UK Butterflies

Building a Community of Responsible Butterfly Enthusiasts in Britain & Ireland

Species Distributions

This page contains a summary of the distribution of each species.

Alignment with the Checklist

The distribution categories are based on A Checklist of the Lepidoptera of the British Isles (Agassiz, Beavan & Heckford, 2024) which contains 3 lists of species:

  1. Main. This list comprises resident and transitory resident species, species believed to be extinct, immigrants and some species that have probably been imported but have been found in the wild. A UK Butterflies refinement, based on Life Cycles of British and Irish Butterflies (Eeles, 2019) and British and Irish Butterfly Rarities (Eeles, 2023) is as follows:
    • 1.0 Resident or Regular Migrant. The species is a resident of, or a regular migrant to, Britain and/or Ireland.
    • 1.1 Extinct. The species is known to have occurred in Britain and/or Ireland but is now considered extinct.
    • 1.2 Rare Migrant. The species is occasionally recorded in Britain and/or Ireland and is believed to arrive unassisted in the direction of its migration
    • 1.3 Vagrant. The species is considered to be a stray or wandering individual.
    • 1.4 Uncertain. The species has been recorded in Britain and/or Ireland and may have been a resident or had the potential to arrive unassisted, but any records are few in number.
  2. Adventive. This list comprises species that have been recorded in Britain and/or Ireland, but cannot be regarded as part of our fauna, and are probably unlikely to recur, such as those imported on produce.
  3. Questionable. This list comprises those records that are either erroneous or cannot be confirmed.

Main Species Distributions

1.3 Vagrant
1.3 Vagrant
1.4 Uncertain
1.2 Rare Migrant
1.2 Rare Migrant
1.1 Extinct
1.2 Rare Migrant
1.3 Vagrant
1.3 Vagrant
1.3 Vagrant
1.4 Uncertain
1.2 Rare Migrant
1.2 Rare Migrant
1.1 Extinct
1.2 Rare Migrant
1.1 Extinct
1.3 Vagrant
1.2 Rare Migrant
1.2 Rare Migrant
1.3 Vagrant
1.2 Rare Migrant
1.2 Rare Migrant
1.4 Uncertain