Bugboys mission

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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by bugboy »

28th July Brown Hairstreak 0 – Bugboy 2 (agg 1-4)

Despite the best efforts of the weather, the lure of the Brown Hairstreak was just too much. The forecast of a merest hint of sun in the morning was enough to take me back to Bookham for another attempted dose of them. It was actually quite close to an ‘own goal’ since the merest hint of sunshine was just what it said on the tin, several merest hints followed by big fat grey clouds which, added to the near gale force wind at times, proved rather challenging. Despite this, in the more sheltered nooks it was plenty mild enough for activity, the Gatekeepers remaining the most numerous species by a significant margin, as expected.
As usual during Brown Hairstreak season everyone got a second or third glance and several got the picture taken. As well as the target species, I was also on the lookout for some Gatekeeper abs. after my success last time. I found a few pathological/mechanical,
a worn male with reduced forewing eyespots,
male ab. antiparvipuncta
male ab. antiparvipuncta
and another female with enlarged eyespots. I thought perhaps it was the same one as last time but comparing underwing shots shows it is clearly a separate animal. Today though I got an upperside view!
female ab. anticrasipuncta
female ab. anticrasipuncta
Not everyone was in good health though. This looks at first glance like an innocent image until you notice the sinister 'claw' clutching at the deceased male :shock: .
Amongst them were a few Meadow browns and some very ancient Ringlets, but I was very surprised to find this remarkably fresh one!
I made several rounds of the area of Tuesdays sightings, Small Coppers and Common Blues becoming active whenever the sun peeked out and regularly flying up from my feet during the extended cloudy spells, but after a few hours I was starting to think I was going to draw a blank on the Hairstreak front.
In desperation, I switched tactics and looked for any potential master trees. It was actually glaringly obvious: a youngish Ash, isolated from other trees in the hedgerow, overlooking the spot where I photographed the two on Tuesday and I only had to glance up to see two or three Hairstreaks dancing around the middle of the tree. In the interests of not wanting to go home empty handed I ended up taking a run of shots as they fluttered about, coping surprisingly well in the gusty grey conditions, it would seem temperature is the primary governing factor for activity.
The forecast was for things to descend into thick cloud and rain for the afternoon so having bagged a few pictures of Hairstreaks (not exactly what I was after but better than nothing), I proceeding to do just one final circuit before heading off. and there he was, getting absolutely battered in the wind. Somehow, he was managing to cling on and feed but getting pictures was close to impossible since he’d decided to feed in the most ridiculously windy spot he could find. It was just a case of point and shoot and hope for the best. Out of about 30 I managed 1 in focus before he attempted to fly off and got unceremoniously slammed into the undergrowth. This happened a few times until a lull in the wind enabled him to flutter off in the direction of the master tree.
Pleased with myself at getting something I’d all but given up hope in obtaining, I took one step and my eyes were drawn to a bright orange sail swaying on a Hogweed. There was no mistaking the intense orange colour of a female. Again, capturing the moment was very hit and miss but I managed a few :D 8) .
She had the same issues when she too tried to return to the tree tops, one attempt causing her to fly into my head!

Now it really was time to leave but as I was leaving a white moth fluttered past my head and landed in the lower part of an overhanging Sallow and proceeded to lay a couple of eggs (the first one can be seen in the picture).
I’m really not sure what species she was, she was very pale with very little in the way of markings but I think that was largly down to wear and tear. If anyone has any ideas as to what she is…

A final surprise before hopping on my train was a late Large Skipper.
Moral of the day: like me, they only need the merest hint of sun to get out and about :) .
Last edited by bugboy on Mon Jul 31, 2017 12:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by David M »

I love your aggregate totals in the ongoing battle between Brown Hairstreak and Bugboy! I'm sure you'll hit back with a few strikes over the next couple of weeks and expect you to take the lead in due course! :D

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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by bugboy »

David M wrote:I love your aggregate totals in the ongoing battle between Brown Hairstreak and Bugboy! I'm sure you'll hit back with a few strikes over the next couple of weeks and expect you to take the lead in due course! :D
You have it the wrong way round David, I'm currently streaking away to a romping win, 4-1 up. In strict sporting rules though the home team score goes first and as much as I would love to live at Bookham (sometimes it may seem I do), the Hairstreaks go first, hence 1-4.
Of course the scoring rules I've invented are greatly skewed in my favour, I get a point for every one I see, they get a point for every visit I see none... my game, my rules :D 8) :lol:

30th July, Bugboy to the rescue!

