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Re: Wurzel

Post by Goldie M »

Love the Hair Streaks Wurzel but my favourite is the Holly Blue in the Blossom :D Goldie :D

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers Trevor :D If The Hill is anything like my Duke site it will be crawling with the Green one - keep your eyes peeled as well as there may be a Duke about :D
Cheers Goldie :D That was taken using my 'extension tubes' - not proper camera gear just holding the camera out as far as my arms would extend :wink:

Having gotten back from Wales I'm once again behind with my PD so U better get back to sorting all those photos...

Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Middle Street 12-04-2017

The weather was very changeable but after spending most of the day doing chores and shopping I really needed to get out. So I grabbed my camera and K and I headed out for some fresh air and a wander along the tow path. Having reached the Mill on the other side of the meadows we spied a male OT and so carried on our walk to check out Middle Street.

Once on site things weren’t looking to hopeful with a cold wind and cloud covering the sun. The small stands of Cuckoo Flower on the edge of the football pitch were bereft of butterflies and so we carried on round to the more sheltered area and the hotspot. We were about half way there when I spied a broken white outline amongst the grass. Normally this is just some bird droppings that have painted the leaves but it’s always a good idea to check them out as it could be an OT roosting, which in this case it turned out to be. As I cautiously approached the sun came out, of all the moments to! The OT took off but luckily for me landed again quite close by. I was able to stalk close enough to get a few shots before the sun had charged it sufficiently and it was off.
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A couple of paces further along the path and a Specklie appeared. It too was quite flighty but after a bit of waiting and watching it seemed to disregard us so that I could also get a few shots. K and I then spent the next 10 minutes strolling around the pond, chatting and watching the action that ensued as there were now at least 2 different Specklies and three different male OTs around this little area.
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As we were only going to be out for a ‘quick’ walk K and I decided to start making our way back. Our progress was hampered though as another white hove into few back by the small stand of Cuckoo Flower. I was hoping it would be a female OT but when it settled I could see the tell-tale markings of a Small White so I was finally able to catch up with this species photographically.
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As we carried on home the odd male OT kept us company and a Holly Blue as well but what I enjoyed most was spending time with K who is growing up so fast…
Have a goodun


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Goldie M
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Re: Wurzel

Post by Goldie M »

Your quite right Wurzel, time goes so quickly and looking back I treasure every moment I've had with my family and still do :D
Goldie :D

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Philzoid »

Clouds are handy for settling Orange-tips :)

Looking forward to meeting up at Bentley. May bring my 'grown-up' daughters along if I can drag them away from their lap-tops :wink:


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Re: Wurzel

Post by millerd »

That beats any Small White photos I've managed this year, Wurzel! :) They have been most uncooperative and in fact nearly non-existent round here.I shall also be headed for Bentley at some point, and like Phil, possibly accompanied by a somewhat unwilling child welded to his i-Pad... :)


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers Goldie :D Is it just me or does time go even quicker as I get older :( The only plus side is that I'll be retired soon at this rate :lol: Only 27 more years :cry:
Cheers Philzoid :D It's one of the few times I've been able to put the technique into practice - normally they're bombing around like they're on Meth-Amphetamine! :lol: Looking forward to the first meet up of the season too, not long to go now 8)
Cheers Dave :D I seem to be able to get one decent set of shots for the whites this year and then they play complete hard ball so that could be my last Small White for a while :roll: Is it just me or do there seem to be fewer whites so far this year? :? iPads - how long before they're grafted on at birth :roll: :x

Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Maximus »

You're doing a brilliant job of keeping up-to-date with your 2017 diary entries, Wurzel :D :wink: ...so far.
That's a stunner, the underside of the Orange-tip on the Cuckoo flower, you must have been full flat out to get that one :shock: :mrgreen:
Lovely Green Hairstreaks too, one I've yet to encounter this year :roll:

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers Mike :D I was lucky that it landed close enough to the boardwalk that I could reach over from there - otherwise I wouldn't have gotten the shot :D

Wales Easter 2017

So began one of the twice yearly trips to my Outlaws, this time on Easter Saturday and as usual the weather was great on the journey across and set to deteriorate almost as soon as we got there. Once the motorway dwindled to dual track I was astonished by the sheer number of Cuckoo Flowers growing on the verges and in the surrounding fields. I was even more astonished that over the course of the whole journey I saw only one Brimstone and my tally didn’t get any higher despite a walk up The Lane.

