What's flying in Marseilles 2015

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Charles Nicol
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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Post by Charles Nicol »

have just caught up with your most recent sets of pics. The Spanish Gatekeeper and the False Ilex were especially formidable !

the spider was amazing.

keep 'em coming !

PS hope your shirt works with the GBGs. they especially liked my red stripy shirt.

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Chris Jackson
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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Post by Chris Jackson »

Nice shirt, Charles, I'll have a word with my stylist. :wink:

Today, June 10th, down in the Olive Grove next to my office

After the thunderstorms of these last couple of days, the temperature has dropped back from 30+ to 25°C.
Here are some pics of Glanville caterpillars in their silk web, feeding on plantain:
cinxia - caterpillars1 Vitrolles friche 10 Jun 2015 (1).jpg
cinxia - caterpillars1 Vitrolles friche 10 Jun 2015 (2).JPG
cinxia - caterpillars1 Vitrolles friche 10 Jun 2015 (3).JPG
Also flying, Holly Blue
argiolus14_13 Vitrolles friche 10 Jun 2015.JPG
Marbled Frit
daphne9_13 Vitrolles friche 10 Jun 2015.JPG
Marbled White
galathea14_13 Vitrolles friche 10 Jun 2015 (2).JPG
and plenty of Meadow Brown, False Ilex, Dusky Heath, Cleopatras, blues .. whites ... and a sudden large resurgence of Wall Browns.
Cheers, Chris
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Chris Jackson
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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Post by Chris Jackson »

South of France - hot and sweaty 33°C

This week I had my first sighting of a Southern Gatekeeper this season, and today my first photo:
cecilia15_13 male Vitrolles friche 11 June 2015 (4).JPG
also flying, Brown Argus
agestis10_13 Vitrolles friche 11 Jun 2015.JPG
in this place, near work in Vitrolles
context Olive grove Vitrolles 21 Apr 2015.JPG
Earlier in the week on my home patch in Marseilles:
Silver-studded blue
argus21_13 male P Bruyères 06 Jun 2015 (2).JPG
False Ilex Hairstreak
esculi17_13 pair P Bruyères 06 Jun 2015.JPG
Pair of Spanish Gatekeepers
bathseba17_13 pair P Bruyères 06 Jun 2015.JPG
and a spider in my local park
spider P Bruyères 06 Jun 2015 (2).JPG
In the garden:
Geranium Bronze (groggy, probably because it had received a blast of insecticide from the neighbour who is furious about these "pests" on his geraniums)
marshalli11_13 Marseilles urbain 07 Jun 2015 (6).JPG
There are definitely less GBs in my garden this year than last.
Last edited by Chris Jackson on Thu Jun 11, 2015 1:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Post by Sylvie_h »

Hi Chris,

Tell me about pesticides !! Don't worry if your neighbour uses them, he's also getting his dose of neonicotinoids...

There is an urge also for the public to sign the petition against the lifting of the ban of these powerful pesticicdes in the UK which is due to take place in the autumn.
Already 300 000 people have signed the petition and it is advised to email your MP also and state your views. The focus is on bees but there are also a lot of other pollinators out there (hoverflies, wasps and butterflies).
You can see (and sign if you haven’t already!) the petition here:

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David M
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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Post by David M »

Thanks for bringing that to our attention, Sylvie. I thought we'd left all this hardcore poison behind us?

Petition duly signed.
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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Post by Sylvie_h »

Thanks David.

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Charles Nicol
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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Post by Charles Nicol »

Sylvie_h wrote:Thanks David.

Moi aussi 8)
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Chris Jackson
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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Post by Chris Jackson »

I have been absent from my local stomping ground in Marseilles for a week due to 'obligations' in the Pyrenees.
As soon as I got back I noted that the Great Banded Grayling and the Grayling are present in Marseilles - a sure sign of summer:
semele20_13 Marseilles urban 21 Jun 2015 (2).JPG
circe15_13 P Bruyères 21 Jun 2015.JPG
Cheers, Chris
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Chris Jackson
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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Post by Chris Jackson »

I would like to share this upperside shot I managed 10 days ago.
Its lacking some clarity and is heavily cropped - I'm aiming for better :D :
cleopatra20_13 male upperside P Bruyères 12 Jun 2015 (a).jpg
(Panasonic FZ150)

An ID for this skipper please ?
Cheers, Chris
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David M
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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Post by David M »

Your Cleopatra image is pretty sharp, Chris. Well done.

As for your skipper, I'm not certain but its apparent small size and extended abdomen shouts 'Lulworth' at me, although I am probably wrong!
John Vergo
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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Post by John Vergo »

The Skipper is for sure a T. acteon ( Lulworth Skipper) :)
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Chris Jackson
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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Post by Chris Jackson »

Thank you David and John,
I think I've come to the conclusion that, amongst the 'orangies', I only have Lulworth and Small in my neck of the woods.

