podalirius29_83 egg on Hawthorn Vallon du Cros 27Apr19 (1a).JPG
Here is a 3 mm-long Brown Hairstreak cat on Blackthorn at 440 m altitude :
betulae14 caterpillar 3mm long La Taur 28Apr19 (2).JPG
Context for the BH cat :
Context - La Taur 22Apr18 (1).JPG
In the same place, Wood White :
sinapis12 La Taur 28Apr19 (1).JPG
and male Green-underside Blue :
alexis13 male La Taur 28Apr19 (1).JPG
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Re: Chris Jackson in Marseilles

Post by Wurzel »

Crickey it's almost possible to see the full life cycle in one sitting with those Glannies :shock: Lovely shots of the WW and Green-underside Blue :D :mrgreen: I was a bit surprised at the Scarce Swallowtail egg - it really stands out, I thought it might have been a little more discrete, mind you the imago isn't discrete either is it :D

Have a goodun

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Re: Chris Jackson in Marseilles

Post by David M »

Some great early stage action for you again, Chris. Does cuckoo flower not grow at all in your neck of the woods?

Lovely Green Underside Blue. I'm looking forward to reacquainting myself with this delight in 3 weeks time.
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Re: Chris Jackson in Marseilles

Post by Chris Jackson »

Wurzel wrote: ......I was a bit surprised at the Scarce Swallowtail egg - it really stands out, I thought it might have been a little more discrete, mind you the imago isn't discrete either is it :D .... Wurzel
Hi Wurzel,
Yes, the Scarce Swallowtail eggs are big and quite easy to find.
Here are 2 photos of the same egg:
Again, seconds after being laid:
podalirius29_83 egg on Hawthorn Vallon du Cros 27Apr19 (1a).JPG
and 7 days later:
podalirius29_83 egg on Hawthorn Vallon du Cros 04May19 (1a).JPG
Next I'll get the cat !!
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Re: Chris Jackson in Marseilles

Post by Chris Jackson »

David M wrote: ......Does cuckoo flower not grow at all in your neck of the woods? Lovely Green Underside Blue. I'm looking forward to reacquainting myself with this delight in 3 weeks time.
Hi David,
No cuckoo flower in central southern France or SE France it would appear. Here is its distribution:
cartes.jpg (17.13 KiB) Viewed 3483 times
That's why the Orange Tip uses Arabis sp. around Marseilles.

This really is the peak of the season at my latitude for Green-underside Blue. Afterwards, its finished. Here's one for the road from last Saturday:
alexis15 male La Taurelle 04May19 (1).JPG
You may well see some in 3 weeks time, David - if it stops snowing upland !! :shock:

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Re: Chris Jackson in Marseilles

Post by Chris Jackson »

Hi Folks - south of France

A couple of images from last week-end.
I went looking for Black-veined White pupae but I think I'm at least 1 week too early at my latitude and at this altitude (650 m ASL), because the cats were still on the Hawthorn and on the Wild Pear.
However amongst the BVW cats I did find one parasited individual protecting its "offspring":
crataegi22_83 caterpillar parasited on Hawthorn Vallon du Cros 04May19 (1).JPG
crataegi22_83 caterpillar parasited on Hawthorn Vallon du Cros 04May19 (8).JPG
crataegi22_83 caterpillar parasited on Hawthorn Vallon du Cros 04May19 (10).JPG
And here's my annual sighting of a Pearl-bordered Frit (playing peek-a-boo). The other side of this individual was worn, so its been flying for a while:
euphrosyne12 male La Taurelle 04May19 (2).JPG
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Re: Chris Jackson in Marseilles

Post by Wurzel »

Good luck with the cat Chris :wink: :D Are there any regional differences between the Pearls over there and over here? There seems to be between the Marshies so I was wondering if it was the same for the Pearls, mind you regional variation/races seems to crop up more in the more variable species?

