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Heath or Provencal Fritillary

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2018 6:22 pm
by acclivity
I had listed this butterfly seen in the Cevennes, France, in the 2nd half of May, as Heath Fritillary. But after reading notes from David M, I am wondering if it is the Provencal Fritillary.

Any thoughts / pointers?

Re: Heath or Provencal Fritillary

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2018 6:30 pm
by David M
Yes, I think it is a male Provençal Fritillary.

Heaths hadn't emerged in the Pyrenees by 30th May (at least we hadn't seen any) and the lighter black markings on the upperwings suggest deione.

What does it for me though is the clearly orange-ish underside to the palp in your first image.

I will concede if Roger or Guy overrules me I should point out!

Re: Heath or Provencal Fritillary

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2018 2:28 pm
by acclivity
Thank you David

That orange colouration to the palps does look significant.

Re: Heath or Provencal Fritillary

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2018 3:08 pm
by Roger Gibbons
I agree with David. There are several pointers in addition to the orange palpi.

Nice to have an upperside and an underside to go on.


Re: Heath or Provencal Fritillary

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2018 7:05 pm
by Padfield
I agree too, subject to all the usual caveats about Melitaea. So no need to make any concessions, David! :D


Re: Heath or Provencal Fritillary

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2018 10:22 pm
by David M
Padfield wrote:...So no need to make any concessions, David!
What a relief!

I suppose seeing 200+ deione a fortnight ago in the absence of any athalia made me unduly confident! :) :)