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by Cotswold Cockney
Tue Nov 04, 2008 11:24 pm
Forum: Identification
Topic: Adonis variant
Replies: 47
Views: 4956

Re: Adonis variant

That second butterfly is very interesting indeed! The abdomen suggests it is a female, as does the spot on the upperside of the forewing. But then again, the abdomen looks rather strange at the end. Guy Well spotted ~ with some of these sexual 'mosaics' mixes, the genitalia is often malformed or in...
by Cotswold Cockney
Fri Oct 31, 2008 11:09 pm
Forum: General
Topic: What do butterfly enthusiasts do during the winter months?
Replies: 108
Views: 4884

Re: What do butterfly enthusiasts do during the winter months?

Nice M12 Martin, at last a personal plate that's applicable to the car it's on! Here's another one: Funny how several here share a very wide and varied range of common interests. I have a small collection of cars acquired over...
by Cotswold Cockney
Fri Oct 31, 2008 8:07 pm
Forum: Weather
Topic: Crazy Weather
Replies: 13
Views: 1235

Re: Crazy Weather

The last time I remember seeing substantial snow so early in the south east was back in the winter of 1962-1963. That was by far the most severe winter of my lifetime.

Snow this early .... it's a sign I tell you ... we're all doomed... :(
by Cotswold Cockney
Fri Oct 24, 2008 4:59 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Pupa Removal.
Replies: 8
Views: 441

Re: Pupa Removal.

It is possible to remove them without harm. You'll need some small scissors to cut the silk girdle around the abdomen ... VERY carefully. Then, working behind the final segment of the pupa where the cremaster ( lots of little hooks ) is embedded in a small pad of silk, again VERY carefully, rub up t...
by Cotswold Cockney
Thu Oct 16, 2008 10:13 pm
Forum: Competitions
Topic: Brown Argus - Too explicit???
Replies: 12
Views: 3610

Re: Brown Argus - Too explicit???

For much of the time, the male is clinging on for dear life only with his bottom... Guy It's a good trick if you can do it! I have always wondered what had happened to this silver washed fritillary. The rear end looked very sore and red (although the butterfly was quite happy to feed so it couldn't...
by Cotswold Cockney
Tue Oct 14, 2008 9:02 pm
Forum: Competitions
Topic: Brown Argus - Too explicit???
Replies: 12
Views: 3610

Re: Brown Argus - Too explicit???

How much of their insides generally gets shown on the outside when mating? Is that normal? With many species of butterflies, the males' genetalia can be very prominent and exposed immediately prior to, and during copulation. With some butterlies, the Purple Emperor ( Apatura iris ) for example and ...
by Cotswold Cockney
Tue Oct 07, 2008 9:13 pm
Forum: Conservation
Topic: Yet another huge development on green belt land
Replies: 10
Views: 1496

Re: Yet another huge development on green belt land

Soon it will no longer be “in England’s green and pleasant land” Instead it will be "England a large housing estate which is on the outskirts of Europe". I say stop letting people in and there will be housing enough for all And no need to touch any of our precious greenbelt land My name i...
by Cotswold Cockney
Mon Sep 29, 2008 1:58 am
Forum: General
Topic: What can be done to stop this?
Replies: 7
Views: 714

Re: What can be done to stop this?

Some how I don’t think it likely that he is breading and releasing butterflies and just keeping a few extra’s to sell in order to fund the project. Keith. Why do you say that? There are some very resourceful breeders worldwide. Although it is over twenty years ago now, I overwintered a few adult Ny...
by Cotswold Cockney
Sun Sep 28, 2008 9:20 pm
Forum: General
Topic: "Comma" it dead?
Replies: 11
Views: 625

Re: "Comma" it dead?

Most healthy Nymphalidae butterfly chrysalids like the suspended Comma you've found usually become active wrigglers when touched, often shaking the twigs and leaves nearby in the process.. The movement is unmistakeable. One way to test if a butterfly or moth pupa or chrysalis is still alive is to te...
by Cotswold Cockney
Fri Sep 26, 2008 10:46 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Encourage birds and loose the butterflies?
Replies: 20
Views: 1273

Re: Encourage birds and loose the butterflies?

