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Silver-washed Fritillary courtship flight

Posted: Thu May 03, 2018 3:10 pm
by Pete Eeles
Hi all,

Does anyone know if the courtship flight of the Silver-washed Fritillary is unique to this species, or whether it is seen in other species on the continent and elsewhere (e.g. in the Cardinal)? I'm in the process of writing the species description for my tome on 'Life Cycles of the British and Irish Butterflies' (which is why I may appear to have disappeared off the radar) and need help!


- Pete

Re: Silver-washed Fritillary courtship flight

Posted: Thu May 03, 2018 6:55 pm
by Padfield
Hi Pete. In my experience, the silver-washed courtship flight is unique (and just wonderful to watch). I've never actually seen a male cardinal woo a female (I've seen them pestering female silver-washed fritillaries, who are entirely unmoved by them) but their general flight mode is so different I don't think they could do that elegant looping if they tried. I did once witness a male Queen of Spain get a female. He darted out from his perch as she flew past, seduced her before you could say 'Issoria lathonia' and was getting his way with her within seconds.

Silver-washed fritillaries are not just aristocrats - they are gentlemen.


Re: Silver-washed Fritillary courtship flight

Posted: Fri May 04, 2018 8:37 am
by Pete Eeles
Padfield wrote:Silver-washed fritillaries are not just aristocrats - they are gentlemen.
:lol: Thanks Guy!


- Pete