Llanachaeron on Easter Sunday didn’t produce anything and we were rained off once the Easter Eggs had been found. On Easter Monday we visited Aberystwyth my old stomping ground taking in the backstreets, the seafront, Inn at the Pier (where I met my wife) and the Castle. Despite the bright conditions there were still no butterflies although I did see a Whitearse/Wheatear amongst the rack and ruin. Finally on the return journey to the car I found three butterflies – 2 Small Torts and a Specklie all within 20 metres of each other along the Riverside path.
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On the Tuesday we packed lunches and headed off on an Enid Blyton adventure (little L’s idea egged on by her bigger sister), walking from Ffos-y-ffin along the coast to Newquay. Unfortunately and much to little L’s dismay the local shop didn’t sell ‘lashings of Ginger Beer’. The walk started off quite slowly with a Red Admiral hanging off the wall of one of the local cottages and then a Small Tort bombing by over the top of a hedge as the path dove down towards the coast through the local farmland. Across a few more fields we carried on through a small wooded area disturbing a Specklie on the way and it settled a couple of times. Back out the other side to a riot of coconut and colour, the gorse was so bright it looked almost aflame and nestled in the florets amongst the various hoverflies and small bees was a green shieldbug which had a bright yellow tip to its rump.
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After this the path kept hugging the cliff tops and a white flew by without stopping and we reached what was the favourite part of the walk. The path cut back inland slightly and down to a hanging valley. The river flowed down several small waterfalls and then flowed off the side of the cliff. The reason I liked the look of this place was the sheltered aspect and the fact that the hillsides were covered with old bracken and heather which looked really good for DGFs so I might try and make it back here next time we visit.
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In the next little wooded area it all went a bit Neilfreem as there were Specklies everywhere – or so it felt. First one appeared staying back a bit from us all whilst I took a photo of a micro moth that had landed on K’s glasses but then through the gateway there was another, and another and a third and fourth. The first had a go at the second which bumped into the third and so all three spiralled upwards with one occasionally breaking from the fray momentarily before getting right back into here. All the while number 4 was just sitting it out on the stone and then it flew a short way to land n some cooler vegetation.
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After this frenetic few moments things calmed down, I caught up with the others and we finished our walk munching on rounds of sandwiches overlooking the harbour. Little L was very pleased with her adventure and decided that she wanted another one – although this one entailed taking the bus back home!

Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Aberaeron 19-04-2017

Our holiday/break in Wales this time was played out in reverse. Usually it goes; local area, Newquay, Aberystwyth, National Trust…so today we went ‘local’. This meant taking in the sights and sounds of Aberaeron. In the morning the girls went swimming in the local schools pool and as we made to leave I spotted a white fluttering from Cuckoo Flower to Cuckoo Flower. Throwing the swimming gear into the boot with one hand I grabbed my camera with the other and then stalked after it. It was very busy and stopped for only a second or so at each flower so I sat in between two clumps and waited for to land near me, which it did.
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After that it was back home for lunch and then back down to the town for walk along the front. The girls spent some time looking for sea glass and I dreamed of Walls clinging to the sea defences. We then headed back in-land via the harbour taking in a Honey ice cream and admiring all the different colours the houses had been painted in.

The riverside walk is always promising and a Holly Blue interrupted my scanning of the rocks in the river for Dipper which I never did see this time. We were almost at the bridge when I spied a white on the other side hanging around another of the ubiquitous clumps of Cuckoo Flower. Eventually we made it across the bridge, the girls ran onto the park and I could investigate along the river properly. My first pass produced nothing but this looked like such an inviting little spot I returned a couple of minutes later and was treated to some great behaviour.

I saw the male first feeding frenziedly and then a female popped up. She must have been there the whole time as the minutes the sun broke through the cloud there she was and I hadn’t seen anything fly in. I think the male spied her at the same time as me and it was difficult to actually get a shot of her as the male persistently buzzed her. The raised abdomen she showed him didn’t put him off at first and he kept on making pass after pass. So I set my camera to Sports and took a few shots just in case anything came out okay. When I looked at them alter most were terrible with the autofocus finding the florets rather than the butterfly but one did came out much better than expected. I like the way that the female seems to be pointing her antennae at the male like a cow showing her horns, the way the male is backing off shows he clearly got the message this time! After this the male retired to a nearby flower to get his breath back and regroup. This meant I was able to get in nice and close.
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When the male had recovered be took flight and I swear he looked like he was thinking ‘stuff her then, little miss lady Muck’. The exertions of fending off the male must have taken it out of the female as well as she didn’t move far and occasionally sort of leaned over and climbed onto another flower rather than fly. She was beautifully marked with a large crescent moon fore wing ‘spot’.
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I left her in pace after this and caught up with everyone back in the park. That has been the one good thing about the cooler weather – the OTs are much more approachable and because of that I’ve had one of my best years for them.

