This page provides access to all named aberrations of a given species and Goodson & Read (1969) is a key resource in this regard.
Description to be completed.
Natural History Museum
This section contains those aberrations that are considered new, and have yet to be formally defined. (all aberrations)
Male. The upperside bright purple-blue. The common form.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
Male. The upperside brilliant violet-blue.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
= lavendula Wykes.Entom.1945.78.p.1.
Male. The upperside of a lilac or lavender tint.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
Male. The upperside lilac almost pinkish in tone.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
Male. The upperside blue-grey or slaty, with a rather narrow border and very small discoidal spots.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
Male. The upperside of the wings so entirely blackened that only a slight blue shimmer is perceptible. Underside normal but slightly darkened.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
Male. The upperside of the forewings white with a slight violet sheen, the nervures and the broad border of a brownish hue. Underside pattern normal except for the two lowest submedian spots which are absent, the ground colour white with the spots little more than mere dots of a yellow-brown tint. Almost certainly a pathological form.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
= punctifera Courvoisier.Werh.Nat.Ges.Basel.1910.21.p.158.
Male. On the upperside of the hindwings a row of well developed black spots along the margin.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
Male. On the upperside the marginal borders are very narrow.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
Male. On the upperside of all wings the usual dark marginal border is absent.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
Male. On the upperside the marginal borders are moderate, e.g. up to one quarter of the wing expanse.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
Male. On the upperside the marginal borders are wide, e.g. more than one quarter of the wing expanse.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
= rufolunulata Reverdin.(in).Tutt.Brit.Lep.1909.X.p.187.May.
= rufolunulata Reverdin.Bull.Soc.Lep.Gen.1909.1.p.373.
Male. On the upperside of the hindwings two orange spots above the black marginal dots. Reverdin’s rufolunulata was a male with tawny lunules surmounting the black marginal dots of the hindwings. Tutt published Reverdin’s description and name before Reverdin’s own article appeared in the Bull.Soc.Lep.Gen. In this, Reverdin, in error, on his plate used the name rufomaculata; pl.10.f1.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
Male. On the upperside the discoidal spots are absent on all wings.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
Male. On the upperside the forewings show discoidal spots but on the hindwings they are absent.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
Male. On the upperside the discoidal spots are present on the hindwings but absent from the forewings.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
= lunulata Wykes.Entom.1945.78.p.2.
Male. On the upperside of both fore and hindwings discoidal spots are present.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
Male. Smaller than normal with the wings narrower and with broad black margins to all wings.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
Small specimens under 23mm.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
Tiny specimens under 21mm.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
Large specimens over 27mm.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
Female. The upperside pale fulvous-tawny, the exact colour of Coenonympha pamphilus [Small Heath].
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
= atrescens Wykes.Entom.1945.78.p.2.
Female. The upperside darker than normal, almost blackish.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
= fuscus Tutt.Brit.Lep.1909.X.p.180.
= brunnea Courvoisier.Ent.Z.1910.24.p.93
Female. The upperside uniformly fuscous with no orange marginal lunules.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
Female. The upperside fuscous and with orange marginal lunules on the forewings only.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
Female. The upperside fuscous and with orange marginal lunules on the hindwings only.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
= peraurantia Wykes.Entom.1945.78.p.2.
Female. The upperside fuscous and with orange marginal lunules on all four wings.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
= aurofasciata Verbrodt.Mitt.Schweiz.Ent.Ges.1924.13.p.180.
Female. The upperside fuscous and with an orange marginal band on all four wings caused by the joining up of the usually separated lunules.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
Female. The upperside fuscous with an orange marginal band on the hindwings caused by the joining up of the lunules. Forewings with no such band.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
Female. The upperside showing a reddish-yellow serrated marginal band on all four wings. Very similar to croceovirgatus Tutt but apparently noticeably toothed on its inner side so kept separate.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
= flavescens Wykes.Entom.1945.78.p.3.
