Goldie M

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Re: Goldie M

Post by MikeOxon »

Hi Goldie. Like you, I'm not great at bird identification but do enjoy photographing them. I think it is one of those things that you can develop a 'feel' for when you're young but, I'm afraid, I didn't. Coal Tit's are easy if you see the back of the head, with its white stripe, but at the angle of your photos, the most obvious marks to me are the two white bars across the wings, which Willow and Marsh Tits do not have. I expect there are loads of other things that provide instant ID to the experts :)

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Goldie M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Thanks Mike, that description helps a lot, it's the white bar I'll look for on the wings and the back of the head when I'm photographing them from now on :D
I've been more interested in taking shots of birds since we came to live here on the out skirts of Bolton and Manchester, we're near the West Pennine Moors and see plenty of wild life, especially in Winter ,( talking of Winter it's snowing hard at present) I must admit to loosing interest in Summer because of the Butterflies unless it's some thing unusual { like Sparrow Hawks in my Garden :D } Roll on Spring :D Goldie :D

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Goldie M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Yesterday was a lovely day, very little breeze, Winter Sunshine, great for a walk and another visit to Pennington Flash :D
After all the bad weather the paths in there were certainly wet and muddy, huge puddles every where, any way after wading through them we arrived at the first hide, lots of people in there all glad of the nice weather and chatting quietly whilst watching the birds.
There were Chaffinch, Robins,( I didn't see the Willow Tit's, ) Reed Buntings the list goes on. In one cage was a small bird with yellow under it's wings, I christened this one has a Female Gold Finch after thinking it might be a Serin, I thought Female GF to bit much greyer, so I'm not sure!!
After this we moved to the next Hide but we were stopped in our tracks when we spotted this large bird at the top of these tall tree's. I waded through some very wet flattened grass to get a better look and fixed my camera lens on the tree, my camera is not really for long distance but although I couldn't distinguish the birds Identity from where I was, I knew my computer would help with that :D Any way I think it's a Kestrel!!! The Sun was shining on it and from the distance it looked almost orange, Lovely!

At the next Hide we saw the Goosanders again and then to my surprise a Small Egret appeared out of the Reeds near to a Grey Heron, also there in another inlet was another Heron with some Geese I couldn't ID, the water was simply shimmering which didn't help with ID's , I took shots of what I think are Golden Eye but again not sure :? Any way it was a great day out. Goldie :D
Golden Eye ?
Golden Eye ?
Small Egret/Heron
Small Egret/Heron
Reed Bunting
Reed Bunting
Chaffinch ?
Chaffinch ?
Female Gold Finch ?
Female Gold Finch ?

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Re: Goldie M

Post by Wurzel »

Great shots of the Kestrel and Grebe in particular Goldie :D Spot on with the Chaffinch :D your unknown geese are Canadian, your Goldeneye are Teal and your Goldfinch is a Greenfinch, sexing a Goldfinch( :shock: :oops: :wink: ) is difficult as they wear the same plumage. Hope these help :D Soon you won't notice the birds, you'll be too busy with the butterflies :D

Have a goodun


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Goldie M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Hi! Wurzel, I suppose three out of six isn't too bad :lol: :oops: We could do with some more sunshine though, so the Birds will have to do for now. :lol: I never thought of a green Finch although I've seen them in the Garden loads of times. :D

I forgot to put a shot I took of a Robin in my last post, it came right onto a bough of a tree right in front of us, stayed for a while, even gave us a short song :D I think people must have been feeding it because it came onto the window ledge of the Hide, next time I go I'll take some suet pellets with me. :D Goldie :D

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Re: Goldie M

Post by David M »

You may not get all the butterflies up there, Goldie, but you're certainly in one of the best spots for birds, as that sequence illustrates!

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Re: Goldie M

Post by Neil Freeman »

Hi Goldie,

I have been making the most of the birds lately as well...although in my case its lazy birding watching them in the garden from the comfort of my back room :wink:



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Re: Goldie M

Post by Andrew555 »

Very nice Goldie. That Kestrel looks great in the sun. :)

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Goldie M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Sorry for the delay in replying but my broad band was down for over 24 hrs, not bad for me but I feel sorry for people who work from home :(
Hi! David, I was at the Flash again on Tuesday :D As soon has the weather brightens up we're out and about, Butterflies next I hope, It's great to see the nights getting lighter too, roll on. :D

Hi! Neil, the birds a round us have been busy trying to get mates especially the Wood Pigeons, so Spring can't be too far a way now
even the Black Birds are in the chase looking for mates. :D I'm keeping an eye on the Garden just in case I see some thing different arriving. :D

