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Norfolk Graylings

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2018 4:22 pm
by John W

I am thinking going up to Norfolk at the end of this month to look for Graylings.

Is Winterton Dunes Nature Reserve a good site? And will they still be around and in good condition by the end of July?

Any other info on Norfolk Graylings gratefully received.

John W

Re: Norfolk Graylings

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2018 11:11 pm
by Essex Bertie
Winterton Dunes very good. I've seen the first ones in previous years when the Dark-green Fritillaries are at their peak, which is probably about now from what I've heard. So the end of this month should be good for Grayling.

The Norfolk branch website says their typical season is early July to mid-September.

Re: Norfolk Graylings

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2018 11:30 pm
by John W
Essex Bertie wrote:Winterton Dunes very good. I've seen the first ones in previous years when the Dark-green Fritillaries are at their peak, which is probably about now from what I've heard. So the end of this month should be good for Grayling.

The Norfolk branch website says their typical season is early July to mid-September.
Thanks for the confirmation that Winterton is a good site.

John W