It's pictures like that Magpie with Red Admiral which make every visit to sites like this a real joy to experience....superb! During the spring breeding season, tits, sparrows and finches visit my small front and back gardens and diligently search all over and under all the plants, fences and even u...
by Cotswold Cockney
Sun Sep 21, 2008 11:28 pm
Forum: Conservation
Topic: Are Butterfly boxes effective
Replies: 7
Views: 1368

Re: Are Butterfly boxes effective

A thoughful cousin has given me one of these recently. I shall paint it black and allow it to weather outside and find a suitable location for it. It resembles a bird nest box with four verticle slots just wide enough to allow a Small Tortoiseshell or Peacock to sidle in. The fascia weather boards o...
by Cotswold Cockney
Sun Sep 21, 2008 11:05 pm
Forum: General
Topic: can butterflies hear?
Replies: 17
Views: 1086

Re: can butterflies hear?

One thing is certain, when a female Apatura iris (Purple Emperor) prior to egg laying, 'tests' the leaf it does so with those two leading 'false' legs by scratching the leaf surface several times with them. In the breeding cage, this actually makes quite a noticeable scratching sound. Loud enough to...
by Cotswold Cockney
Tue Sep 16, 2008 2:00 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Large Copper
Replies: 34
Views: 1864

Re: Large Copper

I'd bet a nice few quid that all the captive Large Copper Livestock currently circulating can be traced back to one breeder who, by careful selective breeding, maintained a 'reserve' stock of this fine 'batavus' race back in the 1970-80s. Back then, for about ten years, I too maintained a captive st...
by Cotswold Cockney
Sun Sep 07, 2008 12:11 am
Forum: General
Topic: Just to see a butterfly...
Replies: 2
Views: 284

Re: Just to see a butterfly...

Please delete ~
by Cotswold Cockney
Tue Aug 26, 2008 1:07 am
Forum: General
Topic: Net Rage
Replies: 161
Views: 6645

Re: Net Rage

Sir Peter S, on the other hand, probably shot more wildfowl than he saved. Roger I was about to make a similar observation. It is a fact that many hunters and collectors have subsequently been instrumental in effectively setting up Nature Reserves for many species, both common and rare. Over the ye...
by Cotswold Cockney
Sun Aug 10, 2008 1:33 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Geography question
Replies: 14
Views: 1090

Re: Geography question

On a number of occasions I've seen Clouded Yellows in the UK following main roads or lanes non stop. When I was much younger and very much fitter, I chased one for around a mile barely able to keep up with it in its incessant pressing on mode...I did net it though and became an exhausted perspiring ...
by Cotswold Cockney
Sun Aug 10, 2008 12:28 am
Forum: General
Topic: Common Blue Question.
Replies: 9
Views: 907

Re: Common Blue Question.

Its been a desperate summer for Blues this year in my part of Essex, [ Colchester area ], until yesterday when i saw Brown Argus and at least 50 Common Blues at Fingrinhoe Wick , so 2 questions; 1, Are second broods generally bigger than 1st. 2, Was this years 1st brood bad due weather or another r...
by Cotswold Cockney
Mon Aug 04, 2008 11:35 pm
Forum: Foodplants and Gardening
Topic: What flowers to plant ??
Replies: 60
Views: 5321

Re: What flowers to plant ??

I'm quite worried about all the species that seem to have gone missing this year. Cheers Paul Not to worry Paul, they'll be back ~ give them time. There have been many periods of decline over the years and those used to worry me ~ not now, butterflies have a motto Arnie once said ..."I...
by Cotswold Cockney
Mon Aug 04, 2008 11:16 pm
Forum: Foodplants and Gardening
Topic: Species attracted to Buddleia
Replies: 13
Views: 1214

Re: Species attracted to Buddleia

At this time of year if you want to attract Brimstones then they are very fond of the Teasel flowers. In the local woodlands (Glos), a clump of Teasels growing in the clearings are a strong attractant and sometimes a couple of dozen examples can be seen feeding on the flowerheads. Quite an attractiv...
by Cotswold Cockney
Sun Jul 27, 2008 10:07 pm
Forum: General
Topic: More Male Gatekeepers than Female?
Replies: 7
Views: 556

Re: More Male Gatekeepers than Female?

Plus in just about all species, without exception the males need a few days to feed and become sexually mature before they are able to transfer their spermataphore to the female successfully. At least a week in my experience ~ males that pair prior to becoming sexually mature usually result in infer...

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