UK Butterflies

Building a Community of Responsible Butterfly Enthusiasts in Britain & Ireland

Global Birdfair

For a number of years, we have been attending with our stand at the Global Birdfair event (previously known just as Birdfair). We’ve been pleased to act as something of a pioneer there, in terms of promoting butterfly tours to what has been traditionally a very bird-focused event and audience.

In its newer incarnation the event features quite a wide range of different wildlife interests from around the world, and thus it might be more apt to have a Global Wildlife Fair title. Semantics aside, it is well worth a visit, and we look forward to catching up with many of our old friends, and to making new ones too.

We hope to see some UK Butterflies members!

We will be in Swallow Marquee on stand S3 so do come and say hello. And if you’re looking for travel ideas, we will be delighted to assist you with planning and booking a group or private tour.

In addition to our stand, we also have several of our fantastic guides giving talks this year, so be sure to check them out and give them some support if you’re around at the right time. I think you’ll recognise the first one!

Saturday 13 July
16:30 Avocet Stage
Peter Eeles: British & Irish Butterfly Rarities

Saturday 13 July
16:30 Plover Stage
Oliver Wright: Adventures of a Macro Photographer in Wildlife-rich Bulgaria

Sunday 14 July
13:30 Curlew Stage
Sean Cole & Mike Waller: The Orchids & Other Wildlife of Northwest Eire

A Message from Our Sponsor

Dear UKB members,

I would like to formally introduce myself and to say how happy the entire Greenwings team is to be the site’s main sponsor and to help fund this superb resource and community.

This is the first of a new and regular series of posts that we will be making, and I sincerely hope you will find them of interest.

I started Greenwings with a friend in 2010. As butterfly enthusiasts and active volunteers with our local BC branch we chose butterflies as our main area of focus. Our logo, designed to represent a Green Hairstreak to match the company name, has always been my favourite UK Hairstreak species.

We've been operating butterfly tours ever since and our energy and commitment to continue to offer an ever-increasing range of high-quality guided tours is stronger than ever.

You may like to peruse our current list of tours. It is never a completed project, and new tours are always in development, so it is worth checking frequently for updates.

Best wishes,

Matt Berry
Greenwings founder and director