Marseilles and its region 2016

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Chris Jackson
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Marseilles and its region 2016

Post by Chris Jackson »

That's it Folks, 2016 is up and running down here (at least temporarily) !

A brisk and breezy, barely 12°C this lunchtime up on the Plateau of Vitrolles, but five minutes after the sun came out some of my hibernators (over-winterers) put in an appearance. Unfortunately I only had a smartphone camera with me (2 Megapixels).

SPECIES 1 : Lang's Short-tailed Blue
5+ individuals seen in the space of 15 minutes, most in very good condition.

SPECIES 2 : Large White
1 individual seen in very good condition, nectaring briefly on one of the few flowers available.

SPECIES 3 : Painted Lady
1 individual with a piece of wing missing.

Male (living dangerously)
pirithous35 male Vitrolles scrub 06Jan16.JPG
Female (on rosemary)
pirithous34 female Vitrolles scrub 06Jan16.JPG
Context - Plateau of Vitrolles (male LSTB visible on cactus Opuntia maxima)
context Plateau de Vitrolles 06Jan16.jpg
Cheers, Chris
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Re: Marseilles and its region 2016

Post by David M »

Good for you, Chris. There have been a small handful of Painted Ladies seen already in the UK too!
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Chris Jackson
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Re: Marseilles and its region 2016

Post by Chris Jackson »

January 21st

During this week on my lunchtime patch at work on the Plateau of Vitrolles, the temperature has barely crept above 10°C. However this has been sufficient to encourage some of the hardier over-winterers to put in an appearance.

SPECIES 4 : Red Admiral
First sighting of this species on January 12th. I was still getting sightings in mid December, so these are year-round fliers, hardly hibernating, just resting somewhere waiting for the warmer days.

SPECIES 5 : Bath White.
Not an over-winterer.
First sighting today of this species this year.
Now this was a shock. I was looking out half-expectantly for Western Dappled White which I spotted last year on February 17th, but saw this species instead which is 2 months early according to my records. It managed to nectar on rosemary and globularia which flower here over the winter.
Bath White
daplidice18 female Vitrolles scrub 21Jan16 (5).JPG
Bath White, same individual
daplidice18 female Vitrolles scrub 21Jan16 (9).JPG
Plateau of Vitrolles (signwriting is not what it used to be)
Domaine Montvallon 21Jan16.JPG
Plateau of Vitrolles, with the town of Marignane visible on the left below the escarpment
Plateau de Vitrolles 19Jan16.JPG
Any idea of the name of this Orchid (or Orchis) ?
Orchid Vitrolles scrub 21Jan16.JPG
A handful of Painted Ladies flying, in different stages of wear
cardui15 Vitrolles scrub 19Jan16.JPG
I wonder what the next surprise early species will be ?
Cheers, Chris
Last edited by Chris Jackson on Wed Jan 27, 2016 6:45 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Marseilles and its region 2016

Post by Mikhail »

I think your orchis is the Giant Orchid Himantoglossum robertianum. Older books will have it in the genus Barlia.

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Chris Jackson
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Re: Marseilles and its region 2016

Post by Chris Jackson »

Thank you, Mikhaïl.
That appears to check out right. Orchis géant it will be then.
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Roger Gibbons
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Re: Marseilles and its region 2016

Post by Roger Gibbons »

It's an orchid I see occasionally (you can hardly miss it because of its size) although I've only ever seen one in any given location. I have a record of seeing it at the location near les Arcs we visited last April.

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Re: Marseilles and its region 2016

Post by Charles Nicol »

bonjour Christophe ! just catching up with your excellent thread.

i loved the STB on the cactus leaf... great pic.

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Chris Jackson
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Re: Marseilles and its region 2016

Post by Chris Jackson »

Thank you Roger for your observations. I will be keeping an eye on early flora to see if it is ahead of schedule this year.

Keep watching this space, Charles :D .
Last edited by Chris Jackson on Sun Jan 31, 2016 7:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Chris Jackson
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Re: Marseilles and its region 2016

Post by Chris Jackson »