Female. The upperside fuscous with marginal lunules on all four wings. The lunules yellow instead of orange.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
Female. The upperside fuscous and on the hindwings only a row of marginal lunules which are yellow instead of orange.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
Female. The upperside fuscous with a yellow marginal band on all four wings. Similar to croceovirgatus Tutt but the band yellow instead of orange, the band being formed by the joining up of the lunules.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
Female. The upperside fuscous and, on the hindwings only, a yellow band formed by the joining up of the marginal lunules.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
Female. On the upperside the marginal lunules are white, as in C. [Chrysophanus] virgaureae ab. albopunctata Huene. [syn. Lycaena virgaureae, Scarce Copper].
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
Female. White edging to the marginal spots on their external side, most usual on the hindwings.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
Female. The marginal spots ringed with white.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
= caeruleo-marginata Lange.Iris.1924.38.p.134.
Female. Blue edging to the marginal spots on their external side, most usual on the hindwings.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
Female. On the upperside of the forewings most of the veins are whitish or white.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
Female. On the upperside of the hindwings the veins are whitish from the outer border for some distance inwards.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
Female. On the upperside of both fore and hindwings the veins are whitish, especially towards the margins.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
= radio Wykes.Entom.1945.78.p.2.
Female. The upperside fuscous scaled with blue of a rather bright tint on all four wings. There are no marginal lunules.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
= semisuffusa Thompson.Pamphlet.desc.Plebejus argus.1937.p.5.
Female. The upperside of the forewings fuscous, the hindwings scaled with blue. No marginal lunules present.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
Female. On the upperside the blue scaling of a more violet tint.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
Female. The upperside fuscous scaled with blue and with orange marginal lunules on the hindwings only. Tutt does not restrict the blue scaling to any particular area or wings.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
Female. The upperside fuscous scaled with blue and with orange marginal lunules on all four wings. Tutt does not restrict the blue scaling.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
Female. The upperside fuscous scaled with blue and with an orange marginal band on the hindwings only, caused by the joining up of the marginal lunules.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
Female. The upperside fuscous scaled with blue and with an orange marginal band on all four wings caused by the joining up of the lunules.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
Female. The upperside fuscous scaled with blue and with yellow lunules, replacing the normal orange ones, on the hindwings only.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
Female. The upperside fuscous scaled with blue and with yellow lunules on all four wings instead of the usual orange ones.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
Female. The upperside fuscous scaled with blue and with a yellow marginal band on the hindwings only caused by the joining up of the lunules. The yellow replaces the normal orange.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
Female. The upperside fuscous scaled with blue and with a yellow marginal band on all four wings caused by the joining up of the lunules. The yellow replaces the normal orange.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
= caerulea Courvoisier.(nom.preoc.Tutt).Ent.Z.1910.24.p.93.
= splendida Thompson.Pamphlet.desc.Plebejus argus.1937.p.5.
Female. The upperside entirely pale blue with narrow black margins inside the white fringes and a series of pale whitish marks in place of the orange marginal lunules of the forewings. The hindwings show white edging to the marginal spots. The forewings have the discoidal spot present but it is very faint on the hindwings. Courvoisier’s caerulea had all four wings blue except for a narrow black margin and would seem to be generally the same as Tutt’s. Thompson’s splendida was a female of the subspecies cairnensis entirely suffused with blue. It can be kept separate under cairnensis if desired.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
Female. The upperside of the wings dusted with blue.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
Female. All wings suffused with blue except for a circular patch in the disc of the forewings. Described under subspecies cairnensis and may be separated under that subspecies if desired.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
Female. Blue scaling on the upperside of all four wings but chiefly on the hindwings. On the forewings whitish rays from the margins pointing inwards towards the base and white discoidal spots on both fore and hindwings.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
= pulchrina Thompson.Pamphlet.desc.Plebejus argus.1937.p.5.
= caerucuneata Wykes.Entom.1945.78.p.2.