Have a goodun

Last edited by Wurzel on Thu Jan 17, 2019 12:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Sorry can't seem to get to comment on others PDs due to the website probs...

May 2017
5 May.jpg
Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Duke Site 22-04-2017

As we were back from Wales and the weather was actually better than forecast I took a chance and made a break for it to my Duke Site. It was a bit early still for Dukes from here as I have encountered them in full peak as late as 28th May but this is also a good site for Grizzlies and Dingies.

It all started quite quietly and I didn’t encounter a butterfly until the bend at the top of the main track when a Red Admiral flew by and then landed a few times each time too far beyond my lens. The vegetation is still quite low here and so I was able to stroll straight across the field whereas later when the Dukes are about you might need to wade across. Around by the Duke spot there were no Dukes but slightly further on a Greenstreak put in an appearance and was much better behaved then my first of the season. This one practically glowed when the sun caught it. On the next tussock a ‘punctata’ hung around for a bit showing up the two spotter I’d previously seen – “call that a streak?”
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I checked out the spongy turf on the other side of the trees and then made my way across the path and over the fence to the small valley. Almost immediately a tiny grey blur buzzed around, landed and resolved into my first Grizzlie of the year. It didn’t stay long as a second one buzzed it. This little area was quite the hive of activity with Brimstones, GV Whites, the odd Orange-tip and a Peacock all putting in an appearance although nothing really stopped so I made my way back towards the field across the spongy turf picking up my first and second Dingies on the way and finding another Grizzlie to boot. I time at the small field with the Greenstreaks and I was also finding more and more Skippers but for me it was the shear plethora of Greenstreaks – they were everywhere!
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After this I started to make my way up and around the hill to the other more exposed side. On the way I managed to get my first Red Admiral shots of the year (finally) and enjoyed the sight of so many Greenstreaks buzzing about amongst the gorse. As the path wound round I reached the top and there was a patch of Bluebells at the edge of the clearing at the top. I could see at least 5 green flags hanging from the blue blooms. As I cautiously approached I could see that they were Greenstreaks and they weren’t the least bothered by my approach. After I got the all-important record shot one of the Greenstreaks caught my eye as it didn’t look right. Instead of the brilliant bluey green this was more a Kakhi-streak as it was olive in colour and in some lights appeared brown :shock: . I don’t think it was wear as despite some wing damage (bird strike, Gorse or Bramble?) the orange and white wing margins were still intact. After counting spots and streaks it was nice to find something even more different. :D
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I left them feeding gluttonously in peace and carried on. Again there were Greenstreaks at every turn and the only other butterflies I encountered were a hilltopping Small Tort and Peacock. By now I’d worked almost right round the hill and so I cut back across the top along one of the rings. All the usual suspects from previously in my visit were around when I spotted my first Small Copper. It was a little too distant and an Orange-tip must have gotten too close because it was off. A fair bit further on I found an even smarter looking one and this one allowed an approach.
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Chuffed I broke out of the rings and made my way back downhill towards the car via the main track which yielded only a Dingy that seemed to have trouble with one of it’s wings. It was clinging to a rut in the path so I don’t know if this was because of damage or whether it was still pumping fluid into its wings? A Whitearse bid me farewell and I was off home wards in good time so saving a few Brownie points for later in the season when they can be cashed in. :wink:
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Have a goodun

Last edited by Wurzel on Fri May 05, 2017 12:41 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Goldie M
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Re: Wurzel

Post by Goldie M »

Fantastic shots Wurzel, love the Green Streak on the Blue Bell and the Grizzlies ,hope they're there after next week for me. Goldie :D

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Neil Freeman »

Wurzel wrote:...In the next little wooded area it all went a bit Neilfreem as there were Specklies everywhere –
Hee hee! that's the first time I have seen it put like that :lol:

Great reports and photos from Wales Wurzel...and from your return. Love the Green Hairstreak on bluebells shots :D I have yet to see these, or Dingies, or Grizzlies, or Small Coppers for that matter. Oh well!, plenty of time yet I hope.



