What's flying in Marseilles 2015

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Chris Jackson
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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Post by Chris Jackson »

David M wrote:
cjackson wrote: I was pleasantly surprised to find a species that does not occur in Marseilles...Sage Skipper
Nice spot, Chris. That one's on my wish list.
I can show you a host plant, David, but the Sainte Baume does not have a known and recognized breeding site. Individuals are widespread.
My spot was 'jammy' to say the least.

Cheers, Chris
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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Post by David M »

France is so under-recorded, Chris, that I don't think 'jammy' enters the equation.

If you get out there and spend time in fertile looking locations, eventually you will be rewarded.
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Chris Jackson
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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Post by Chris Jackson »

I'll take back what I said in my previous post, David, there are Sage Skipper breeding sites :D

Saturday 22nd August
Today I journeyed inland and upland into the Var and checked out what was flying near the mountain of Sainte Baume.
Here is a list of the species I could confirm :

agestis, statilinus, proto, fidia, icarus, pamphilus, comma, hispanus, phlaeas, adippe, dolus (in dwindling numbers), didyma, athalia, megera, alfacariensis, dia, jurtina, cardui, escheri ?, crocea, alceae, baton, circe, machaon, cleopatra, boeticus, tages, rapae, paphia, fagi, pirithous, sinapis, reducta, semele
(ratio of statilinus to fidia: 10 to 1). Relatively low numbers of fidia this year it seems.

However, there were some skippers and blues I'm unsure of. Any suggestions for ID would be welcome.
Blue 1 (escheri ?)
blue1 22Aug15 (9).JPG
Blue 2 ?
blue2 22Aug15 (6).JPG
Blue 3 (escheri or Chapman's ?)
blue3 22Aug15 (3).JPG
Skipper 2 proto ?
Skipper2 22Aug15 (1).JPG
Skipper 3 uppers proto ?
skipper3 22Aug15 (10).JPG
Skipper 3 unders
skipper3 22Aug15 (12).JPG
Skipper 4 uppers proto ? (these colours were for real)
skipper4 22Aug15 (21).JPG
Skipper 4 unders
skipper4 22Aug15 (22).JPG
This skipper was from near my work in Vitrolles during the week:
Skipper 1 (P.S.: I'm now pretty sure its Red Underwing)
Skipper1 Vitrolles friche 18Aug15 (2).JPG
And just for the pleasure, a Long-tailed Blue, hoping that you will get an influx in the UK shortly. :D
boeticus19_83 female Vallon du Cros 22Aug15 (3).JPG
boeticus19_83 female Vallon du Cros 22Aug15 (4).JPG
Cheers, Chris
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Chris Jackson
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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Post by Chris Jackson »

Hi Folks,
Here are some pics from last week of Two-tailed Pasha activity.
My local scrubland park, Parc des Bruyères, has few Strawberry Trees and few TTPs, and I've noticed that there is always one tree in particular that is used for egg laying - why, I have yet to find out.
The eggs are always laid on the South facing side of the tree.
On this occasion there were a total of eight eggs on the tree at the same time.
Four were grouped together, here we can see an empty egg shell, two fresh eggs, problably laid less than 24 hours ago, and another which was browning around the crown, so probably laid more than 48 hours ago.
jasius - ovum7 P Bruyères 15Aug15 (1).JPG
The leaf in the center shows the woven silk pad where the caterpillar returns to rest after feeding.
jasius - ovum7 P Bruyères 15Aug15 (2).JPG
And this leaf shows evidence of a caterpillar that has died of 'natural' causes and has left dark body fluid stains on the leaf.
jasius - ovum7 P Bruyères 15Aug15 (3).JPG
This was a similar occurrence in February 2014 on the same tree
jasius - larva7 Feb 01.JPG
This is the Strawberry Tree in question
jasius - ovum7 P Bruyères 15Aug15 (4).JPG
Cheers, Chris
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Chris Jackson
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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Post by Chris Jackson »

I thought my previous posting wouldn't be complete without the adult, so I popped out at lunchtime onto the plateau of Vitrolles.
Despite the windy conditions, this individual obliged:
jasius23_13 Vitrolles scrub 25Aug15.JPG
Cheers, Chris
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Charles Nicol
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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Post by Charles Nicol »

cjackson wrote:I thought my previous posting wouldn't be complete without the adult, so I popped out at lunchtime onto the plateau of Vitrolles.
Despite the windy conditions, this individual obliged:
The attachment jasius23_13 Vitrolles scrub 25Aug15.JPG is no longer available
Cheers, Chris
very nice Chris :D :D


:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Post by David M »

That's just rubbing our noses in it, Charles! :evil:
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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Post by Charles Nicol »

David M wrote:That's just rubbing our noses in it, Charles! :evil:
hehehe glad you liked my TTP selfies :lol: :lol: :lol:

more at https://www.flickr.com/groups/2902510@N22/pool
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David M
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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Post by David M »

Charles Nicol wrote:
David M wrote:That's just rubbing our noses in it, Charles! :evil:
hehehe glad you liked my TTP selfies :lol: :lol: :lol:

more at https://www.flickr.com/groups/2902510@N22/pool
I refuse to view any more, Charles. I'm already green as a cabbage with envy!
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Chris Jackson
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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Post by Chris Jackson »