Female. On the upperside of the hindwings narrow sky-blue wedges or rays set close to the orange marginal lunules, their points reaching almost to the base of the wings. Some blue scales also at the base. Thompson’s pulchrina was described under the subspecies cairnensis and can be separated under that subspecies if desired but the form occurs in all races.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
Female. The upperside of the right side wings brown, the left side blue. This is not an intersex, it is the blue form female combined with the brown form.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
On the upperside one or more streaks of blue scales without androconia, the wings equal in size. Underside and genitalia female.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
Probable homeosis. The figure shows two examples. Fig. 8 shows a patch of underside pattern in the centre of the upperside of each forewing. Fig.11 is similar. By the figures it would seem most unlikely that these are the spots of the underside showing through on the upperside, their white circles are so well defined, yet it is remarkable that two individuals should show the same symmetrical pattern if it is homeosis. The four submedian spots of the forewings underside appear drawn in closely around the discoidal spot and show clearly on the upperside.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
On the upperside the marginal lunules are partially or completely clouded by brown scaling. On the underside the lunules are brown-red instead of orange.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
= parvipuncta Tutt.Brit.Lep.1909.X.p.177.
On the underside the spots are very small. Lempke gives Courvoisier as the author since Courvoisier says it occurs in aegidion [Meisner, 1818], which is a subspecies of argus.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
= crassipuncta Courvoisier.Verh.Nat.Ges.Basel.1910.21.p.158.
On the underside the spots are exceptionally large and sometimes extended.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
The figure shows the underside with extraordinary discoidal spots on all four wings. These are very large, four or five times normal size and roughly triangular, their points towards the margins.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
= transiens Wykes.Entom.1945.78.p.4.
Underside with unequal or irregularly formed spots, the third and fifth submedian usually more extended.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
Underside with the submedian spots of the forewings, fifth, sixth and seventh, drawn inwards to beneath the discoidal spot and forming a straight line downwards to the inner margin.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
The submedian spots of the forewings underside drawn in close to the discoidal and with the basal spot forming a sort of semicircle around it. Described under L. coridon [Polyommatus coridon, Chalk Hill Blue].
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
On the underside of the forewings the submedian spots are thrown back from the discoidal spot against the inner margin and form an almost straight line. Described under L. coridon [Polyommatus coridon, Chalk Hill Blue].
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
= discoelongata Wykes.Entom.1945.78.p.3.
Underside of the forewings with the second, third, fourth and fifth submedian spots extended inwards as streaks. Hindwings normal.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
Underside of the hindwings the submedian spots show a tendancy to extend inwards.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
On the underside of the forewings the submedian spots extend towards the base in longitudinal streaks. Hindwings with one extended spot on the costa. Very similar to ab. radiata Oberthür, which is slightly more extreme on the hindwings.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
Underside of the forewings with the submedian spots extended towards the base in streaks. Hindwings with the topmost submedian spot connecting with a marginal chevron and the lowest submedian with the lowest basal spot. Very similar to ab. maritimus Stephens.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
= pluripuncta Courvoisier.Iris.1912.26.p.58.
Underside of the forewings with small extra spots appearing in the area between the submedian spots and the discoidal spot.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
On the underside of the forewings the submedian spots are connected with the discoidal spot by a series of tiny spots.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
= discojuncta Courvoisier.Iris.1912.26.p.50.,fig.Vorbrodt.Schmett.Schweiz.vol.1.diag.
On the underside of the forewings the discoidal spot is connected with its opposite submedian spot or spots.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
= costajuncta Courvoisier.Iris.1912.26.p.50.
Underside of the hindwings with the topmost submedian spot united with the upper basal spot to form a streak.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
Several authors include this form under argus because Courvoisier says that it occurs in argus, but at that time he was using aegon for the present species. On the same page however he mentions limbo-retrojuncta as occurring in aegon. The description says the topmost submedian is connected with its opposite marginal chevron to form a short streak.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
Underside of the hindwings with the topmost submedian spot connecting with a marginal chevron, also the third basal spot connecting with its opposite submedian to form two short streaks.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
= retrojuncta Courvoisier.Iris.1912.26.p.50.
Underside of the hindwings with the third basal spot connecting with its opposite submedian spot in a streak.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
Underside of the hindwings with the topmost submedian spot connecting with the upper basal spot, also the third basal spot connecting with an opposite submedian spot, two short streaks are thus formed.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
Several authors include this form with this reference but Courvoisier did not include it under this species either as argus or aegon.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
Courvoisier included this form under argus but at that time was using aegon for the present species so if the form occurs in the Silver-studded Blue, Courvoisier is not the author. On the underside of the forewings the third and fourth submedian spots connect with the discoidal spot in two streaks.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
On the underside two or more submedian spots unite transversely.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
Transitional to ab. juncta Tutt. On the underside of the forewings the submedian spots are elongated outwards towards the marginal spots and the marginal spots towards the submedians but just fall short of uniting.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
= radiata Courvoisier.Iris.1912.26.p.53.