I had an email waiting for me yesterday morning at work. A colleague had sent me a picture of some caterpillars that were eating her Nasturtiums. She didn’t want to kill them but also didn’t want to watch here Nasturtiums vanish in this fashion. I Knew what they were going to be even before opening the attached picture, and in the afternoon rescued the naughty Large White caterpillars so I could translocate them onto a patch that has been planted specifically for them by our horticultural dept. With the weather yesterday afternoon being pretty dire, I delayed the move until this morning, keeping them in a tub overnight.

This morning, having eaten most of the leaves I’d left them with overnight, I duly transferred the forty or so hungry caterpillars to their new abode. At the end of the day I checked on them to find they had settled in very well and were busy demolishing their new home.
A quick look over the rest of the patch revealed a younger batch already here and a solitary Small White caterpillar. I’m very glad I persuaded the gardeners to plant this patch, I’m trying to collate as much evidence as possible of butterflies breeding on site for my end of year report to the bosses, I have lots of circumstantial evidence but that’s two more certainties :D !
Also today, I found another fresh Common Blue, I’m now convinced I have a colony here, albeit small.
Nearby a Red Admiral was soaking up the evening rays.

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Re: Bugboys mission

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31st July, Walthamstow Marshes

I had a dentist appointment this afternoon so I went out chasing butterflies after to cheer myself up. As so often happens on sunshine and shower days, the sun mostly vanished the moment I got my camera out! Thankfully it didn’t rain though.

Gatekeepers were unsurprisingly around in reasonable numbers, as were Meadow Browns although they were all thoroughly uncooperative!
Biggest surprise was several Small Whites, mostly freshly emerged, it’s the most I’ve seen on one day all season.
The only white that wasn’t Small was a dead Green-veined.
I had a few Speckled Wood encounters, looking rather autumnal perched on some blackberries and a few fresh and not so fresh Common Blues were loitering around.
The local Song Thrushes seem to be eating well, perhaps some fledglings were being shown how to feed by their parents?
I always hope rather than expect Holly Blues here and over the afternoon a few toyed with me in the upper reaches of hedges but, nearing the end of my jaunt I found a female fluttering around a Dogwood that was putting out a few late buds. The most noticeable thing about her (apart from being a right little stunner) was her size, barely larger than a Small Blue. She posed nicely with her wings closed but only I managed the one upper wing shot before she joined the rest of her kin out of reach up high.

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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by Wurzel »

Great Hedge Browns Bugboy :D :mrgreen: That Small White look more like a 'Small Yellow' :shock: :D

Have a goodun


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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by David M »

Aah! Second brood Holly Blues! Something to look forward too if the weather ever clears up! :(

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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by bugboy »

Thanks Wurzel, yes that Small White was very fresh :)

If the long range forecast is to be believed things may improve in time for the weekend David :)

1st August, Brown Hairstreak hunting again (part 1)

The forecast today looked particularly good, lots of sun and significantly less wind than my last visit. I arrived as usual nice and early and spent a good while wading through Gatekeepers looking for the Holy Grail. Numbers seem to be falling but they are still around in numbers to make a nuisance of themselves. I didn’t find any not worthy abs today but there are still a handful of fresh animals in amongst all the aged ones.
Both Common Blue and Small Copper numbers on the other hand seem to be increasing, with several fresh of both species.
A few aged Skippers were also hanging on, I’m having a stab in the dark and going for Small for this one!
After a couple of hour’s the familiar figure of Dave (Millerd) wandered over, enjoying his first day of retirement, so we joined forces again.

The only Hairstreaks I’d seen so far were about half a dozen flitting around the Ash master tree and things weren’t looking much better with two pairs of eye’s still drawing up a blank. We did find a lovely Painted Lady and an equally fresh Peacock though.
It was just as we were thinking of calling it a day when I spied the bright orange sail of a female, perched on a hogweed again. I called out to Dave, who was pre-occupied with a Copper, but she took off before either of us could line her up for a snap, dammit! With a single low level sighting but no photo I was resigned to it being a one all score draw in my ongoing battle with them :( . We did get an unexpected bonus Hairstreak prize though. Dave found a Purple one when we tried to relocate the AWOL Brown one :D .
We decided that one more circuit would be a good idea so we wandered along the hedge and back again. Gatekeepers were still fighting over every available Bramble flower and Dave noticed a particularly nicely marked Meadow Brown.
Somehow I managed to walk straight past her this time but Dave pointed her out next to me :lol: :oops:, perched on the Hogweed again where she had been 20 minutes previously. This time she however she behaved herself, feeding and occasionally fluttering around, and we had her for a good 10 minutes during which time we both filled our boots with images :D .
Good to see you again Dave :). Amazing how one single butterfly can make the whole day worthwhile! Halftime score Brown Hairstreak 0 – Bugboy 1


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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by Wurzel »

A cracking set of images Bugboy :mrgreen: and good to see that they seem to be keeping in good nick, only three more days...just three more days :?