South of France, overcast but warm, low of 17, high of 25 °C
Thursday 03 August

Hi Folks,
An expedition into the Var last weekend, accompanied by a skipper expert, turned up a rather uncommon Southern Marbled Skipper.
We were intent on getting some quality photos but it is still warm down here, and despite the thym being in flower, the insects would not settle for long.
Unfortunately, this individual came to a tragic end.
This was the last shot taken of it before it took off,
baeticus Carcharodus2_83  30Aug15.JPG
when a Robber Fly appeared out of nowhere and snatched it in mid air
Robber fly with baeticus 30Aug15 (1).JPG
Robber fly with baeticus 30Aug15 (2).JPG
We left the site with some sense of injustice, but we will be back !!
A total of 41 species were seen along a 2 km track, in the space of 3 hours.
Here, the uppersides of a Tree Grayling.
statilinus23_83  30Aug15 (2).JPG
statilinus23_83  30Aug15 (1).JPG
There were Rosy Grizzled Skippers
onopordi3_83 Vallon du Cros 30Aug15 (3).JPG
onopordi3_83 Vallon du Cros 30Aug15 (2).JPG
and Chapman's Blues
dorylas2_83 Vallon du Cros 30Aug15 (2).JPG
Cheers, Chris
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Charles Nicol
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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Post by Charles Nicol »

very nice pics from the Var Chris !

sorry to hear about the untimely end of your rare skipper :cry: :cry:

i also presided over the last moments of a six legged friend:
this LPE took off from the wall and headed across the road... into the path of a Mini :shock: :shock: :cry: :cry:

so many "What ifs ?" ....
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Chris Jackson
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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Post by Chris Jackson »

Hi Charles,
You are just as lucky with LPEs as TTPs, how do you charm them ?
Weather not looking too good in the South West of France. Make the most of the end of your holidays.
Bonne rentrée.
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Chris Jackson
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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Post by Chris Jackson »

South of France
Friday 4th September. Mild, overcast, 25°C max.

Hi Folks,
Plenty still on the wing today in the Var. I counted 20 species on 1 site in the space of 3 hours, then moved to another site nearby and counted 10 different ones in the space of 2 hours.
Pending other photos, here are 2 worth posting immediately. These individuals were very close to each other.
I think I have Large Wall female maera maera
maera maera female Vallon xx 04Aug15 (158).JPG
and Large Wall female maera maera f. adrasta
maera maera female f. adrasta Vallon xx 04Aug15 (11).JPG
any corrections welcome
Cheers, Chris
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Charles Nicol
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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Post by Charles Nicol »

cjackson wrote:Hi Charles,
You are just as lucky with LPEs as TTPs, how do you charm them ?
Weather not looking too good in the South West of France. Make the most of the end of your holidays.
Bonne rentrée.
the Aude is blessed with lots of trees and water which the butterflies like :)

i am now safely back on this side of the Channel... really enjoyed my hols :D

good luck in the Var !


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ps am trying to get used to the UK keyboard again :roll:
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Chris Jackson
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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Post by Chris Jackson »

South of France, feeling a bit Autumnish, but weather still fine.

Hi Folks,
Here is a Small Heath, form lyllus, seen yesterday in the Var:
pamphilus14_83 f. lyllus La Taurelle 04Aug15.JPG
Cheers, Chris
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Charles Nicol
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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Post by Charles Nicol »

cjackson wrote:South of France, feeling a bit Autumnish, but weather still fine.

Hi Folks,
Here is a Small Heath, form lyllus, seen yesterday in the Var:
pamphilus14_83 f. lyllus La Taurelle 04Aug15.JPG
Cheers, Chris
very nice :wink: .... there is a great Var-iety of butterflies where you are :lol:


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Chris Jackson
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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Post by Chris Jackson »

There's an LPE photo for you Charles, below.

Hi Folks,
Back up into the Var today. I discovered a place less than 60 km from Marseilles where there are Lesser Purple Emperors. A miracle.
Lesser Purple Emperor (full zoom and heavily cropped - better than nothing at all)
ilia4_83 Gorges du Caramy 06Sept15 (1a).JPG
Context for the LPE
context - ilia4_83 Gorges du Caramy 06Sept15 (1).JPG
Elsewhere, near the Sainte Baume,
Striped Grayling uppersides:
fidia16_83 pair uppersides Vallon du Cros 06Sept15 (2).JPG
Spotted Skippers in cop:
comma7_83 Vallon du Cros 06Sept15 (2).JPG
At home in Marseilles, any ideas for this moth ?
The season is holding out down here.
Cheers, Chris
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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Post by LancsRover »

Hi Chris,
Great shot of opened wing Striped Grayling, not seen that before and I like the Spotted Skipper one too.
Do you not get LPE in the Marseilles area?
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Chris Jackson
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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Post by Chris Jackson »

Hi Russ,
To get LPE I have to drive inland and uphill to find the appropriate riverside environment - about 60 km away, but I'm glad now that I've found the site. :D
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Chris Jackson
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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Post by Chris Jackson »

South of France 25°C- changeable weather
Thursday 17th September

Hi Folks,
The temperatures are remaining mild down here with southerly winds.
My lunchtime patches at work in Vitrolles (near Marseilles) are still productive.

This week I'm seeing:

Lang's Short-tailed blue
Wall Brown
Small White
Meadow Brown
Clouded Yellow
Bath White
Brown Argus
Glanville Fritillary
Common Blue
Spotted Fritillary
Southern White Admiral
Mallow Skipper
Great Banded Grayling
Scarce Swallowtail
Painted Lady
Baton Blue
Two-tailed Pasha
Tree Grayling
Striped Grayling
Long-tailed blue

From today,
LSTB, female:
pirithous28 female Vitrolles scrub 17 Sept 2015 (1).JPG
pirithous28 female Vitrolles scrub 17 Sept 2015 (2).JPG
This week, large numbers of Painted Lady in various stages of wear:
cardui13_13 Vitrolles scrub 14Sept15.JPG
cardui12_13 Vitrolles scrub 14Sept15.JPG
cardui3 (2).JPG
Context - one of my lunchtime patches on the plateau of Vitrolles
Cheers, Chris
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