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Re: Pauline

Post by Pauline »

I didn't mention that one of the other casualties from the strimming across the lane was a final instar Comma larva. I didn't bother to take any shots as I have reared these a couple of times before. It wasn't long before it pupated and last night I came back to find this:
I wasn't too bothered about missing the emergence because I have seen it several times before and have some fairly reasonable shots. However, I couldn't resist a couple before it went on its way this morning:
I had forgotten that they don't give much opportunity for open wing shots when they are fresh like this. A couple of flicks of the wing and they're off. By the time I'd put down my cup of coffee he was in the Acer!

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Re: Pauline

Post by Pauline »

I know, my 3rd post in one day!!! :roll: Well, there has been a lot happening and I have a lot of catching up to do :lol: The last few evenings, after Ashley reported PE's out on my patch, I have been keeping a close eye on several areas. Last night I saw a single PE flying over the canopy but for various reasons I couldn't get out today until after 2.00pm. I'm not sure if it was the same individual but it was pristine and very skittish. For some 45 mins it entertained me with the most fabulous display but settled for very brief periods where he seemed to be searching frantically for some moisture, at times even diving into and onto various foliage. How I wished Trevor was with me as I was ill equipped to provide the necessary. (Reckon I'll be seeing you sooner rather than later Trevor :D ). Last year I missed this whole period as I was rearing those tiny hedgehogs so I guess this is a good start:

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Re: Pauline

Post by trevor »

HI Pauline,

I did indeed have the necessary Emperor sustinence with me today,
and one individual enjoyed it very much, and indulged for a good 30 mins. :D .
The very bright Sun played havoc with photography though.

May see you next week.

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Re: Pauline

Post by Neil Freeman »

3 posts in one day! :shock: ...I am struggling to do a couple a week at the moment :oops:

I have missed out on Purple Emperor for the past couple of years, I am hoping to catch up this year.

All the best,


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Re: Pauline

Post by David M »

Don't feel guilty about 'overdoing' it in a single day, Pauline. Whilst some diaries merely record the usual to-ings and fro-ings of the butterfly season (my own included), yours always holds significant interest given the range of species/behaviour/miscellaneous events that you capture.

The undersides of your Comma are quite striking, almost as if the wing tips have been dipped in oil.

Similarly, it's nice to see an early Purple Emperor. I'm sure you'll do greater justice to this butterfly over the next couple of weeks.

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Goldie M
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Re: Pauline

Post by Goldie M »

Hi! Pauline, well done with the Emperor :D :mrgreen: I'm still stuck with the usual :D can't even find a WLH :lol: Goldie :D

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Re: Pauline

Post by Pauline »

Go easy on that tuna Trevor - don't want them all fully sated before I get a chance to get over there :lol: Could have done with it again this morning as they are all desperate for moisture .......

Ah, but you have the stamina to keep it up during the winter months Neil ...... :D I've just got to squash everything into a few weeks!

That's exactly what I've been trying to achieve David so I am pleased to know that I have been somewhat successful. I shall keep trying with the PE, and the DGF, and the WLH and the .................. you get the gist :lol:

Thank you Goldie - a lot of it is just down to luck and being in the right place at the right time. Just keep looking :D

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Re: Pauline

Post by Pauline »

I had been getting a bit concerned about the SWF round here - or rather the lack of them - so I was very pleased to see 3 brand new fresh specimens yesterday. I just love the undersides when they have just emerged:
A few PE seen this morning but I really need to get a can of tuna! :lol: They were skimming the gravel and landing in grass, on bracken and in trees but only momentarily so record shots only:

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Re: Pauline

Post by Wurzel »

Three posts in a day :shock: Plus it had to be on my 'day off' :roll: :lol: Great set of His Nibbs shots Pauline, hopefully they'll be in action at Bentley Wood next weekend :D

Have a goodun


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Re: Pauline

Post by millerd »

I was wondering a bit about the SWFs, Pauline - they're usually out before the Emperors, but I think they were second this year! Nice undersides, too. :) It makes a change to see Purple Emperors doing something other than sit on unmentionable things on the ground, too! :) I may well be following the scent of tuna again on Monday too...


