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Personal Diary entries

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2018 7:12 pm
by Pete Eeles
Hi all,

After discussion with some of you, there is a general feeling that the personal diary entries are not as visible as they could be. The root cause seems to be the way that personal diary updates are shown on the home page, and in the “recent” page. Specifically, comments to personal diary entries are given the same priority as the diary entries themselves and would mislead visitors into believing that a new diary entry had been posted, when it hadn’t. This problem was magnified when a member commented on a number of different diaries, with potentially legitimate diary entries being “lost” in favour of comments.

Given the amount of effort that members put into their diaries, I’ve changed the listings for personal diary entries to ONLY recognise posts by the diary owner. This does not affect the forum itself, where you can still use the “Show Unread Posts” link which will include comments on personal diaries, since they are just a post like anything else. I didn’t want to completely prevent comments to diary entries, so will see if this helps improve things by recognising the significant amount of effort people put into their diary.

Thoughts and comments welcome!


- Pete

Re: Personal Diary entries

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2018 7:36 pm
by Mark Colvin
Pete Eeles wrote:Given the amount of effort that members put into their diaries, I’ve changed the listings for personal diary entries to ONLY recognise posts by the diary owner.
An excellent idea.

Let's hope this improves the situation ...

Re: Personal Diary entries

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2018 10:15 am
by Pete Eeles
Thanks Mark. Another refinement is that we now only show the most recent diary entry from any given member, so that prolific posters don't swamp the listing :)


- Pete

Re: Personal Diary entries

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2018 4:17 pm
by David M
Yes, this makes perfect sense and will prove very helpful.

Thanks, Pete.