Have a goodun


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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by David M »

That second Small Copper is very boldly marked, Bugboy, and your Brown Hairstreaks are, as ever, envy inducing.

I can't wait to get out and find some myself! :mrgreen:

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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by kevling »

Some nice photos of the Brown Hairstreaks Bugboy. Still waiting to see my first ones of the year. Hopefully won't be too much longer.

Regards Kev

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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by bugboy »

Thanks Wurzel, the weekend is looking promising :)

Yes he was David, Dave and I spent a few minutes trying to pin him down. He was a typical male, picking fights with everything that moved :roll: !

There's lots about Kev, I doubt you'll have too many problems finding one or two as long as you pick the site well and get the weather :)

1st August, Brown Hairstreak hunting again (part 2)

By 1, Dave had to go to make sure the offspring hadn’t burnt down the house or something equally silly, leaving me to go and see if any of the White Admiral larvae I found a week ago were still alive. Barely 2 minutes after saying goodbye a Clouded yellow zoomed past me at a rate of knots, settled just long enough on some Fleabane, and Zoomed off, never to be seen again.
A few aged Silver-washed Fritillaries were active as well as a couple more irresistibly fresh Peacocks.
It was as I wandered along one of the wide tracks leading into the wood I caught sight of a sandy orange coloured sail perched on some Hogweed. He sat well for a couple of minutes before I spooked him trying to move an offending piece of bramble that was having a fight with my leg!
Still, can’t really complain, another male to add to this years tally.

Once into the woods I switched to immature stage hunting, finding even more Comma larvae than I did last time and also a smattering of pupae as well.
Freshly moulted.
Freshly moulted.
The first couple of White Admiral larvae were MIA, presumably predated. Had I not spent a couple of minutes looking for them though, I would have seen something you don’t see every day. The next Comma I found had literally just moulted into the pupal stage, I must have missed it by no more than a minute.
Context shot. It was about 5 feet of the ground and VERY obvious!
Context shot. It was about 5 feet of the ground and VERY obvious!
20 minutes later it had started to look more like a Comma but still had the same unexpected colouration and patterning.
During the intervening 20 minutes I found a few WA larvae,
a 1st instar preparing to moult.
a 1st instar preparing to moult.
And another 3rd instar (the 3rd I’d found last week was another MIA victim today)
And another 3rd instar (the 3rd I’d found last week was another MIA victim today)
Elsewhere it was becoming a bit like the Serengeti in miniature, it’s a tough life being an insect out there, even other insects want to eat you!
An Emperor Dragonfly making a meal of a Honey Bee
An Emperor Dragonfly making a meal of a Honey Bee
A Robber fly making a meal of a Hoverfly
A Robber fly making a meal of a Hoverfly
Full time: Brown Hairstreak – 0 Bugboy – 2 (agg. 1-6)

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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by Wurzel »

More great shots Bugboy, though it would be nice if you left some Brostreaks for the rest of us :wink: :mrgreen:

Have a goodun


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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by David M »

You're rubbing it in now, Bugboy, with Brown Hairstreaks accompanied by Clouded Yellow!! :mrgreen:

Nice larval shots. I always enjoy seeing a few 'cats' in the mix.

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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by bugboy »

Don't worry Wurzel, there's more than enough to go round this year :D

Sorry David, they just can't help falling out the trees in front of me :)