= striata Frohawk.Vars.Brit.Butts.1938.p.116.
On the underside of all four wings the submedian spots connect with the marginal chevrons in bars or short streaks.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
On the underside of all four wings there is a streak from the base to the discoidal spot and the submedian spots are united with the marginal chevrons in bars or short streaks. The discoidal spot is sometimes united with the submedians. This is the most extreme form of striation.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
Underside of the hindwings with three basal spots uniting with opposite submedian spots e.g. the middle basal to the discoidal and two others to submedians.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
On the underside the two ‘twin’ submedian spots unite or are joined to the marginal chevrons.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
On the underside of the forewings the submedian spots are absent but on the hindwings the submedians are united with the marginal chevrons in streaks or bars.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
= unipuncta Tutt.Brit.Lep.1909.X.p.177.
= basinovopuncta Courvoisier.Iris.1912.26.p.58.
On the underside of the forewing there is a basal spot, in the typical form there are no basal spots.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
On the underside of the forewings there is a basal spot, elongated and well-marked.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
On the underside of the forewings there are two basal spots.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
On the underside the black inward edges of the marginal lunules form a series of cuneiform spots, their points towards the base. All the submedian spots are absent.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
On the underside an elongation of the marginal ‘moons’ (chevrons) towards the submedian spots, on the hindwings particularly. Similar, as regards the marginal chevrons to ab. cuneata Tutt, but the submedian spots are present.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
On the underside the orange marginal lunules are replaced by brown-black, nearly as dark as the chevrons.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
On the underside the normally orange marginal lunules are replaced by yellow.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
= aurescens Wykes.Entom.1945.78.p.3.
On the underside the orange lunules are replaced by red.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
On the underside the marginal lunules form a complete border up to 3mm wide, extending up to the forewings.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
= inornata Grund.Int.Ent.Z.1913.7.p.127.
On the underside there are no metallic or silver scales on the marginal spots.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
Underside differing chiefly in that only one of the hindwings marginal spots shows a silvery kernel. The submedian spots in the figure are very much bowed into a semicircle around the discoidal spot but are no nearer to it.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
= argyra Bergsträ
On the underside of the hindwings five or six of the marginal spots show silvery kernels.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
On the underside of the hindwings there are seven silvery studs on the outer border, counting the ‘twin-spots’ as one spot. Described from a female cretaceus.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
On the underside of the hindwings the marginal spots are completely metallic or silver, no black remaining.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
On the underside the discoidal spot is heart-shaped.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
Underside with the discoidal spots absent on all wings.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
Underside with the discoidal spot of the forewings absent.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
Underside with the discoidal spot of the hindwings absent.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
Underside of the forewings with the spots six and seven missing. It seems somewhat extraordinary that Tutt should tie his obsoleta to this description.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
= paucipuncta Courvoisier.Vorbrodt.Schmett.Schweiz.1911.1.p.128.fig.Courv.Diagr.
On the underside the spots more or less obsolete.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
Underside with all the spots, with the exception of two small ones on the right hindwing, absent. The discoidal spots weakly marked.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
= obsoleta Frohawk.(nom.preoc.Tutt.1909).Vars.Brit.Butts.1938.p.116.
Underside with all the spots, except the discoidals, absent. Both of these names are preoccupied so neither can stand.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
On the underside the ground colour of the wings is black-grey.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
On the underside the normally white parts are clouded over with fawn or greyish suffusion.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
On the underside of the forewings the space between the margin and the submedian spots is white.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
On the underside the hindwings are white except the basal area.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)
Perineural defect. The figure shows no veins, the underside of the forewings with the submedian spots forming a transverse line, completely joined together in the upper part, becoming less joined down towards the inner margin. The marginal black spots are similarly joined together to form a continuous line. Hindwings with the submedian spots joined and forming a strong black transverse line, the marginal spots less strongly joined and not so thick. A black bar or streak in the cell through the uniting of the discoidal spot with a basal spot.
Natural History Museum (all aberrations)