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Re: Wurzel

Post by millerd »

Splendid Hairstreaks, Wurzel. :) They do vary in colour but you have two real extremes there - brilliant almost turquoise and nearly olive-green. The fact the bluebells look identical next to both butterflies highlights the fact they really are very different. Along with everything else, that really is a great site. And you've seen Small Copper... I'm still waiting for one of those. :mrgreen: :)


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Re: Wurzel

Post by trevor »

The Greenie with a full arc of white spots/dots deserves it's own mrgreen :mrgreen: .
I like the sound of 'Greenies everywhere', I usually only find singletons.
I hope to put an end to my Grizzled Skipper famine today.


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Philzoid »

Love the picture of the Orange-tip pair .... the picture tells the story perfectly 8)

That Olive Green Hairstreak is an aberrant surely? :mrgreen:


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers Goldie :D You should be onto a sure thing for both Grizzlies and Greenies if you go to the right site, good luck :D
Cheers Neil :D I thought you'd like that phrase :D We are about a week behind the South East so your time will come :D
Cheers Dave :D I'm sure you'll get a Small Copper soon to add to your Wood Whites and Adonis :D
Cheers Trevor :D I'll get you a grid reference the next time we meet up, it's a cracking site with a great range of species possible :D
Cheers Philzoid :D I'm thinking the Greenstreak is an ab - it looks like it could be a brunnea?

Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Bentley Wood 23-04-2017

As I was back to work and the holiday was fast coming to an end I decided to make the most of it and so I grabbed my camera and a picnic lunch for the girls and we headed off to Bentley Wood. I’ve seen Pearls there this early once before but wasn’t expecting to see them really, it was more of a recce. Mind you the Oracle gave a resounding ‘yes’ when I asked her if I would see and photograph Pearls…

Once on site having negotiated all the new fences and barbed wire (what’s all that about?) the girls set up camp by the bench under the tree in the middle of the Eastern Clearing. I took short circular walks out from here and managed to cover various parts of the Clearing in doing so but apart from the odd Brimstone it was strangely quiet. The sun was shining and it was warm enough to walk around in just a shirt – no jumper today – yet it was so quiet. As I munched down on my Houmous and Lime Pickle roll I decided to change tack. Instead of actively looking I would set the camera to Sports mode and try for some open wing Brimstone shots.

The Brimstones kept veering away from the Clearing proper and moving towards the recently cleared plot where I saw the second butterfly of the day, a fly-by Peacock but I persisted in following the Brimstone taking shot after shot reasoning that whilst possibly 99% of them would be binned the occasional one would make the grade. This reasoning seemed to bear some veracity and actually the ratio was slightly better than expected.
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As I was making one last pass past the notice board a Pearl appeared before my eyes. I couldn’t believe my luck and frantically changed the settings whilst trying to keep an eye on the rapidly moving butterfly at the same time. Even more luckily for me it paused on a Bramble leaf and I was able to approach it. It was absolutely glorious to see, the ginger glimmered in the sun and the markings looked quite heavy.
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I kept an eye on it as it bumbled around from perch to nectar source to different perch and so on until eventually it stopped in some interesting places. Then I would nip in take a few shots and back off before it decided to fly again so I knew that I wasn’t disturbing it and it was moving to new places as it felt the urge to do so. It stopped at one time on some dead Bracken and was only visible from certain angles and then only if you knew that it was there, turn your head too quickly and you’d miss it. It also stopped on the deck and balancing on a bridge like blade of grass and these occasion gave me the opportunity to capture the closed wing shots.
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After this the girls wanted to head homewards as the lunch was all gone though I did persuade them to allow me to make a stop off near West Dean Farm. The North facing hillside is covered in Cowslips and the occasional cutting into the Chalk offers little sheltered hotspots so it looked good for Dukes. I wandered about back and forth and picked up a Peacock, Holly Blue and saw several Brimstones and Whites but the Dukes weren’t at home, perhaps it’s still too early in this neck of the Woods as they still haven’t been recorded in the County yet?
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Have a goodun


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Goldie M
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Re: Wurzel

Post by Goldie M »

Hi! Wurzel, great shot of the Pearl hope I'm has lucky tomorrow and at the the week=end with the Grizzles, Goldie :D

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