5th August, Silver-spots and Adonis

Having had a fair bit of luck with Brown Hairstreaks recently, I decided to catch up with a few other species today, first stop Box Hill for the Skippers. It was a relatively cool morning but there was enough sun to hopefully wake them up. Gatekeeper numbers are dwindling now, being replaced by the second wave of Meadow Brown emergents and Common Blues are still living up to their name for a change with a good range of females on display.
Finding the Skippers took a bit of time, perhaps it was a bit early and cool for them, or maybe numbers are yet to peak but eventually I started disturbing the odd one close to the path. The early morning air was quite still so their favourite perches, Field Scabious flowers, were quite still, making photographs easier than usual as long as I could get close enough.
There were plenty of Chalkhills active as well, mostly males visible but there were good numbers of females lurking.
Having spent a couple of hours here I made a move to Denbies to see if any more Adonis had emerged, as usual Speckled Woods keeping me company along the way and the top slope of Denbies Winery seems to have a thriving colony of Brown Argus amongst other things.
Again Chalkhills were numerous at Denbies, probably equal numbers of males and females active but it took a while before I saw the flash of electric blue. He escaped my lens though. All females I got close enough to turned out to be Chalkhills but I did find an attractive female with nice sprinkling of blue scales.
Common Blues and Brown Argus added to the mix along with a few Small Heath and a single Silver-spotted Skipper. I watched as this female Argus settle near the male and then proceed to tell the confused chap she wasn’t interested… women :roll: !
There were a couple of other butterfliers on the hillside and it was one of them that eventually found an Adonis willing to pose, possibly the same one I’d seen earlier. I’m not sure how I managed to make him glow like this. It must have been the lighting at the time, I’ve done nothing but cropped and tweaked the exposure a fraction in post processing, but it looks like it’s been plugged into the mains!
As I was following him around a Clouded Yellow tore past me and I toyed with chasing him since it was clouding over, making it very likely he was going to settle. I changed my mind though when I took more notice of the clouds, they had a rather dark and foreboding look about them so a beat a hasty retreat… not hasty enough though. I got drenched down to the under-crackers by a monsoon like downpour that my raincoat was woefully ill prepared for. It lasted the entire 45-minute walk back to the station, stopping exactly as I arrived, sods law has impeccable timing sometimes!

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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by trevor »

Love the vibrant blue of your Adonis, Paul.
Sorry to read about your soaking. I experienced one of the heaviest rainstorms I have ever known,
then the hailstones came and the road disappeared under water. Luckily everyone was sensible.
Happily we saw our Butterflies before the rain came.

Pleased you finally found some Brown Hairstreaks.

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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by Wurzel »

Great report Bugboy - I'll have to keep an eye out for the Adonis over this way as we're about a week behind...although I'm slightly more than that with my PD :oops:

Have a goodun


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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by David M »

That's a fine selection of late summer species, Bugboy. You certainly live in a rich area of the UK. There can't be many who have such a range within striking distance of their own doorstep!

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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by Goldie M »

That's a fantastic shot of the Adonis Bugboy, it certainly brings out it's gorgeous blue colour, it's my turn to be green now. :D :mrgreen:

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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by Art Frames »

Lovely to see your brown hairstreaks and to hear reports of numbers. Not one we get in Northants so I need to travel, which would be easy apart from I have stopped trusting any weather forecast!! And reports from Oxfordshire are not as strong as from other spots...All of which has played into my inertia....So keep posting :D :lol:

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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by bugboy »

Thanks Trevor, it's only rain at the end of the day :), feel more sorry for a couple of families I walked past as I was leaving who were on their way down to have a picnic and didn't seem to have anything to have anything to protect them from the rain!

Behind in your PD Wurzel :shock: who'd have thought it! I reckon you have a few weeks grace for Adonis, I've only seen two second brood so far :)

Thanks David, hopefully there's still plenty more to come before the season closes :)

Thanks Goldie, I think I just got lucky with the lighting with that Adonis :)

I gave up relying on weather forecasts a while ago Peter, I find the old fashioned method of looking up to see if the Sun is out equally effective :roll: :lol:

6th August, Chobham’s Graylings

On my last visit I caught the beginning of their flight period, just three immaculate males so I was hoping I’d timed it right to find them in full swing. Like sod’s law the previous day, my timing was impeccable and I found 30+ active.

The diseased Birch which was the centre of attention last time had one aged male guarding it against all comers, Red Admirals and Hornets being the main issues he was having. The tree itself seems to be getting worse, you can smell it from a fair distance, a rather strong scent of fermenting something or other.

The Graylings this time were centred on what is most likely a Grayling nursery, lots of isolated Bristle Bent grasses with plenty of sun baked bare ground in-between.
Males were mostly lurking along the paths on the edge with the females inhabiting the nursery itself. Since it wasn’t a day with ridiculously blistering heat and regular cloud cover both were relatively easy to approach. Most of the females were fresh out the box, with that oily sheen of a fresh emergent, and one particularly large female was especially reflective. I followed her around for a while, she was a good poser.
I was also hoping to find more than just the usual Graylings blending in with the background or nectaring. I have still to get an open wing shot and other behaviour. Open wings are best obtained during courtship and although I came across a few pairs they didn’t sit well for me and got carried off in the gusty wind whenever I got close enough. I did however manage to watch egg laying a few times. I missed capturing the act by seconds but a did get a few snaps of the eggs.
Graylings were by a long way the most numerous species with a few Gatekeeper, a couple of female Common Blues and some old looking Large Skippers. Large Skippers here do seem to hang on to the bitter end.
As I was leaving I couldn’t resist a few snaps of a male Southern Hawker who settled right in front of me

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