Thank's Andrew, I thought so too, the photo doesn't do it justice , I was so far a way but he looked great in the Sun, I took a chance and took the shot, so glad I did. :D

I've just posted a few shots from Tuesday, has I said the birds are starting to pair off now the Green Finch were together most of the time. I took a shot of this Swan has it flew passed, it looked so regal. The Sea Gull was in the middle of the lake, I think it's a
Great Black Backed Gull but I'll leave it to the experts to say :D Goldie :D

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Re: Goldie M

Post by Wurzel »

More cracking bird shots Goldie :D The aerial swan shots are brill :D :mrgreen: You were really close with the gull ID, Great Black-backed Gulls are really stand out black and white, your gull is more slatey so I reckon it's a Lesser Black-backed :D
I'm starting to get the equivalent of cabin fever now so I really appreciate your posts keeping me going during the week by allowing me to do some birding vicariously :D

Have a goodun


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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Thanks for that Wurzel, at least I'm getting nearer with the ID's :lol:

I took some shots in the Garden over the last couple of days and I thought both the birds were Dunocks looking at the beaks I'm not too sure now :? Help needed again I think :lol:
Also when I was in the Garden today I was astounded to see an Aneomne in flower, it made my day :D
My little Coal Tit was back in the garden has well and a Lady Black Bird was telling a male BB off. :lol: Goldie :D

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Re: Goldie M

Post by Allan.W. »

Spot on Goldie,both Dunnocks ! Regards Allan.W.

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Re: Goldie M

Post by MikeOxon »

Hi Goldie. It's the beak that shows that, although sometimes called Hedge Sparrows, these Dunnocks really are not Sparrows! The House Sparrow's deep, short beak is typical of seed feeders, whereas the Dunnock has a thin pointed beak, better for insects.

We've not had many different species in our garden this Winter, although one welcome visitor has been a Grey Wagtail, which likes our pond.

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Goldie M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Many thanks Allan, they're a lovely little bird. :D

Hi! Mike, I always usually look for the Grey chest of the Dunnock but the one on the fence seemed different so I wasn't sure, mind you it was side ways on :roll: :lol:
We get lots of Birds in the Garden, the Starlings come and take the place over :D but at least they don't bother the other birds, they feed mostly on the those large round fat balls, the smaller birds seem to like the suet pellets and nuts, we're also near to a few country parks which helps. :D Goldie :D

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Re: Goldie M

Post by Wurzel »

Spot on with the Dunnock/Hedge Sparrow/Hedge Accentor ID Goldie :D Don't be misled by the cuteness of size or the drabness of colour as they are one of the most depraved and promiscuous species found in the garden :shock: :oops: Great shot of the Coal Tit, it seems to be admonishing you for spending so much time with the Dunnocks :wink:

Have a goodun


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Goldie M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Hi! Wurzel, more Birds in the Garden, plus Snow! plus !!!!! I'm not sure of ID's :lol:

It's been snowing most of the day today but only really stuck on the tree's and bushes, it was enough to bring the birds though, quite a collection them and some I'm once again not too sure of :roll:
It started off with the Robin who puts in an appearance and a position under the tree where we've placed suet balls :D and so every time the Starlings arrive so does he, that also applies to the Black Bird. :D
The birds I'm not too sure about which I think one could be a Black Cap, maybe the other Green finch or Chaffinch. My photos were taken through the window whilst the snow was at it's heaviest so I hope that doesn't hamper ID :roll: Goldie :D
Wood Pidgeons keeping warm
Wood Pidgeons keeping warm
Long Tailed Tit
Long Tailed Tit
Gold Finch
Gold Finch

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Re: Goldie M

Post by Janet Turnbull »

Hi Goldie, those are lovely photos of the robin and goldfinch! The one after the robin looks like a chaffinch to me, but I could be wrong. Janet

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Re: Goldie M

Post by Wurzel »

More great bird shots Goldie :D Your four '?' are all Chaffinches so Janet was spot on. Keep em coming :D

Have a goodun


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Re: Goldie M

Post by Neil Freeman »

Hi Goldie,

Some light snow flurries here today and it's coming down quiet heavy now as I write this...not much sign of spring around here yet.

Nice selection of bird photos, you seem to be getting a similar mix of species in your garden as I do :D



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Re: Goldie M

Post by David M »

I sense the yearning for butterflies in you, Goldie!

Seems like everybody is seeing Goldfinches right now. Maybe it's the sign of a cold snap. Long may it continue! Beautiful birds.

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