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David M
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Re: Pauline

Post by David M »

Good to see the SWFs, Pauline. I agree, they're wonderful when fresh.

I'm also looking forward to reading reports on the Emperors' habits this year, given that their flight period coincides with abnormally warm and dry conditions.

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Neil Freeman
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Re: Pauline

Post by Neil Freeman »

Pauline wrote: Ah, but you have the stamina to keep it up during the winter months Neil ...... :D I've just got to squash everything into a few weeks!
That's not so much stamina Pauline as a way of coping with the dark winter months :wink:

Great shots of the SWFs :D

I think that the weather this year has thrown us a bit and the warmer than usual May, along with some species now emerging a bit early has made it feel as if the season is further along than it actually is. Not so long ago I would not have expected to see SWFs much before July, and that is still another week away.

All the best,


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Re: Pauline

Post by Pauline »

Cheers Wurzel - I'll look forward to seeing your shots around the end of August :wink: :lol:

Thanks Dave - yes, this is the first year I have ever seen PE before SWF but still not as many as I remember from a few years back.

Cheers Neil - I definitely prefer the undersides. The butterflies are not the only ones suffering in this heat - far too hot for me and if I keep using the hosepipe the water bill will be thru the roof!

I've seen PE's 3 times this season so far David and each time they have been behaving in ways I haven't seen before - for example, diving into undergrowth and foliage and trying to 'burrow' into crevices in mud baked hard. They're not the only ones though. This afternoon I have been watching WLH behave differently, landing on all sorts of leaves and plants and even the fence post. They were very, very active despite the extreme heat and for 90 minutes they kept me entertained with 3 or 4 visible at any one time and plenty of comings and goings. A few shots from the hundreds taken :roll: :lol:
A big thanks to Alan for informing me the females were out :D

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Re: Pauline

Post by ernie f »

Great stuff with the WLH's, Pauline. I wish I could get just one shot as good as many of those you posted.

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Re: Pauline

Post by David M »

You may well be envious of my Dark Green Fritillaries, Pauline, but those shots of White Letter Hairstreaks fill me with the same level of envy!

They don't seem to descend to nectar in Wales like they do in England; I don't understand why (same applies to Brown Hairstreaks).

I'd pay some premium to be able to get as close to them as you have!

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Re: Pauline

Post by Andrew555 »

Really like your Purple Hairstreak shots Pauline, great close ups. And your WLH's, one I've yet to see. :D Well done with that Comma. :D

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Re: Pauline

Post by Pauline »

Thanks Ernie. For my very first shot at a WLH (many years ago!) I drove to Brighton and stood under a tree for 5 hours waiting for it to come down. When it did it landed at my feet in long grass. With camera poised I waited for it to come out which it did only a few seconds later - and flew straight back up into the tree!!! Patience!

The only thing that surprised me David given the number of males and 3 fresh females was that I didn't see a mating pair!!! I have noticed that various species of butterflies behave differently at different sites, presumably responding to a different environment.

You're very kind Andrew. If you're ever over this way at the right time of year I would be happy to help you look.

The lure of a PE ab caused me to abandon the painters and everything else this morning for a chance to see it. It didn't actually make an appearance but that really didn't detract from the lovely time with lots of butterflies and good company. It was great to see you all again and I was sorry to have to leave so soon. As you predicted Dave, I saw several on the way back to the car park but they were mostly doing that 'skimming the ground' thing. Anyway, these shots will look surprisingly familiar but in the current atypical conditions I was quite pleased with them even without the 4 purple wings:
Probably a total of 6 seen.

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Re: Pauline

Post by David M »

Well done, Pauline. I knew you'd get HIM eventually....and there's quite some time to obtain more! :D

Happy days!

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Re: Pauline

Post by Wurzel »

Cracking shots Pauline of both the Whitters and Emperors :D :mrgreen: I think August is a bit early.. :wink: :lol: Though to be fair some of us still have to work for a living :wink: :mrgreen:

Have a goodun


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Goldie M
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Re: Pauline

Post by Goldie M »

Cracking shots Pauline of the Emperor, your WLH shots will take some beating :D I love to see them on Flowers :D Goldie :D

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