Brown's Folly

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Brown's Folly

Post by eccles »

I may shortly be visiting the above site near Bath to look for grizzled and dingy skipper, also green hairstreak. Has anyone here any recollection of this site, and where these species might be found please? I've been there once before, and I'm guessing the best place to look would be the large open limestone area with the west facing view.
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Re: Brown's Folly

Post by Will »

And I thought this was a political post! :D
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Re: Brown's Folly

Post by Martin »

What has Gordon's desire to be PM got to do with b/flies?
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Re: Brown's Folly

Post by eccles »


Thankfully, Gordon hasn't got his hands on this wildlife reserve yet, although I wouldn't put it past him and his cronies to find ways of taxing it.
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Re: Brown's Folly

Post by Will »

Or at least abolishing the lowest rate! :D
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Re: Brown's Folly

Post by eccles »

I suppose I should be grateful it wasn't called Boris Hill, or Livingstone Common...
Does anyone have any tips for the site in question that don't involve Gordon?
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Re: Brown's Folly

Post by Matsukaze »

Sounds like you have about the right idea as to where to look - nowhere else appeared suitable when I went to visit (admittedly this was in the depths of winter).

Dingy Skipper out today across the valley in the quarry on Bathampton Down - Green Hairstreak and Grizzled Skipper do not occur here, quite why this is so for the Grizzled Skipper I do not know as the habitat appears suitable and there is no shortage of foodplant (I eat it occasionally there in summer).
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Re: Brown's Folly

Post by eccles »

A single green hairstreak was seen here yesterday at the top of the scrubby meadow/hill. See also "sightings".
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Re: Brown's Folly

Post by wavelea1 »

Hi Eccles......

I am a frequent visitor to Brown's Folly - I live in Pucklechurch - and unfortunately I have no good news. In three visits since early May specifically searching for the Grizzled Skipper I have not recorded any of the three you are searching for.

Apart from early May the weather has not been kind to us here in the South West and following a particularly bad summer last year I fear the worst. Please keep me informed if you have any success.


PS Eccles in Norfolk or ?
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Re: Brown's Folly

Post by eccles »

Hi Wavelea1
Dingy skipper is doing rather better in our region than grizzled.
Denise and I recently went south to Thurlbear Quarrylands near Taunton looking for duke of burgundy, and we were fortunate enough to catch up with one or two grizzleds there as well as two dukes.
WRT our local area, I visited Tucking Mill just off the Midford Road near Bath last year, rather late in the season, and saw two rather tatty individuals there, so that might be worth a visit.
The other target species, green hairstreak, was abundant a couple of weeks ago at West Yatton Down, along with dingy skipper, but at a recent visit I saw no GH and only one DS.
PS Eccles in Norfolk or ?
Not sure I understand the comment. I live in Longwell Green a few miles south of you. :)
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