Hello Folks,
The Viburnum tinus is flowering and is attracting any early species willing to put in an appearance:
atalanta17 St Marcel 30Jan16.JPG
This is a favourable spot on the east of Marseilles, in Saint Marcel, with sufficient sunshine early in the day:
context St Marcel 30Jan16 (1).JPG
In this same place I spotted a Strawberry Tree leaf with a silk pad, vacated no doubt by a Two-tailed Pasha caterpillar:
Silk pad TTP St Marcel Marseilles 24Jan16.JPG
Here is a TTP caterpillar, easy to spot once you've got your eye in. They over-winter in caterpillar form.
jasius - larva15 St Marcel 05Feb16.JPG
This is where to look:
Caterpillar TTP St Marcel Marseilles 23Jan16 (2).JPG
There are berries on the Bindweed at the moment:
Bindweed St Marcel Marseilles 24Jan16.JPG
And Daffodils are flowering in the Parc des Bruyères:
Daffodils Parc Bruyères Marseilles 23Jan16.JPG
From higher up in the Parc des Bruyères, here is a view over Marseilles:
Context Parc Bruyères Feb view on Marseilles.JPG
Cheers, Chris
Last edited by Chris Jackson on Sun Feb 07, 2016 4:10 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Marseilles and its region 2016

Post by David M »

Good stuff, Chris. Nice to see some bright weather for a change, albeit about 1,000 miles away. :(
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Re: Marseilles and its region 2016

Post by Padfield »

I've always admired your TTP cats, Chris. They're fantastic creatures and I've yet to see one myself - nor expect to in the near future.

Guy's Butterflies:
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Chris Jackson
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Re: Marseilles and its region 2016

Post by Chris Jackson »

Hello David and Guy.
TTP caterpillars aside, here is today's news.
Joy oh Joy !!

South of France - Mistral wind blowing with a low of 12°C and hi of 18°C :D .
These warm temperatures are unusual with a northerly wind which should be bitterly cold at this time of year, bringing cold air down from the snow-capped Alps.
This is the warmest day of the winter so far in the area of Marseilles.

SPECIES 6 : Green Hairstreak (3 + individuals)
I had a gut feeling about the possibility of seeing this species this early in the season, because of the mild winter. For some, the "butterfly thermometer" that indicates Spring is the Holly Blue, for me down here it must be the Green Hairstreak or Bath White.
C. rubi perching on Rock Rose:
rubi24 Vitrolles scrub 01Feb16 (14).JPG
Context - plateau of Vitrolles, as usual, near my workplace :
contexte Vitrolles scrub 01Feb16 (2).JPG
These scrub plants provide shelter from the wind for the smaller BF species, while the Red Admirals battle onward against the breeze:
contexte Vitrolles scrub 01Feb16 (1).JPG
Also flying, despite the wind :
L. pirithous (5 +), V. atalanta (3 +), P. daplidice (1), P. brassicae (1)
Humming-bird Hawkmoth (3 +)
Cheers, Chris
Last edited by Chris Jackson on Thu Feb 04, 2016 2:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Marseilles and its region 2016

Post by David M »

Chris Jackson wrote:
Joy oh Joy !!

SPECIES 6 : Green Hairstreak (3 + individuals)
I had a gut feeling about the possibility of seeing this species this early in the season, because of the mild winter. For some, the "butterfly thermometer" that indicates Spring is the Holly Blue, for me down here it must be the Green Hairstreak or Bath White.
Joy indeed, Chris. That's a phenomenally early sighting for GH...and you've now seen both this species AND Bath White by 1st Feb!! :o
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Chris Jackson
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Re: Marseilles and its region 2016

Post by Chris Jackson »

David M wrote: ... That's a phenomenally early sighting for GH ...
It certainly is David, and there is no big freeze in sight, although its not to be excluded in February.

My next prediction is, however ... and here goes ... Swallowtail, before February is out !! :shock:

Meanwhile, today at lunchtime in Vitrolles in the Bouches du Rhône, with a stiff Mistral wind blowing and a max. of 14°C:

Wall Brown (1 individual). An earlyish sighting, but nothing excessive. :D
(How do they always manage to get a shadow, twig or blade of grass between themselves and the camera, Grrrr - do they plot against us :? ? Probably a camouflage tactic :roll: ).
megera14 male Vitrolles scrub 03Feb16 (1).JPG
Also flying :
Green Hairstreak (2) (last photo, I promise 8) )
rubi25 Vitrolles scrub 02Feb16.JPG
Lang's STB (6 +) female
pirithous36 female Vitrolles scrub 02Feb16 (2).JPG
Bath White (2) male
daplidice20 male Vitrolles scrub 03Feb16.JPG
plus Red Admiral (4+).
Narcissus dubius in flower in February and March:
Narcissus dubius Vitrolles scrub 02Feb16.JPG
Cheers, Chris
Last edited by Chris Jackson on Wed Feb 03, 2016 6:06 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Marseilles and its region 2016

Post by NickMorgan »