I suppose my Cleopatra is 'relatively' sharp, David, considering the bridge camera I use - imagine the results if I was kitted out with more 'professional' gear, and if I knew how to use it :shock:
You yourself David have had some good in-flight upperside shots. :D
Cheers, Chris
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Charles Nicol
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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Post by Charles Nicol »

cjackson wrote:I would like to share this upperside shot I managed 10 days ago.
Its lacking some clarity and is heavily cropped - I'm aiming for better :D :
cleopatra20_13 male upperside P Bruyères 12 Jun 2015 (a).jpg
(Panasonic FZ150)

An ID for this skipper please ?
Cheers, Chris
Great Cleopatra pic there Chris !

i have just booked my hols in France 8)

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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Post by NickMorgan »

Yes, I would be very happy with a Cleopatra shot like that! Looks great to me.
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Chris Jackson
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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Post by Chris Jackson »

Charles Nicol wrote: ... i have just booked my hols in France 8) Charles
A gastronomic butterflying holiday, Charles ? My tummy is rumbling already !!

Nick, have you made plans to get away butterflying this summer (farther South) ?

26th June - 31°C and the odd cloud (fortunately)
Today I moved inland and uphill from Marseilles. Fifty minutes drive and at an altitude of 650 meters everything changes.
I visited Plan d'Aups which is on the border between the Bouches du Rhone and the Var.
Any confirmation of ID is welcome.
I saw what I think is a Niobe Fritillary - rare for me !
2 niobe (1).JPG
2 niobe (2).JPG
Context - Plan d'Aups
3 context - Plan d'Aups 26 Jun 2015 (1).JPG
3 context - Plan d'Aups 26 Jun 2015 (2).JPG
Not sure of this blue (Blue No. 1):
4 blue (2).JPG
Silver-washed Frit f. valezina (very chuffed to have seen one, although Colin in the Alpes Maritimes sees many more than me and manages much clearer photos)
7 paphia female valezina (2).JPG
Now here is a scoop, if I'm not wrong this may be a Spanish Purple Hairstreak !!! Wow, a lifer for me
8 roboris (1).JPG
9 context - Plan d'Aups 26 Jun 2015 (2).JPG
9 context - Plan d'Aups 26 Jun 2015 (1).JPG
Blue ? (Blue No. 2) (unders and uppers)
12 blue (3).JPG
12 blue (5).JPG
Southern White Admiral
13 reducta.JPG
Another lifer - Ilex Hairstreak
This may be the first time I've found my usual 'Marseilles' False Ilex Hairstreak in the same environment as an Ilex Hairstreak
ilisis ??
14 ilisis (3).JPG
esculi ??
15 esculi (1).JPG
Which skipper please ?
16 skipper.JPG
My first Pearly Heath here in the South (I usually only see Dusky Heaths)
17 arcania (1).JPG
What a fun day !!
Apart from that, 20+ other species that I ignored because I see them down in Marseilles. So much to see, so little time.
Cheers, Chris
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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Post by Padfield »

Hi Chris. Your blues are escheri. I'm afraid the ilicis is in fact spini - so not a lifer! Sorry ... Yes to the esculi and niobe too - and roboris of course. No doubt with that one!

I thought that Cleopatra ups was a great shot!


EDIT - oh - and that skipper is large skipper.
Guy's Butterflies: https://www.guypadfield.com
The Butterflies of Villars-Gryon : https://www.guypadfield.com/villarsgryonbook.html
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Chris Jackson
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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Post by Chris Jackson »

Thanks Guy,
I guess you are right about spini, I was getting over-excited.
Ah well.
Still, pretty chuffed with the Spanish Purple Hairstreak :mrgreen: (pointed in the right direction by Roger !!)
As for my Cleopatra ups photo - glad I can make my contribution (apporter ma pierre à l'edifice) as we say
Cheers, Chris
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David M
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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Post by David M »

Well done on the Spanish Purple Hairstreak, Chris.

Great find.
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Charles Nicol
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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Post by Charles Nicol »

you have been busy Chris !

i especially liked your valezina... a splendid pic.

i shall be enjoying the délices visibles of the Aude again. looks like i can practice during next week's heatwave !

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Chris Jackson
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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Post by Chris Jackson »

David M wrote: ... Well done on the Spanish Purple Hairstreak ...
Thanks, David, but an upperside shot is essential, and they don't seem very willing !!
A challenge met is always replaced by another challenge.

Today, once again, I moved north-east out of Marseilles and into the Var, to the Plan d'Aups, and more importantly, close to the mountain of the Sainte Baume. This mountain and its surrounds, is host to 137 species out of the 256 species of butterflies found in France. :D
I saw 20+ species in the space of 2 hours. Here are just a couple of pics of the prime species seen:
Spanish Purple Hairstreak:
roboris2_83 Plan d'Aups 28 Jun 2015 (1).JPG
and the plant that attracts it, and that was buzzing with many other insects, Rhus coriania - Sumac:
Rhus coriaria - Sumac des corroyeurs - Sumac - Plan d'Aups 28 June.JPG
Nettle Tree Butterfly:
celtis10_83 Plan d'Aups 28 Jun 2015 (2).JPG
High Brown Fritillary ? (uppers and unders):
adippe5_83 male Plan d'Aups 28 Jun 2015 (3).JPG
adippe5_83 male Plan d'Aups 28 Jun 2015 (1).JPG
Context - near Plan d'Aups
Context - Vallon du cros - Plan d'Aups 28 Jun 2015.JPG
I'll spare you pics of the common cleopatra, didyma, icarus, spini, podalirius, crocea, paphia, jurtina, argiolus, niobe, daphne, arcania, reducta, esculi, phlaeas, machaon, escheri, alphacariensis.........
Temperatures should be hitting 40°C here next week, I'd rather be in the UK :roll:
Cheers, Chris
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