UK Butterflies

Building a Community of Responsible Butterfly Enthusiasts in Britain & Ireland

Species for SU93

The species listing given below is taken from distribution data (2000-2009) made available through the generosity of Butterfly Conservation.

  1. Brimstone
  2. Brown Argus
  3. Brown Hairstreak
  4. Chalk Hill Blue
  5. Clouded Yellow
  6. Comma
  7. Common Blue
  8. Dark Green Fritillary
  9. Dingy Skipper
  10. Essex Skipper
  11. Gatekeeper
  12. Grayling
  13. Green Hairstreak
  14. Green-veined White
  15. Grizzled Skipper
  16. Holly Blue
  17. Large Skipper
  18. Large Tortoiseshell
  19. Large White
  20. Marbled White
  21. Marsh Fritillary
  22. Meadow Brown
  23. Orange-tip
  24. Painted Lady
  25. Peacock
  26. Pearl-bordered Fritillary
  27. Purple Emperor
  28. Purple Hairstreak
  29. Red Admiral
  30. Ringlet
  31. Silver-studded Blue
  32. Silver-washed Fritillary
  33. Small Blue
  34. Small Copper
  35. Small Heath
  36. Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary
  37. Small Skipper
  38. Small Tortoiseshell
  39. Small White
  40. Speckled Wood
  41. Swallowtail
  42. Wall
  43. White Admiral
  44. White-letter Hairstreak
  45. Wood White