Goldie M

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Goldie M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Thanks everyone for your posts, the orange tips will be sheltering from the rain this morning :roll: I can't believe the London Marathon is being held in all that Sunshine when it's pouring down here.Still, that's Spring for you :D

Hi! David, I met lots of people at Brockholes, taking shots of the OT's and they asked me if I'd seen any Holly Blues, GVW, seems in the Woods there they must be late in coming outs but the OT's were certainly happy. :D

Hi! Dave, Yes the weather was perfect for them and when I saw the Female OT that was icing on the cake :D

Thanks Janet, you really must visit Brockholes, it costs a fiver to park all day, it seems expensive but there's loads to see and do there. Those Black Caps were every where and all near the entrance to the Wood, you really couldn't miss them, I couldn't believe at first just how many there was. :D

Hi! Trevor, I waited a round for a while to see if a Male OT would meet up with the Female OT but it didn't happen, a man told me the reason they get so many there is the fact the flower the female lays her eggs on is so plentiful a long the edges of the woods. :D
I forgot to mention before, there's a field full of Cow Slips before you arrive at the wood I've just added a couple of shots I took of them and one of a Black Cap making it's presence known :D Goldie :D
IMG_0300 (1).jpg

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Re: Goldie M

Post by Wurzel »

Cracking set of OT shots Goldie :D :mrgreen: I've tried with them but they've been sooooo active they're proving to be a nightmare :roll: At least you've had some luck with them :D Things are moving along nicely now :D

Have a goodun


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Goldie M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Hi! Wurzel, thanks for that, knowing you when you do get shots of the OT"s they'll be worth waiting for :D Goldie :D

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Re: Goldie M

Post by Andrew555 »

Looks and sounds like a fantastic day out Goldie. :D
Great shots, well done on the open wing OT's. :D

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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Thanks for that Andrew, the weather here's taken a turn for the worst now so it may be some time before we're so lucky again :roll: Goldie :D

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Art Frames
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Art Frames »


Some very nice posing Orange Tips. Especially pleasing to see the female as I am not seeing any females yet, I hope to get some action shots but with the dip in the weather that may not be so easy. But I will keep trying.

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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Hi! Art, yes keep trying, there's plenty of time yet we're still in April we've all May to go yet :D

It's rained here since lunch time and been dark and cloudy over the weekend so although I managed a visit to my local patch I saw only one Peacock which didn't open it's wings at all :( I'm cheering myself up though by posting a few more shots I took of the OT's. WHY NOT! :D GOLDIE :D

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Re: Goldie M

Post by millerd »

Why not indeed! They are around for such a short time we should all make the most of them. :)


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Re: Goldie M

Post by David M »

Goldie M wrote:...I'm cheering myself up though by posting a few more shots I took of the OT's. WHY NOT! :D GOLDIE :D
Absolutely! We don't have their company for long, so every opportunity is a precious one! Keep at it, Goldie! :)

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Re: Goldie M

Post by Wurzel »

I can almost hear the slurping form the second OT shot Goldie :shock: :lol: Hopefully we'll have some more 'normal' weather soon...

Have a goodun


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Goldie M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Thanks for your posts Dave,David and Wurzel, since my last posting I've seen nothing , I've been to Hall-Lee-Brook my local Haunt and not a single Butterfly appeared. :(
The weather here has been really cold, when it's not been raining the wind was strong and bitter, needless to say no Holly Blues,
Small Whites, or Green Veined W's have been seen, the strangest thing though is the lack of sighting of the Speckie, I know it won't belong and there should be loads eventually :roll: but I've really missed seeing them. :roll:

I told one man at HLB ( I've got a rep there now :D the lady with the camera looking for Butterflies :D People stop me now to ask about them and even tell me when they've walked their dogs where they've seen them :lol: )
He was asking me about them and I told him they were hiding from the wind. :lol: He lives on the edge of HLB and he said even when the weather was good he'd seen Nothing! I thought well! at least I've got people interested :D

I believe Green Hair Streaks have been seen at Foulshaw Moss in the Lakes so weather permitting that's my next port of call :D
Goldie :D Won't be this Week-end though!! :(

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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Today I went back to Brockholes, I was looking for Holly Blues, they're supposed to be round the same area has the Orange Tips, no luck I'm afraid, it felt good to be out though after the awful weather we've had.
The wind was freezing and the Temp only 9c but the woods gave us shelter from the winds and when the Temperature rose to 13c
and the Sun got much brighter the Orange Tip's were out in large numbers on the Blue Bells and Cuckoo flowers, I really enjoyed myself :D
We didn't see the Deer but I did get a quick shot of a Pheasant before it took to the Woods and a cute little Wren. I was again surprised that no Speckies showed themselves, things are way behind here in the North but may be that's not a bad thing for the weather we've had has been really cold and wet. Hope fully we'll get some nice weather for the Bank Holiday.Goldie :D

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Re: Goldie M

Post by bugboy »

You can't beat a day surrounded by Orange-tips can you Goldie :D

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Goldie M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

You certainly can't Bugboy :D Now I want to go to Loggerhead's CP NW to see the Grizzled Skipper, seeing this Butterfly for the first time will really make my day,( Just hope it's out when we get there.) :roll: Goldie :D

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Re: Goldie M

Post by Andrew555 »

Very nice Goldie, one can never have too many Orange-tips. :D
Good luck with the Grizzled!

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Re: Goldie M

Post by Wurzel »

Looks like the wait was worthwhile Goldie with some (more) great OT action :D Good luck with the Grizzlies :D I've still not seen a report of them from Wiltshire :(

Have a goodun


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Goldie M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Thanks for your posts Andrew and Wurzel, it was another lovely day out :D Next week looks good according to the weather people
but the Dukes could be late coming out this year, the Speckies aren't out here yet so I'll keep watching for sighting being reported before I venture forth :D Goldie :D

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Re: Goldie M

Post by Wurzel »

Things are really going slow round my way as well Goldie :( Good idea to check the local Butterfly Conservation sightings page so your trip is productive :D Hope things pick up soon and quickly :D

Have a goodun


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Re: Goldie M

Post by David M »

You seem to finally be catching up, Goldie, but I'm surprised you haven't encountered Specklies yet. I've been falling over these within the last 10 days or so and south Wales isn't exactly the warmest spot in the UK!!

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Goldie M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Hi! Wurzel and David, the weather here has been bitter, cold winds every day, even when the Sun was shining the Temp's never got above 9c because of them, certainly not Butterfly weather :roll: Although on Monday the temp actually reached 13c when we were in the Woods and we saw the OT's ,it was sheltered there and plenty of them were flying but nothing else except one Peacock which never landed :D

I've checked the weather for Mold NW and it seems good for next week but I'm still hesitant about setting off, still if you don't try !!! Cumbria is cloudy all next week according to the forecast so I'll definitely wait for things to be reported on before going there." Every thing comes to those who wait," the saying goes, Let's hope so! :D Goldie :D

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