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by Yashca
Mon Jul 13, 2015 12:27 pm
Forum: Sites
Topic: High Brown Fritillary and Scotch Argus
Replies: 11
Views: 1392

Re: High Brown Fritillary and Scotch Argus

Thanks everyone for the advice - saw High Brown (but only just confirmed it from poor photos!) as well as Northern Brown Argus and Dark Red Helleborine. Too early for Scotch Argus I think - sorely tempted to try again in a couple of weeks.

Thanks again!
by Yashca
Mon Jul 13, 2015 12:25 pm
Forum: Identification
Topic: Unidentified Fritillary, Gait Barrows
Replies: 7
Views: 533

Re: Unidentified Fritillary, Gait Barrows

Thank-you both - I'm absolutely delighted. This was the only fritillary (aside from Small-pearl Bordered) that I manged to get a picture of. Too hot, too much activity!
by Yashca
Fri Jul 10, 2015 3:44 pm
Forum: Identification
Topic: Unidentified Fritillary, Gait Barrows
Replies: 7
Views: 533

Unidentified Fritillary, Gait Barrows

Hi all, Photographed this fritillary high up in a tree at Gait Barrows yesterday. It's either Dark Green or High Brown (unless I'm terribly mistaken). Can anyone go further than this with my terrible pictures? (I'll admit, I was leaning towards High Brown when I saw it)
by Yashca
Wed Jul 08, 2015 10:44 am
Forum: Sites
Topic: High Brown Fritillary and Scotch Argus
Replies: 11
Views: 1392

Re: High Brown Fritillary and Scotch Argus

I'm heading off to Lancashire/Cumbria tomorrow and am hoping to visit Arnside Knott, Warton Crag and Gait Barrows. Weather looks cool and sunny. ANy last minute instructions as to which of these sites is best and where exactly the best spots on the reserves are? Any orchid information for the area? ...
by Yashca
Mon Jul 06, 2015 1:24 pm
Forum: Sites
Topic: High Brown Fritillary and Scotch Argus
Replies: 11
Views: 1392

Re: High Brown Fritillary and Scotch Argus

Thanks for the advice everyone. Weather this week has taken a bit of a down-turn - I'm thinking maybe the end of next week. I'll be too early for the Argus but will hopefully see some lovely fresh High Browns. Just need some weather!
by Yashca
Fri Jul 03, 2015 9:41 am
Forum: Sites
Topic: High Brown Fritillary and Scotch Argus
Replies: 11
Views: 1392

High Brown Fritillary and Scotch Argus

Hi all, I'm considering a Lancashire trip for either or both of the above species. What date would be best for an opportunity to see both? Are High Brown flying in Lancashire yet? I've never visited the area butterflying before so any recommendations on exactly where to search would be much apprecia...
by Yashca
Thu Jun 04, 2015 1:09 pm
Forum: Sightings
Topic: June 2015
Replies: 171
Views: 12347

Re: June 2015

MrSp0ck: Fascinated by the Glanvilles at Hutchinsons Bank - I can't make it there this weekend, but possibly may be able to on Monday afternoon. Weather looks - at the moment - sunny with patches of cloud, so hopefully okay. Is there any chance you could advise on areas in the area where I may be ab...
by Yashca
Thu Sep 04, 2014 5:42 pm
Forum: Sightings
Topic: September 2014
Replies: 53
Views: 4603

Re: September 2014

The sunshine brought the butterflies back out. In my garden there were half a dozen red admiral and a couple of small tortoiseshell feeding up on the buddleia and large and small whites pottering about. At the land adjacent to Southwater Country Park over flow car park (I think it is called Bill's ...
by Yashca
Wed Jun 18, 2014 3:59 pm
Forum: Sightings
Topic: Black Hairstreaks at Glapthorn
Replies: 9
Views: 833

Re: Black Hairstreaks at Glapthorn

Thanks for everyone that gave me advice re Black Hairstreaks. After much internal debate, I booked the middle of the day off work yesterday and drove to Glapthorn, where I saw at least eight individuals in about an hour, all showing fantastically on bramble flowers or privet flowers. At one point I ...
by Yashca
Mon Jun 16, 2014 1:14 pm
Forum: Sightings
Topic: Black Hairstreaks at Glapthorn
Replies: 9
Views: 833

Re: Black Hairstreaks at Glapthorn

Another idea has occurred to me - Glapthorn is about an hour away from where I am, so I could in theory have an hour there rather than two at Monk's Wood. Which site is more reliable?
by Yashca
Mon Jun 16, 2014 1:11 pm
Forum: Sightings
Topic: Black Hairstreaks at Glapthorn
Replies: 9
Views: 833