Have a goodun

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Re: Chris Jackson in Marseilles

Post by Chris Jackson »

Wurzel wrote: .... Are there any regional differences between the Pearls over there and over here? ..... Wurzel
Hi Wurzel,
In France we have the Pearl-bordered Frit and the Small Pearl-bordered Frit. I'm on the edge of Pearl-bordered Frit territory but I've never seen the 'Small' cousin - still on my wish list - its further inland.
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Re: Chris Jackson in Marseilles

Post by Chris Jackson »

Hi Folks - south of France

In the south of France there is a time lag between the start of the Southern Festoon (Z. polyxena) and Spanish Festoon (Z. rumina) flight periods - as a rule of thumb in my limited experience and on my patch, it seems to be about (at least) 10 days.
Whereas many polyxena cats have now reached late instars, local to my work place the rumina cats are relatively small.
Today :
Spanish Festoon cat ( 6 mm long ) on Aristolochia pistolochia :
rumina41 caterpillar 6 mm long Vallon du Gourgoulousier 07May19 (1).JPG
Spanish Festoon cat ( 9 mm long ) on Aristolochia pistolochia :
rumina42 caterpillar 9 mm long Vallon du Gourgoulousier 07May19 (2).JPG
Context, not far from work. Dry river bed, Vitrolles, south of France:
context rumina caterpillars Vallon du Gourgoulousier 07May19 (2).JPG
context rumina caterpillars Vallon du Gourgoulousier 07May19 (1).JPG
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Re: Chris Jackson in Marseilles

Post by essexbuzzard »

Interesting, Chris. I had no idea there was such a difference, either in flight times or caterpillar progress. Southern Festoon is high on my wish list, having only seen the caterpillar.
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Re: Chris Jackson in Marseilles

Post by David M »

Thanks for the cuckoo flower chart, Chris. Very interesting. Clearly, it doesn't thrive in the drier environments of the south.

Those Festoon cats are quite bizarre. I presume the series of spikes affords them some protection, given they are quite conspicuous on their lhp?
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Re: Chris Jackson in Marseilles

Post by Chris Jackson »

essexbuzzard wrote: Interesting, Chris. I had no idea there was such a difference, either in flight times or caterpillar progress. Southern Festoon is high on my wish list, having only seen the caterpillar.
Hi Essex,
See you down here beginning of April 2020 then ? :D
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Re: Chris Jackson in Marseilles

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers for the info on Pearls/Small Pearls Chris :D Interesting to read about the flight times of the two festoons - especially as my wife said "I fancy going to Barcelona" today out of the blue - it got me thinking about when would be the best time to visit :wink: I think she'd like to see the sights whereas I had (butterfly) sites in mind :D :lol:

Have a goodun

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Chris Jackson
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Re: Chris Jackson in Marseilles

Post by Chris Jackson »

David M wrote: ... Those Festoon cats are quite bizarre. I presume the series of spikes affords them some protection, given they are quite conspicuous on their lhp?
Hi David,
Their spikes may well be dissuasive to some predators. I know of other species down here that are much more visibly susceptible to predation (parasites). This is a resistant species I feel, apart from the fact that it is photographically spectacular.
By the way, even today I found a fresh Z. rumina which is most surprising considering that at my latitude they should be about gone.
The scales and fringes are immaculate on this one seen today near work;
rumina43 Vitrolles olive grove 13May19 (4a).JPG
rumina43 Vitrolles olive grove 13May19 (4).JPG
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Chris Jackson
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Re: Chris Jackson in Marseilles

Post by Chris Jackson »

Hi Folks - south of France - month of May

Here is bit of a catch-up:

Remember the fresh Glanville eggs on Plantago lanceolata from April 26th ?
cinxia35 eggs on Plantago lanceolata Vitrolles olive grove 26Apr19 (2).JPG
cinxia35 eggs on Plantago lanceolata Vitrolles olive grove 26Apr19 (2).JPG (73.44 KiB) Viewed 3405 times
In the olive grove near work:
context cinxia35 eggs on Plantago lanceolata Vitrolles olive grove 26Apr19 (1a) .JPG
context cinxia35 eggs on Plantago lanceolata Vitrolles olive grove 26Apr19 (1a) .JPG (69.42 KiB) Viewed 3405 times
Well today I just happened on the start of hatching:
cinxia35 eggs on Plantago lanceolata Vitrolles olive grove 13May19 (1aaa).JPG
Remember the Orange Tip egg on Arabis saggitata from April 27th ?
cardamines37 egg on Arabis sagittata St Marcel_13 27Apr19 (a).JPG
cardamines37 egg on Arabis sagittata St Marcel_13 27Apr19 (a).JPG (54.3 KiB) Viewed 3405 times
Here near Marseilles:
context cardamines37 egg on Arabis sagittata St Marcel_13 27Apr19.JPG
context cardamines37 egg on Arabis sagittata St Marcel_13 27Apr19.JPG (71.16 KiB) Viewed 3405 times
Well today here is the OT cat measuring 6 mm:
cardamines38 caterpillar 6 mm long on Arabis saggitata St Marcel 12May19 (4a).JPG
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