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Pale Aqua Moth

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2018 7:41 pm
by caveman38
Out with the wife and grandchildren to at Laindon Country Park, Essex. I saw this in a meadow on low cut grass at midday. At first I though it was a piece of plastic that was shaped very muck like a butterfly Called the wife over and she authenticated it was indeed a butterfly / moth. Unfortunately I had no time to take a photo as the littleuns' are 1 & 4 and needed close attention. When we crouched for closer inspection it flew off. I found this picture on line and the colouring and markings are spot on. I cannot vouch for the 2 pairs of wings or antennae but the size as it appears in the image is accurate (medium sized)
Assuming I can post images and not photos and moths as well as butterflies. Can anyone ID it please. BTW I am as you already realise a newbie.

Re: Pale Aqua Moth

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2018 7:47 pm
by Matsukaze
It is indeed a moth - Small Emerald Hemistola chrysoprasinaria.

Re: Pale Aqua Moth

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2018 7:51 pm
by caveman38
Thanks for the quick reply. Amazing how easy it is find species on the internet when you google using "emerald" and not "pale aqua" which is how it appeared to me.