UK Butterflies

Building a Community of Responsible Butterfly Enthusiasts in Britain & Ireland

Arran Brown

Erebia ligea

e-ruh-BEE-uh li-JEE-uh

Checklist Number

Arran Brown

Erebia ligea

e-ruh-BEE-uh li-JEE-uh

Checklist Number

The presence of this butterfly in the British Isles has long been disputed. However, there are several historical records that would suggest that it was once found in Scotland. The first record is from the Isle of Arran, Clyde Isles, Scotland, in 1803, from where this butterfly gets its name. Any confusion is not helped by the close similarity with the Scotch Argus, with some specimens of Arran Brown being discovered within series of Scotch Argus in old collections.

British specimens of this species are few and far between. There is certainly insufficient evidence to conclusively determine if the species was ever resident, a migrant, or accidentally or deliberately introduced.

This species was first defined in Linnaeus (1758) as shown here (type locality: Sweden).

Description to be completed.

1.4 Uncertain

Description to be completed.

No conservation action is relevant for this species.

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Description to be completed.

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Description to be completed.

Description to be completed.