Fantastic to read about the butterflies you are seeing Chris. It makes it seem as though the season is nearing for us, although it will be another month before we see anything.
I spent all of my school holidays in the Camargue when I was young, as my father managed a nature reserve there. I really regret that at the time I wasn't into butterflies. I had tanks full of fish and reptiles and was interested in the birds and mammals, but sadly for some reason no interest in butterflies. I do remember catching some with him when he moved up to the Vosges, though.
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David M
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Re: Marseilles and its region 2016

Post by David M »

Chris Jackson wrote:
My next prediction is, however ... and here goes ... Swallowtail, before February is out !!
That wouldn't be out of the question, Chris. Not sure we want the season to remain so in advance of what it is normally, though. At least up in the mountains things should remain cold and austere for a while yet!
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Chris Jackson
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Re: Marseilles and its region 2016

Post by Chris Jackson »

Hi Nick,
How lucky you were to spend your school holidys in the Camargue - every budding naturalist's dream. Do you remember which nature reserve your Dad managed ?
I will be spending 2 days there in May with a birding friend - I don't think there are many butterflies there due to the brackish environment. One must also try and avoid the mosquito season.

Hi David,
You must certainly be right about altitude having a moderating effect on phenology. I should think that flight periods in the mountains are less susceptible to some of the extremes I see in the South of France at low altitude.

SPECIES No. 8 : Speckled Wood (no photo worth posting)
This week I had a Speckled Wood fly through my garden in Marseilles - nothing untoward for this time of year.
February is having its end-of-winter tantrum as usual. Even when the winter has been mild, February throws up 2 or so weeks of wind + rain + cold as if to have the final word on the matter.

An overcast lunch at work this week gave me a photo shoot with a female Bath White (as good a shot as I could hope for), so these are already done and dusted for 2016:
daplidice21 female Vitrolles scrub 18Feb16 (2a).JPG
same individual:
daplidice21 female Vitrolles scrub 18Feb16 (1a).JPG
I kept an eye on the only jasius Caterpillar I've got going this year.
Here he is feeding:
jasius - larva15 St Marcel 19Feb16 (10a).JPG
jasius - larva15 St Marcel 19Feb16 (6a).JPG
jasius - larva15 St Marcel 19Feb16 (4a).JPG
His silk pad in his Strawberry Tree:
jasius - larva15 silk pad St Marcel 19Feb16 (2a).JPG
His Strawberry Tree in Saint Marcel on the outskirts of Marseilles.
context - jasius - larva15 St Marcel 19Feb16 (2a).JPG
I hope I see him reach pupation - that would make my year.
All photos with Panasonic FZ150.
Cheers, Chris
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Chris Jackson
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Re: Marseilles and its region 2016

Post by Chris Jackson »

Hi Folks,
Saturday 20th of February - 11°C sunny with chill Wind
SPECIES No. 9 : Western Dappled White
I had a trip east over to Signes in the Var, and despite the chill wind I saw 3 Western Dappled White. This species is on time compared with other years.
I was lucky to get this mediocre shot as it would not stop moving.
crameri15_83 male Signes 20Feb16.JPG
It was patrolling along this path
context - crameri15_83 male Signes 20Feb16 (1).JPG
SPECIES No. 10 : Clouded Yellow
I was expecting to see this species a little sooner.
crocea37 Vallon du Cros La Coutronne 20Feb16 (1).JPG
A few Crocuses were to be seen - anyone know exactly what type this is ?
Altitude 650 m - Central Southern France (west Var)
fleur - Vallon du Cros 20Feb16 (2).JPG
Cheers, Chris
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Re: Marseilles and its region 2016

Post by CFB »

Hello Chris,

I think your crocus is Crocus versicolor. There are a lot of them in my area at present, as well as Barlia robertiana, Hepatica nobilis, Anemone hortensis and Globularia alypum.

You are seeing many more species of butterflies than I am. My count as of today is 3 :( :mrgreen: .
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Chris Jackson
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Re: Marseilles and its region 2016

Post by Chris Jackson »

Thank you for your ID of the Crocus, Colin.
I do seem to have bit of a head start so far this year, but I must admit I do have a very productive suntrap on my lunchtime-at-work scrub patch, which up to now has been very generous.
It is quite worrying though when you start seeing Green Hairstreaks on the 1st of February. Will this affect next year's population ??

Meanwhile, this weekend the temperature reached 16°C over my way and the wind dropped quite a bit.
Inland, near the mountain of the Saint Baume, I was treated to two other new sightings:

SPECIES 11 : Cleopatra: 2 males + 1 female, but no photos.
SPECIES 12 : Large Tortoiseshell:
This individual was energetically patrolling a patch of Oak Trees and I only just managed to get a proof shot of it in a head-down posture:
polychloros20 La Coutronne 21Feb16.JPG
Cheers, Chris
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