Re: Black Hairstreaks at Glapthorn

Hi everyone, I have booked three and a half hours off work tomorrow to spend at Monk's Wood during the sunny period from about 10.30 am and 1pm. I was hoping to get there this past weekend but I wasn't feeling particularly well. As I won't have hours and hours to search and I don't know the site at ...
by Yashca
Fri Jun 13, 2014 1:37 pm
Forum: Sightings
Topic: June 2014
Replies: 180
Views: 12823

Re: June 2014

Does anyone know anything about Heath Fritillaries at Hadleigh Nature Reserve in Essex? I think they're probably my nearest colony but I've never been anywhere near the site and know nothing about where to park, where to look etc., Any advice?
by Yashca
Thu May 22, 2014 9:33 am
Forum: Sightings
Topic: May 2014
Replies: 195
Views: 10359

Re: May 2014

Does anyone know if there is a sightings page for Northamptonshire? I'm hoping to try and see Wood Whites there this year but as yet I'm having trouble tracking whether they've emerged and where to be looking.

Any advice appreciated.
by Yashca
Fri May 31, 2013 9:39 pm
Forum: Sites
Topic: Chambers Farm Wood
Replies: 13
Views: 1564

Re: Chambers Farm Wood

Does anyone know if Marsh Fritillary are out at Chambers? I missed them last year at this time, but I know everything is a bit late this year; weather looks reasonable for this Sunday (2nd June) but I'm a bit worried that I haven't heard a single report as yet. Any info anyone? Don't want to waste a...
by Yashca
Tue Jul 10, 2012 7:25 pm
Forum: Sites
Topic: Visitng Cumbria - Sites and Species
Replies: 5
Views: 797

Re: Visitng Cumbria - Sites and Species

Thanks everyone for the advice. As was astutely pointed out, the weather was dreadful, and I ended up sitting at home weeping instead. Well, actually I went and found an adder in the drizzle. Good, but not quite the same. But, as Goldie said, I do have the information for another time. Maybe next ye...
by Yashca
Wed Jun 27, 2012 5:33 pm
Forum: Sites
Topic: Visitng Cumbria - Sites and Species
Replies: 5
Views: 797

Re: Visitng Cumbria - Sites and Species

I'll certainly have to give Gait Barrow a go, Northern Brown would be great, hopefully there might be a High Brown out there this weekend? The first Dark Green has been reported in Yorkshire already, so they can't be too far off. You say SPB and PPb are there as well - both still on the wing? I migh...
by Yashca
Tue Jun 26, 2012 7:21 pm
Forum: Sites
Topic: Visitng Cumbria - Sites and Species
Replies: 5
Views: 797

Visitng Cumbria - Sites and Species

A friend of mine has got some time off work this coming weekend (30th June, 1st July) and we were wondering about visiting Cumbria if the weather holds up. The main butterfly that comes to mind is the Mountain Ringlet, so I wondered if they were out on the wing, where is the best place to look/ time...
by Yashca
Tue Jun 05, 2012 9:25 pm
Forum: Sites
Topic: Chambers Farm Wood
Replies: 13
Views: 1564

Re: Chambers Farm Wood

Unfortunately the weather was cool and cloudy by the time I got there, so I had no luck whatsoever. I am half tempted to drive down tomorrow to try again, but the weather still looks a bit untrustworthy - partial sun with showers in the afternoon after a cloudy morning.

Reverdin - I'm in Scarborough
by Yashca
Wed May 30, 2012 7:01 pm
Forum: Sites
Topic: Chambers Farm Wood
Replies: 13
Views: 1564

Re: Chambers Farm Wood

Thanks for the advice Paul, unfortunately, even though I will be leaving work before 4.00, that will be in North Yorkshire, so 6.00 is pretty much the earliest I could get there - which is a shame really. Don't think I'm likely to get lucky now - any tips on searching for roosting butterflies? I've ...
by Yashca
Mon May 28, 2012 7:37 pm
Forum: Sites
Topic: Chambers Farm Wood
Replies: 13
Views: 1564

Re: Chambers Farm Wood

Thanks for the advice you two - keeping my fingers crossed for the weather. If, and this seems most likely with us being in England, the weather is less suitable than it has been and the butterflies are roosting - where do they tend to roost and how easy are they to find? I'd really like to see one,...

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