Green-veined White - Favourite Photo of 2016

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Green-veined White - Favourite Photo of 2016

Post by Wurzel »

Green-veined White - Favourite Photo of 2016

Week 7

Week seven and we're now offically a third of the way through the 'Favourite shots of 2016'! Please could I ask that everyone waits until a topic has been opened by me for a particular species before posting photos - just to make it easier to organise and keep everything on track so that we can enjoy this throughout the winter months? Of course our overseas members are very welcome to fill in the obvious gaps relating to rare UK migrants. As like last year details of locations, dates, times and circumstances would be welcome as would any accompanying stories and anecdotes or other observations of behaviour and interesting other points.

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Re: Green-veined White - Favourite Photo of 2016

Post by David M »

This spring beauty from Kilvey Hill, Swansea, in April was as good as it got for me in 2016:
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Re: Green-veined White - Favourite Photo of 2016

Post by bugboy »

These had a pretty good year for me, particularly the spring brood, after a rather poor 2015. I came across several mating pairs on my travels who allowed some nice closeups. This one I like because I managed to get both heads in focus, something I usually struggle with when photographing mating butterflies!
Green-veined Whites mating, Hadleigh Country Park #19.JPG
This female is a rather standard picture, although rather well marked, but she sticks out for me because she was at Strumpshaw Fen and half an hour later I was watching my first ever Swallowtails :D
Green-veined White female, Strumpshaw Fen #2.JPG
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Re: Green-veined White - Favourite Photo of 2016

Post by downland boy »

Observed in the wild, I watched this female develop from a young larva that I found feeding on garlic mustard in my back garden in October 2015. This photograph was taken shortly before she took her maiden flight, in April 2016.
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Re: Green-veined White - Favourite Photo of 2016

Post by Goldie M »

I found the GVW very scarce in the Spring a round my area, I'd to go to Mere Sands near Southport to get my first sighting which is so unusual but then the Spring was such a bad one.
My favourite shots I think were taken in F Woods when I saw my first Male PE and then when the GVW did appear at Hall-Lee-Brook also in July so I've posted one from April and two from July. Goldie :D
Green Veined White 27th July HLB
Green Veined White 27th July HLB
Green Veined White 17th July F W
Green Veined White 17th July F W
Green Veined White Mere Sands 20th April
Green Veined White Mere Sands 20th April
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Re: Green-veined White - Favourite Photo of 2016

Post by Chris Jackson »

I'm glad to be able to say for once that my GVW male photo was actually taken in the UK.
I visited the Egleton nature reserve at Rutland Water when back home in September and notched up 9 end-of-season species including this GVW:
napi14 male 24Sep16 (2).JPG
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Re: Green-veined White - Favourite Photo of 2016

Post by Neil Freeman »

Although Green-veined Whites were ubiquitous in 2016, I felt that in common with many of our wider countryside species, numbers were down on previous years.

A couple of shots of a summer brood male that visited my garden in mid July,
Green-veined White - Coverdale 14.07.2016
Green-veined White - Coverdale 14.07.2016
Green-veined White - Coverdale 14.07.2016
Green-veined White - Coverdale 14.07.2016

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Re: Green-veined White - Favourite Photo of 2016

Post by millerd »

I always end up with a lot of GVW photos every year, partly because it is easier to get close to than other whites, but also because it shows great variety between broods and even between individuals of the same brood. Firstly, here are three from the same day (9th May). Two males showing very different degrees of marking, and a very dusky female.
GVW2 090516.JPG
GVW4 090516.JPG
GVW3 090516.JPG
Next are two more from May, one with a nice backdrop of blossom and the other a rather good first brood underside.
GVW2 110516.JPG
GVW1 140516.JPG
The best examples are really attractive butterflies as these shots of a female from late August show.
GVW1 250816.JPG
GVW4 250826.JPG
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Re: Green-veined White - Favourite Photo of 2016

Post by Allan.W. »

Found a couple of Green-vein shots which I was quite pleased with,the first was a very fresh individual ,taken close to home,unfortunately it looks as though it had a bit of trouble,whist drying its wings,but otherwise in beautiful nick,the second was taken along the Royal military canal , at Kenardington (Kent),at the beginning of September. Regards Allan.W.
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Re: Green-veined White - Favourite Photo of 2016

Post by Wurzel »

Green-veined White

This was my favourite Green-veined White shot of 2016 as it showing two pristine individuals together. They’re from the Spring brood and the shot was taken at Vera Jones’s Mill, a small Wiltshire Wildlife Trust reserve near where I work. Another reason for choosing it as my favourite is that the timings of the school day have since been changed with a reduction in lunchtime and so this shot represents possibly the final set of ‘lunchtime at Work’ shots. On the up side I will be finishing earlier so I might be able to get out a bit more…
DSC_4594 - Copy.JPG
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Re: Green-veined White - Favourite Photo of 2016

Post by celery »

I took this snap using all the wrong settings on my camera. I was in my garden taking 'long shots' of groups of flowers and had forgotten to adjust - as such there seems something not quite right about it to my eye. Still, it's a bright and colourful background which contrasts well with the white subject.
Green-veined White (Pieris napi).jpg
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Re: Green-veined White - Favourite Photo of 2016

Post by MikeOxon »

I found this strongly marked specimen on the 'Roman Road' at Otmoor, Oxon. I'm always grateful for the electronic finder on my Olympus, which indicates over or under exposure very clearly. In this case, I applied -1.7 EV exposure compensation to avoid 'blowing' the whites.
Otmoor, Oxon - 12th August 2016<br />Olympus E-M1 with 100-400mm lens - 1/2000s@f/11 ISO 500
Otmoor, Oxon - 12th August 2016
Olympus E-M1 with 100-400mm lens - 1/2000s@f/11 ISO 500
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Re: Green-veined White - Favourite Photo of 2016

Post by Vince Massimo »

I find Green-veined Whites to be more obliging in some years than in others. This one was found in overcast conditions.
Crawley, Sussex 22-May-2016
Crawley, Sussex 22-May-2016
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