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blocked without prior explanation

Posted: Thu May 17, 2018 11:38 am
by sonomoha
Hello all,
I know I am not frequently posting around the forum since I came in but still when I have a moment I read something now and then.
This post is about a very sensitive matter from the feared social network. I apologise to all in advance if it does not fit in the forum.
Here here. I find it generally tough to get in "naturalist" groups when you are a so-called minority. For whatever reason, it has been really tough to get involved in such groups. But recently, something of the weirdest happened as I was in this facebook group ( It should be the place for butterfly lovers of Somerset and Bristol to meet and share. I live in Bristol myself and I though it would be a good idea to join in. I was in then already out and blocked by the group admins to not to access the group at all. I could no longer see the group. I asked one of the big guys there about this (name is Nigel Cottle) but he ignored the request and blocked my messages as well. I later tried to confront him on a wildlife group we were both in, he went ahead and totally blocked me. For what exactly? I still don't know and I must say that even though this happened in June 2017, it came back again as I was following a link to this group from my local branch on Facebook. As I see my block and exclusion quite unfair and unjustified (no information whatsoever), what would you advice I do ? To me, without explanation given, this looked like the usual and unfortunate bias towards minorities in the naturalists/environmentalists groups and societies. I experienced this a lot but now maybe it's not something I should let go of forever, especially when my interest in conservation is genuine and I would really like to be involved locally.
Oh well, thank you I guess for reading through this rant. Apologies again if it did not fit here. If so, please do not block my account, I will improve my post (-:

Re: blocked without prior explanation

Posted: Thu May 17, 2018 2:01 pm
by Pete Eeles
For what it's worth, I think that it is only courteous to let someone know WHY they have been banned from a forum. I've only had to ban 2 people over the years, and they both know why :)


- Pete

Re: blocked without prior explanation

Posted: Thu May 17, 2018 2:20 pm
by sonomoha
Well, no explanation at all for me and the person in charge even blocked my messages. This happened about June 2017. From what I read in the meantime, it is my understanding that the environmentalists/naturalists groups and societies are no stranger to bias and acts of bigotry. To be blocked with no (apparent) reason from contributing to a conservation group is quite the shock for me and it is definitely not my idea of what conservation is for.
I would like some advice as how to approach my local branch regarding this matter (Somerset and Bristol branch), since they are with this Facebook group.

Re: blocked without prior explanation

Posted: Thu May 17, 2018 3:02 pm
by CallumMac
Hi sonomoha. Really sorry to hear you've had this nasty experience - it saddens me because it runs completely counter to my own experience of butterfly enthusiasts, which is that we are generally a very friendly and inclusive bunch (not like the birders at all!). I've just had a quick look at the Facebook group in question, and it appears that there is no longer anybody called Nigel Cottle in the group. However, one of the current administrators is a chap called Simon Phelps. Simon is an employee of BC - Conservation Officer on the All the Moor Butterflies project - and is a nice guy. If you get in touch with him and explain the situation, I'd sincerely hope he will unblock you and allow you to re-join the group.

Re: blocked without prior explanation

Posted: Thu May 17, 2018 4:06 pm
by Padfield
I find this inexplicable. I don't use social media and to be honest don't know what a Facebook 'group' is; but if you are really being blocked for who you are, rather than something offensive you have said or done, it strikes me as not merely scandalous but probably illegal.

As an administrator on UK Butterflies, I do summarily delete users if they are evidently spamsters or bots (being an hour ahead of the UK, I occasionally delete advertisements for female escorts or work-from-home opportunities before most of you are having your breakfast). Is it possible your identity has been compromised and you have been blacklisted for something that has nothing to do with you?


Re: blocked without prior explanation

Posted: Fri May 18, 2018 3:36 pm
by sonomoha
CallumMac wrote:Hi sonomoha. Really sorry to hear you've had this nasty experience - it saddens me because it runs completely counter to my own experience of butterfly enthusiasts, which is that we are generally a very friendly and inclusive bunch (not like the birders at all!). I've just had a quick look at the Facebook group in question, and it appears that there is no longer anybody called Nigel Cottle in the group. However, one of the current administrators is a chap called Simon Phelps. Simon is an employee of BC - Conservation Officer on the All the Moor Butterflies project - and is a nice guy. If you get in touch with him and explain the situation, I'd sincerely hope he will unblock you and allow you to re-join the group.
Thank you very much CallumMac :D though I do know few birdies that would be happy to take you places in Piedmont/Sicily if you happen in Italy :lol: :lol:
I just contacted Mr Phelps now. Fingers crossed. To be honest, I would not expect it to be such a hardship to enter a local naturalist group and the whole thing really scared me away from many walks/meet-ups and such. That's how disappointed I was after that experience.

Re: blocked without prior explanation

Posted: Fri May 18, 2018 3:48 pm
by sonomoha
Padfield wrote:I find this inexplicable. I don't use social media and to be honest don't know what a Facebook 'group' is; but if you are really being blocked for who you are, rather than something offensive you have said or done, it strikes me as not merely scandalous but probably illegal.
Hello Guy,
I have preferred to think of it as genuine mistake for a while, although the bad feeling about it was still there. So after I did some research and read a lot in the meantime, it is my understanding exclusion and discrimination are quite the norm within the environmental awareness circles/societies, for whatever reason (bigotry, ignorance...). Just when I brought this situation for an open discussion, an acquaintance of mine (female freelance environmentalist) took me to the example of the BBC's 6 world class wildlife cameramen that happen to be all-white-male, just as nearly the entire BBC Wildlife staff. I was "relieved" in a way to see I am all alone but it also disturbs me to see it happening in local groups, in my area. cheers.

Re: blocked without prior explanation

Posted: Fri May 18, 2018 6:35 pm
by sonomoha
CallumMac wrote:Hi sonomoha. Really sorry to hear you've had this nasty experience - it saddens me because it runs completely counter to my own experience of butterfly enthusiasts, which is that we are generally a very friendly and inclusive bunch (not like the birders at all!). I've just had a quick look at the Facebook group in question, and it appears that there is no longer anybody called Nigel Cottle in the group. However, one of the current administrators is a chap called Simon Phelps. Simon is an employee of BC - Conservation Officer on the All the Moor Butterflies project - and is a nice guy. If you get in touch with him and explain the situation, I'd sincerely hope he will unblock you and allow you to re-join the group.
After I contacted the new admin, I was unblocked and re-instated to the group.
Thank you for your help. It seems Mr Nigel Cotle resign as admin but he still is around. I would not mind he blocking by personal choice but now I see that this same person that did this without any explanation, he is leading many of the BC local walks this year ... Walks.html

confused :?